[BGMI] Battlegrounds Mobile India Mod APK Download link Now Is Here !

By Jackson Andrews

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pubg mobile apk, pubg apk, pubg mobile lite apk download, pubg mobile apk download, pubg mobile lite apk PUBG – Battlegrounds Mobile India Download Link [APK+OBB] Beta version is now available. pubg mobile india version bgmi download details are here. It is breaking news for PUBG fans that BGMI – Battlegrounds Mobile India Beta version is now available Early Access is now available and fans are scouring the internet to find the Battlegrounds Mobile India download link. On this page, we are going to discuss all the details related to BGMI APK+OBB file download and early access of the Battlegrounds Mobile India Beta version.


The rebranded version of PUBG for India is called BGMI which stands for Battlegrounds Mobile India. The pre-registration for BGMI was started last month and now the early access to download Battlegrounds Mobile India APK has been released. Those who want to download the BGMI app have to follow various steps and the details for the same are given on this page

Battleground Mobile India APK Download Link

Gamers can follow some simple steps to download Battlegrounds Mobile India App APK file. They must first join the beta program of the BGMI app. pubg mobile india release date

  • ✔️ To download apk file, we have listed few procedures on this page. We advise users to follow each step carefully to download Early Access PUBG Mobile India APK file from play store itself.
  • ✔️ As a first step, the user has to visit the OpenBeta testing page of BGMI on the Play Store. If you can’t find the option for the same on Play Stair, you can simply click here.
  • ✔️ After clicking on the link above, you will be taken to the Play Store page where it will ask for your consent to join the Early Access of Battlegrounds Mobile India.
  • ✔️ There you will see a page like given in the image below. Certain terms and conditions will be mentioned as well as a button to leave the program will be available. pubg mobile india release date, pubg mobile apk download, pubg mobile apk download


  • ✔️ In the second option a download link is given as shown in the image above. You can simply click on that link and you will be taken to play store page where Battlegrounds Mobile India APK download button will be available.
  • ✔️ Simply click on the Install button and your BGMI setup file will start downloading.
    How to Install Battlegrounds Mobile India App Beta Version

Once the BGMI APK is downloaded and installed, you will see a button labeled as “Play”

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Your game will start loading and then it will ask for storage permission. Click on the “OK” button to allow PUBG to use the storage.

Battlegrounds Mobile India, the PUBG Mobile replacement, is finally available to play, sort of. The game was available in open beta but only to a limited number of testers. More slots will be added over the course of the day, the company said in a press statement. Battlegrounds Mobile India was announced in the first week of May and went up for pre-registrations on May 18. Since then, fans have been eagerly waiting to play the game.Ignore it : bgmi mod apk,bgmi mod apk,bgmi mod apk,bgmi mod apk,bgmi mod apk

How can I download PUBG in India?

How to Download Battlegrounds Mobile India
  1. Visit Google Play Store on your android smartphone.
  2. Go to search bar and type Battlegrounds Mobile India.
  3. Click on the official game icon by Krafton Inc.
  4. Click on Install.
  5. The official version will be downloaded on your phone

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✔️ Then it will ask “Allow Battlegrounds India to access photos and media in your device?”. Click on the “Allow” button.

✔️ Now it will ask your permission to update the game resources. Click on the “Update Button” and it will start generating the resource.

✔️ Now Battlegrounds Mobile India app will start downloading 618.2 MB resource pack file on your mobile.

✔️ Once the update is complete, the BGMI app will ask you to restart the app.

✔️ Now the BGMI app will ask you to accept their privacy policy. Click the Accept button.

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  • ✔️ Now you will reach the login page. Choose your preferred method to enter the game.

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  • ✔️ Click on login and accept the terms. You will be taken to the login page and then click on continue., pubg mobile lite apk, pubg mobile lite apk, pubg mobile lite apk, pubg mobile lite apk

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You have now successfully logged in to the Battlegrounds Mobile India app.

  • ✔️  Now your resource pack is downloaded and you can start downloading the different maps available in different game modes like (Classic / Arena / Arcade etc.).
Battlegrounds Mobile India Download link
Game NameBattlegrounds Mobile India
PUBG India Release Date2025
Official SiteClick Here
Play Store LinkClick Here
Battlegrounds Mobile India APKClick Here
Battlegrounds Mobile India APK OBB File Android 9 APk Click Here

Now you are all set to play the Indian version of PUBG Mobile on your phone .

Battlegrounds Mobile India APK+ OBB File Download

  • ✔️ You can download BGMI APK +OBB from external sources also. We have provided the links to download Battlegrounds Mobile India APK+OBB file on this page. If you are not able to find in play store then you can easily download the app from these links.
  • ✔️ We hope that we have provided you with valuable information about how you can download and install Battlegrounds Mobile India Beta Version on your device. We have also provided you direct download links for APK and OBB files

Is Battlegrounds Mobile India the same as PUBG?

Called Battlegrounds Mobile India, the game is aimed at players living in India. … Batlground Mobile India is essentially PUBG mobile, and no denial of the fact (pubg mobile download) is not, even though Crofton not want to compare the two games.

Can I download Battlegrounds Mobile India?

Battlegrounds Mobile India is available for beta testers to pre-register on the Google Play Store. According to the Google Play description, players will be able to opt-out of beta testing and download the public version once it becomes available. pubg mobile india release date, pubg mobile india release date

Is PUBG Available on Play Store in India?

  • ✔️ PUBG Mobile is back in India and now available on Play Store, more or less – technology news

When will Battleground Mobile India release?
Battlegrounds Mobile India will be free to play like PUBG Mobile India and will donate an exclusive e-sports eco-system and(pubg mobile download)exclusive in-game eventsfor Indian users only. According to rumours, the release date of Battlegrounds Mobile India is set for June 18

Why is pubg banned in India?
These apps were banned by the Center under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, as these apps were indulging in activities detrimental to the sovereignty and integrity, defense and security of the country. In June 2020, India banned 47 Chinese apps which were clones of 59 Chinese apps

Is Battlegrounds Mobile India banned in India?
The ministry clarified that it cannot stop the game from launching in India. However, it may impose a ban on the game after its commencement under the provisions of Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Who built the battlefield of Mobile India?
Battlegrounds Mobile India, the Indian version of the popular battle royale game PUBG Mobile, has been re-introduced in India. South Korean company Crafton made Battlegrounds Mobile India available to beta testers on June 17.

Why is Battleground Mobile India not available?
The South Korean company, PUBG Mobile, was banned back in September 2020, when the Indian government discovered links to the game from China, and therefore a potential threat to Indian users.

Will Battlegrounds Mobile India be available on iOS?
Battlegrounds Mobile India for iOS Users

Crafton has updated its fans about releasing the game for iOS users. Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registration is not yet available for iOS users

Is Battleground Mobile India same as PUBG?

Called Battlegrounds Mobile India, the game is meant for players residing in India. … Battlegrounds Mobile India is essentially PUBG Mobile, and there is no denying the fact, even though Krafton does not want you to compare the two games

Can I download battleground Mobile India?
Battlegrounds Mobile India is available for pre-registration on the Google Play Store for Beta Testers. According to the Google Play description, players will be able to opt-out of the Beta testing and download the public version once it is available

Is PUBG available on Play Store in India?
PUBG Mobile is back in India and now available on Play store, kinda more or less – Technology News

When the battleground Mobile India will release?
Battlegrounds Mobile India will be free to play like PUBG Mobile India and will be donning a special esports eco-system and exclusive in-game events only for Indian users. As per rumours, the Battleground Mobile India release date is slated for June 18

Why PUBG is banned in India?
These apps were banned under section 69A of the Information Technology Act by the Centre citing these apps were engaged in activities that were prejudicial ( pubg mobile download ) to sovereignty and integrity, defence and security of the country. In June 2020, India had banned 47 Chinese apps which were clones of 59 Chinese apps

Is Battleground Mobile India banned in India?
The ministry clarified that it can’t stop the game from launching in India. However, it can ban the game, once it is launched under the provisions of section 69A of the Informations Technology Act, 2000

Who made battlegrounds Mobile India?
Battlegrounds Mobile India, the Indian version of the popular battle royale game PUBG Mobile, has been re-introduced in India. Krafton, the South Korean firm that owns it, had made Battlegrounds Mobile India accessible to beta testers on June 17

Why battlegrounds Mobile India is not available?

  • ✔️ South Korean company, PUBG Mobile was banned back in September 2020 after the Indian government discovered the game’s links to China, and therefore a potential threat to Indian users.
  • ✔️ Will Battlegrounds Mobile India be available on iOS?
    Battlegrounds Mobile India for iOS Users
  • ✔️ Krafton has updated its fans about releasing the game for iOS users. The Pre-Registration of Battlegrounds Mobile India is not available for iOS users right now pubg mobile download, pubg apk

How can I download PUBG in India?

How to Download Battlegrounds Mobile India
  1. Visit Google Play Store on your android smartphone.
  2. Go to search bar and type Battlegrounds Mobile India.
  3. Click on the official game icon by Krafton Inc.
  4. Click on Install.
  5. The official version will be downloaded on your phone

How do I download obb in PUBG?

How to download Battlegrounds Mobile India on Android?
  1. Download and extract the APK and OBB files.
  2. Once this is done, locate them on your device.
  3. Click on the APK file to begin the installation process. …
  4. The OBB file, on the other hand, has to be copied to the following location: Android > OBB > com.pubg.mobile

What is obb file?

obb file is an expansion file used by some Android apps distributed using the Google Play store. It contains data not stored in the application’s main package (. APK file), such as graphics, media files, and other large program assets. For example, a game such as Free Fire has a 20 MB

How can I download Battleground Mobile India APK OBB?

How to download Battlegrounds Mobile India on Android?
  1. Download and extract the APK and OBB files.
  2. Once this is done, locate them on your device.
  3. Click on the APK file to begin the installation process.
  4. The OBB file, on the other hand, has to be copied to the following location: Android > OBB > com.pubg.imobile

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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How can I get PUBG mobile in India?

You can register for PUBG Mobile India in India now.

How to Pre-book Battlegrounds Mobile India
Battlegrounds Mobile India Pre-registration will start on 18th May 2021.
The registration process is not clear yet. …
The players will have to visit the Google play store and search for Battleground Mobile India – BGMI

Can I install PUBG in India?

The PUBG Mobile Global APK can be downloaded via the official website, which is inaccessible in India. However, one can access the website and download the APK file after accessing the same via a VPN app. We could also download the global version using several other app stores

Is Battleground Mobile India is PUBG?

Battlegrounds Mobile India is the India-specific iteration of popular battle royale title PUBG Mobile, which China’s Tencent had developed on Karfton’s behalf. Indian government had banned the latter in September last year over security concerns in the face of rising tensions with China

Is Midasbuy official PUBG?

Yes ! Midasbuy is a trusted source to do in-game-purchases in PUBG it is certified by PUBG Corporation also

How can I play PUBG without VPN?

After downloading the PUBG Mobile Global Version APK which is about in size around 600MB. Then install the APK from the file manager. After installing open the game and allow storage permission to it. And then it will start downloading its PAK files about 800 MB

How can I play PUBG without phone?

Open the emulator, in the search bar look for PUBG Mobile > download and install the game > Now the installed game will be available in the My Games section of the emulator. PUBG is now available on PC,enjoy the game

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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