LPG Latest Price: अब सिर्फ ₹580 में मिलेगा 14.2Kg का LPG सिलेंडर? जानिए नई कीमत और सब्सिडी अपडेट!


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भारत में LPG Price Today उपभोक्ताओं के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय है, क्योंकि LPG Cylinder Price हर महीने बदलता रहता है। अलग-अलग राज्यों और शहरों में LPG Price in India भिन्न हो सकता है, क्योंकि यह कई कारकों पर निर्भर करता है, जैसे कि स्थान, कर, और सब्सिडी। अगर आप Indian Oil LPG Price, HP Gas Price, या Bharat Gas Price की जानकारी चाहते हैं, तो आपको आधिकारिक वेबसाइट या अपने नजदीकी गैस डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर से संपर्क करना चाहिए।


LPG Gas Price Today में बदलाव सरकार की नीतियों, अंतरराष्ट्रीय बाजार में कच्चे तेल की कीमत, और सब्सिडी नीतियों पर निर्भर करता है। यदि आप LPG Price Today Bihar या किसी अन्य राज्य के Current LPG Gas Price के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं, तो LPG Gas Price List को नियमित रूप से जांचना जरूरी है।

घरेलू उपभोक्ताओं के लिए Domestic LPG की कीमत अलग होती है, जबकि कमर्शियल उपयोग के लिए अलग मूल्य निर्धारित किया जाता है। इसलिए, किसी भी नए अपडेट या संशोधन के लिए LPG Latest Price पर नजर बनाए रखें और सटीक जानकारी के लिए अपने तेल विपणन कंपनी (OMC) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।

Today Ipl Cylinder Price in India

Actually, we are talking about that cylinder, in which gas is visible and it is also lighter than the heavy cylinder of 14.2 kg gas. Although a 14.2 kg gas cylinder is currently available in Delhi for Rs 899.50, but composite cylinders can be filled for just Rs 633.50. At the same time, LPG composite cylinder with 5 kg gas will be refilled for only Rs 502. 

LPG Gas Cylinder Price

In New Delhi, a 14.2 kilogram LPG Gas Cylinder Price will set you back Rs.1,053.00 right now. Gas prices are unchanged from the prior month. The LPG Gas Cylinder Price follows changes in the cost of crude oil on international markets. As a result, if the price of crude oil goes up, the LPG Gas Cylinder Price will go up as well.

LPG Latest Price today in Delhi

LPG Gas Cylinder Price in Delhi today without subsidy Rs.1053.00
LPG Gas Cylinder Price in Delhi today with subsidy Rs.1053.00
Highest in FY 2022 From July to December 2022, Rs.1053
Lowest in FY 2022 In April 2022, Rs.949.50

LPG Gas Cylinder Price in india

The LPG Gas Cylinder Price in India is set by state-owned oil marketing firms. LPG Gas Cylinder Prices in New Delhi are currently at Rs 1,053.00, while in Mumbai they are at Rs 1,052.50 due to monthly increases. Almost every residence has a line that runs on liquid petroleum gas (LPG). LPG cylinders are commonly used in the country for cooking.

LPG Gas Cylinder Prices in India are set primarily by two factors: the current value of the rupee against the dollar, and the global benchmark rate. Every family is eligible to get up to 12 cylinders (14.2 kg each) each year at a reduced cost. More cylinders will cost you, but only what the market will bear. The LPG Gas Cylinder Prices in India is set every month based on the global market price at the end of the preceding month.

TimeLine LPG
Current ₹ 979.5
1 Month ₹ 1132.5
3 Months ₹ 1132.5
6 Months ₹ 1082.5
1 Year ₹ 1001.5
City Price Today
New Delhi ₹?899.50
Mumbai ₹899.50
Gurgaon ₹908.50
Bengaluru ₹902.50
Chandigarh ₹909.00
Jaipur ₹903.50
Patna ₹989.50
Kolkata ₹926.00
Chennai ₹915.50
Noida ₹897.50
Bhubaneshwar ₹911.00
Hyderabad ₹952.00
Lucknow ₹937.50
Trivandrum ₹909.00

Current LPG Gas Price List for 14.2 KG Cylinder

06-Jul-22 14.2 Kg Domestic Cylinder ₹ 1137.2
06-Jul-22 19 Kg Commercial Cylinder ₹ 2263.6
06-Jul-22 47.5 Kg Cylinder ₹ 5710.0
06-Jul-22 5 Kg Domestic Cylinder ₹ 417.1
06-Jul-22 5 Kg Non-Domestic ₹ 627.1
06-Jul-22 5 Kg FTL ( Shop – With Cylind) ₹ 1591.0
06-Jul-22 5 Kg FTL Shop – Refill Cost ₹ 640.5
City Price Today
New Delhi ₹?899.50
Mumbai ₹899.50
Gurgaon ₹908.50
Bengaluru ₹902.50
Chandigarh ₹909.00
Jaipur ₹903.50
Patna ₹989.50
Kolkata ₹926.00
Chennai ₹915.50
Noida ₹897.50
Bhubaneshwar ₹911.00
Hyderabad ₹952.00
Lucknow ₹937.50
Trivandrum ₹909.00

Latest rates of different types of LPG cylinders in Delhi?

S.No Product Name Amount(in Rs.)
2 19 Kg LPG Cylinder LOT – Filled 1734
3 5 Kg LPG Cylinder Non Domestic – Filled 483
4 19 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled 1734
5 19 Kg LPG Nanocut Cylinder – Filled 1995
6 47.5 Kg Indane XtraTeJ LPG Cylinder LOT – Filled 4387.5
8 19 Kg Indane XtraTeJ LPG Cylinder – Filled 1756.5
10 5 KG FTL – ND CYLINDER 1427
11 47.5 Kg Indane XtraTeJ LPG Cylinder – Filled 4387.5
12 19 Kg Indane XtraTeJ LPG Cylinder LOT – Filled 1756.5
13 47.5 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled 4331.5
14 47.5 Kg LPG Cylinder LOT – Filled 4331.5
15 14.2 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled Without Subsidy 899.5
16 5 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled Without Subsidy 331
17 5 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled 331
18 14.2 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled 899.5
19 10 KG COMPOSITE LPG CYL – Empty 0
20 10 KG COMPOSITE LPG CYL- Filled 633.5
21 5 Kg COMPOSITE LPG Cylinder FTL – Empty 0
22 5 Kg COMPOSITE LPG Cylinder FTL Tertiary Sale – Refill 502
23 5 Kg COMPOSITE LPG Cylinder FTL Tertiary Sale – Filled 3039
24 425 Kg Indane XtraTeJ LPG Cylinder – Filled 39294
25 425 Kg LPG Cylinder – Filled 38792.5

Source: IOC

One thing to note is that the price of LPG has not come down, but the composite cylinder will get 4 kg less gas than the current cylinder. In the first phase, this composite cylinder is available in 28 cities including Delhi, Banaras, Prayagraj, Faridabad, Gurugram, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Jamshedpur, Patna, Mysore, Ludhiana, Raipur, Ranchi, Ahmedabad.

What is the specialty of composite cylinder

After a journey of nearly 6 decades, gas companies made changes in domestic cylinders. The composite cylinder that has come in the market is 7 kg lighter than the iron cylinder. It has three layers. Let us tell you that the empty cylinder used now is of 17 kg and on filling the gas, it falls a little more than 31 kg. Now 10 kg of composite cylinder will contain only 10 kg of gas.

Current LPG Gas Price List for 14.2 KG Cylinder?

City Price Today
New Delhi ₹?884.50
Mumbai ₹884.50
Gurgaon ₹893.50
Bengaluru ₹887.50
Chandigarh ₹894.00
Jaipur ₹888.50
Patna ₹974.50
Kolkata ₹911.00
Chennai ₹900.50
Noida ₹882.50
Bhubaneshwar ₹886.00
Hyderabad ₹937.00
Lucknow ₹922.50
Trivandrum ₹894.00

lpg price today bihar, lpg price today bihar, lpg price today bihar, LPG Gas Price List, Domestic LPG

What is the latest price of LPG cylinder?

LPG Gas Cylinder Price: In the national capital, a non-subsidised 14.2 kg cylinder will now cost ₹ 899.50 – which was earlier priced at ₹ 884.50 per cylinder

Previous Price of Nonsubsidised 14.2 Kg IndaneGas

Month Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
September 1, 2021 884.50 911.00 884.50 900.50
August 17, 2021 859.50 886.00 859.50 875.50
July 1, 2021 834.50 861.00 834.50 850.50
June 1, 2021 809.00 835.50 809.00 825.00
May 1, 2021 809 835.5 809 825
April 1, 2021 809 835.5 809 825
March 1, 2021 819 845.5 819 835
February 25, 2021 794 820.5 794 810
February 15, 2021 769 795.5 769 785
February 4, 2021 719 745.5 719 735
January 1, 2021 694 720.5 694 710
December 15, 2020 694 720.5 694 710
December 2, 2020 644 670.5 644 660
November 1, 2020 594 620.5 594 610
October 1, 2020 594 620.5 594 610
September 1, 2020 594 620.5 594 610
August 1, 2020 594 621 594 610.5
July 1, 2020 594 620.5 594 610.5
June 1, 2020 593 616 590.5 606.5
May 1, 2020 581.5 584.5 579 569.5
April 1, 2020 744 774.5 714.5 761.5
March 1, 2020 805.5 839.5 776.5 826
February 12, 2020 858.5 896 829.5 881
January 1, 2020 714 747 684.5 734
December 1, 2019 695 725.5 665 714
November 1, 2019 681.5 706 651 696
October 1, 2019 605 630 574.5 620
September 1, 2019 590 616.5 562 606.5
August 1, 2019 574.5 601 546.5 590.5
July 1, 2019 637 662.5 608.5 652.5
June 1, 2019 737.5 763.5 709.5 753
May 1, 2019 712.5 738.5 684.5 728
April 1, 2019 706.5 732.5 678.5 722
March 1, 2019 701.5 727.5 673.5 717
February 1, 2019 659 683 630 673
January 1, 2019 689 714 660 704.5
December 1, 2018 809.5 837 780.5 826.5
November 7, 2018 942.5 971.5 913.5 960
November 1, 2018 939 969.5 912 958
October 1, 2018 879 907 851 896
September 1, 2018 820 849 795 838.5
August 1, 2018 789.5 817.5 764.5 806
July 1, 2018 754 781.5 728.5 770.5
June 1, 2018 698.5 724 671.5 712.5
May 1, 2018 650.5 674 623 663
April 1, 2018 653.5 676 625 663.5
March 1, 2018 689 711.5 661 699.5
February 1, 2018 736 757 708 746
January 1, 2018 741 761 713 750.5
December 1, 2017 747 766 719 756
November 15, 2017 No Change No Change 713.5 No Change
November 1, 2017 742 759.5 718.5 750
October 1, 2017 649 665.5 625 656.5
September 30, 2017 599 618 577.5 609
September 1, 2017 597.5 616.5 576 607
August 1, 2017 524 543 502.5 533
July 11, 2017 No Change No Change 543 No Change
July 1, 2017 564 584 553.5 574
June 1, 2017 552.5 570.5 554 559.5
May 1, 2017 631 650 635 638.5
April 1, 2017 723 742 729.5 731.5
March 1, 2017 737.5 757.5 744.5 746.5
February 1, 2017 651.5 672 656 661
January 1, 2017 585 606 588 594.5
December 1, 2016 584 605.5 587 593.5
November 1, 2016 529.5 551 531 538.5
October 28, 2016 492 513.5 492 501
October 1, 2016 490 512 490 499
September 1, 2016 466.5 491 468 477.5
August 16, 2016 No change No change 489 No change
August 1, 2016 487 514 485 499.5
July 1, 2016 537.5 565.5 537.5 550.5
June 1, 2016 548.5 576.5 547 560
May 17, 2016 No change No change 525 No change
May 1, 2016 527.5 554.5 535 538
April 9, 2016 No Change No Change 516 No Change
April 1, 2016 509.5 536.5 518 521
March 1, 2016 513.5 541 522.5 525.5
February 1, 2016 575 602 585.5 587
January 1, 2016 657.5 686.5 671 671.5
December 9, 2015 608 637.5 620 622.5
December 1, 2015 606.5 636.5 618.5 621
November 1, 2015 545 575 555 559.5
October 1, 2015 517.5 548 526.5 532
September 1, 2015 559.5 593 572.5 577
August 1, 2015 585 619 599 603.5
July 1, 2015 608.5 644 623.5 627.5
June 1, 2015 626.5 661.5 637.5 620
May 1, 2015 616 649 627.5 608.5
April 1, 2015 621 654.5 632 614
March 1, 2015 610 646 624 605.5
February 1, 2015 605 640.5 619 600
January 1, 2015 708.5 746 725.5 705
December 1, 2014 752 791 770.5 749.5
November 1, 2014 865 905 887 863.5
October 23, 2014 883.5 925.5 906 883
October 1, 2014 880 922 902.5 879.5
September 1, 2014 901 945 926.5 902.5
August 1, 2014 920 964.5 947 922
July 1, 2014 922.5 966 949.5 924
June 25, 2014 906 946 933 905
June 1, 2014 905 946 933 905
May 1, 2014 928.5 970 957 928.5
April 1, 2014 980.5 1017.5 1011 981
March 1, 2014 1080.5 1118 1115.5 1081.5
February 1, 2014 1134 1169 1167.5 1132
January 5, 2014 No Change No Change 1273 No Change
January 1, 2014 1241 1270 1264.5 1234
December 11, 2013 1021 1050.5 1038 1014

What is the price of 19 kg gas cylinder?

Indane 19 Kg Non Domestic LPG Cylinder, Price from Rs.1109/unit onwards, specification and features

What is indane gas price today?

The prices are revised every month and stands at Rs.884.50 in New Delhi and Mumbai today. An LPG connection is present in almost every household. LPG cylinders in the country are mainly used for cooking

What is the latest price of LPG cylinder?

Price: NCR LPG gas cylinder, the price of the cylinder of a non-subsidized 14.2-kg now  ₹ 899.50 will  – worth before ₹ 884.50 per cylinder. LPG price of LPG: The price of non-subsidized LPG in Delhi is ₹899.50 per cylinder.

What is the cost of gas?

 Gas refers to the fee , or pricing value , required to successfully transact  or execute a contract  on the Ethereum blockchain platform  .

What is the gas price and gas limit?

The gas limit is the maximum amount of gas  that a user is willing to pay for performing this action or confirming a transaction  (minimum 21,000). Gas price (Gas price) is the amount of Gwei that the user is willing to spend on each unit of gas. The sender sets a limit and a gas price for each transaction.

What is bitcoin gas?

A gas unit  is the smallest type of task to be processed on the Ethereum network  . Validating and confirming transactions on the Ethereum blockchain requires a certain amount of gas depending on the size and type of each transaction.Domestic LPG

What is Binance Gas Fee?

Put another way, the cost of gas is  the amount of work done  , and the price of gas is the price   paid for “each hour” of work . The relationship between these, along with the gas limit, defines the total fee for an operation or transaction.

What is the cylinder rate?

In Bengaluru, the price of non-subsidised LPG for the month of October 2021 is  Rs. 902.50 for a  14.2 kg cylinder  . lpg price today in Bangalore., lpg price today bihar, Domestic LPG, lpg price today bihar lpg price today bihar, LPG Gas Price List, LPG Gas Price List, Domestic LPG, Domestic LPG ,Domestic LPG

Current LPG Gas Price List for 14.2 KG Cylinder

City Price Today
Hyderabad ₹937.00
Lucknow ₹922.50
Trivandrum ₹894.00
What is LPG gas subsidy amount?

The subsidy amount on domestic cylinders depends on the city and it falls in the range between Rs 420 – Rs 465 for a 14.2 kg cylinder. In case of a non-domestic LPG cylinder, the subsidy rates fall between Rs 593 – Rs 605 per cylinder lpg price today bihar

How can I claim LPG subsidy?

1. Choose your LPG service provider and click on ‘Join DBT’.
2. If you don’t have an Aadhaar number, click the other icon to join the DBTL option.
3. Now visit the official website of your preferred LPG provider.
4. A complaint box will open, enter the subsidy status.
5. Now proceed to click on the subsidy related (PAHAL)

What happens if LPG subsidy is not received 2021?

The cylinder has been booked but individuals have not received LPG subsidy. Individuals are advised to wait for a minimum period of 4 days post which they can call the toll free number 18002333555. The customer care representatives will take care of the rest. Updates will be sent to the individual’s mobile number


Sanjeet Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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