(Registration) Ayushman Bharat Scheme 2023: Apply Online?

By Jackson Andrews

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ayushman bharat registration , ayushman bharat card , ayushman bharat yojana , ayushman card download , ayushman card online , Finance Minister Arun Jaitley tweeted that Ayushman Bharat scheme is on the verge of becoming the world’s largest health protection scheme in just 5 months. He wrote a tweet on it. According to him, in a little more than 5 months, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana has progressed on the path of becoming the world’s largest health scheme, under which Ayushman Bharat Golden Cards have been issued to 2.2 crore people and more than 14 lakh patients. The treatment has been done free of cost.


Ayushman Bharat scheme will soon become the world’s largest health protection scheme.

This scheme is being introduced as the world’s largest health protection scheme, under which 60% of the expenditure is borne by the central government and the rest by the respective state government. The benefit of this scheme is given to the families below the poverty line

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Application for Ayushman Bharat.

To take advantage of Ayushman Bharat, you can take your ration card to your nearest Common Service Center and get the benefit of the scheme by applying for this scheme. For this, you have to pay only a small amount of ₹ 30 and in return, the government will provide you free treatment of 5 lakh rupees. ayushman bharat registration, ayushman bharat registration

In another tweet, the Finance Minister tweeted on another scheme in which he has mentioned about the construction of 9.23 crore toilets under the Swachh Bharat Mission. Talking about 2019, now toilet facility has been made available for 98% of the people in the country, whereas it was only 39% in 2014. He informed that 30 states and union territories have become completely open defecation free.

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Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has commented that according to a survey conducted by an independent agency with the help of the World Bank, it has been found that 93.4 percent of the households in rural areas where toilets have been provided. are also being used. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 2 October 2014.

Features of PMJAY?

  1. This scheme is fully supported by the central government and its entire money is given by the center. It is the world’s largest health insurance plan
  2. Under this scheme, treatment facility is available in private and private hospitals of the country which are listed under Ayushman Bharat scheme.
  3. Under this scheme, every family gets free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh every year.
  4. In a year more than 10.74 crore poor and deprived families or about 50 crore beneficiaries can get benefit from this scheme
  5. Under this scheme, 3 days before hospitalization and 15 days after treatment, health treatment and medicines are available free of cost.
  6. No matter how big or small the family is, the benefit of this scheme is given equally.
  7. Under this plan, different pre-existing medical conditions and critical diseases are covered from day one

Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Scheme

 translation: Longeval India Prime Minister’s People’s Health; also referred to as Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Scheme abb. NHPS) is a national public health insurance fund of the Government of India that aims to provide free access to health insurance coverage for low income earners in the country. Roughly, the bottom 50% of the country qualifies for this scheme. People using the program access their own primary care services from a family doctor. When anyone needs additional care, then PM-JAY provides free secondary health care for those needing specialist treatment and tertiary health care for those requiring hospitalization.


Participation by states and union territories

India’s 28 states and 8 union territories each make their own choice about whether to participate in Ayushman Bharat Yojana. In February 2018 when the program was announced 20 states committed to join. In September 2018 shortly after launch some states and territories declined to participate in the program. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu initially declined to join because they each had their own state healthcare programmes. Those programs, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana and the programme for Tamil Nadu, were already functioning well. These states later both joined Ayushman Bharat Yojana with special exceptions to make it part of their existing infrastructure. In a similar way, Kerala, despite having its own health program agreed to begin using Ayushman Bharat Yogana from November 2019. West Bengal initially joined the program but then opted out in favor of establishing their own regional health programme.Telangana did the same. By January 2020 Odisha had not joined the scheme. In March 2020 Delhi announced that it would join the program.


  • ✔️ Before filling up the online Application Form (OAF), the candidates must go through the detailed Advertisement available on the National Health Authority (NHA) website.
  • ✔️ You are satisfied that you possess the Minimum Essential Qualifications stipulated for the positions in the detailed advertisement. Otherwise, submitted application(s) shall be summarily rejected.
  • ✔️ In the event of number of application for a particular position being large, NHA will adopt short-listing criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any or more of the following methods.
  • ✔️ On the basis of Desirable Qualification or any one or all of the Desirable Qualifications if more than one Desirable Qualification is prescribed.
  • ✔️ On the basis of higher educational qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
  • ✔️ On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
  • ✔️ Candidates who do not possess the requisite qualification and experience will not be shortlisted. The prescribed Essential Qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for Interview.

How do I apply for a form online?
1) First go to apply online link (shown below ) , this will open new page for entering Personal Details . After complete all your Personal Details click on save button . 2. An Registration ID and Password is given to applicant for further step.

What is online application?
online application means an application form filled and submitted through electronic mode.

What does work participation rate mean?
Definition: Labour force participation rate is defined as the section of working population in the age group of 16-64 in the economy currently employed or seeking employment. … The participation rate refers to the total number of people or individuals who are currently employed or in search of a job.

What is the labor participation rate today?
61.4% The U.S. labor force participation rate in February 2023, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What are 5 factors that affect the labor force?
Both the demographic composition of the population and the relationship between each demographic factor and labor force participation can change over time.

  • Sex.
  • Birth Cohort.
  • Education.
  • Race and Ethnicity.
  • Disability.
  • Marital Status.Presence of Young Children at Home.

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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✔️ What is the labor participation rate today?

61.4% The U.S. labor force participation rate in February 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

✔️ What does work participation rate mean?

Definition: Labour force participation rate is defined as the section of working population in the age group of 16-64 in the economy currently employed or seeking employment. … The participation rate refers to the total number of people or individuals who are currently employed or in search of a job.

✔️ What is online application?

online application means an application form filled and submitted through electronic mode.

✔️ How do I apply for a form online?

1) First go to apply online link (shown below ) , this will open new page for entering Personal Details . After complete all your Personal Details click on save button . 2. An Registration ID and Password is given to applicant for further step.

✔️ What are 5 factors that affect the labor force?

Image result
Both the demographic composition of the population and the relationship between each demographic factor and labor force participation can change over time.
Birth Cohort.
Race and Ethnicity.
Marital Status.
Presence of Young Children at Home.

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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