Bihar Corona Sahayata App,बिहार के लोगो को फिर से मिलेगा कोरोना सहायता 1000 रु

By John Schmidt

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Bihar Corona Sahayata App, बिहार कोरोना सहायता ऐप कैसे डाउनलोड करें, बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप मैं कैसे रजिस्टर करें

Bihar Corona Sahayata App To combat the COVID-19 crises in the state, Bihar released बिहार कोरोना सहायता App and to help the citizens who are in need during the ongoing lockdown, Bihar Government decided to provide Bihar Corona Sahayata to all the affected people of the state. To avail the benefit, citizens have to download the Bihar Corona Sahayata App APK file from here. बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप Correction in Corona Sahayata Registration Details


Under this initiative, Bihar Citizens who are trapped outside the state will be provided with an assistance of Rs.1000/- by the State Government. In this article, we have mentioned Bihar Corona Sahayata App download link, how to install and take help from बिहार कोरोना सहायता App.

इस विडियो को देखे पूरा जानकारी के लिए 

इसे भी देखें– Jharkhand Corona Sahayata App Download लिंक

Bihar Corona Assistance APK application is a mobile application developed by the state government for all the people of Bihar struck in other states due to lockdown and do not have enough finance to survive. These people will be identified through बिहार कोरोना सहायता App and will be sent assistance in the form of money transfer. Only the resident of Bihar will be benefited through Bihar Corona Sahayata of the state government and this is the reason they are required to provide a copy of their Aadhaar card.

Bihar Corona Sahayata App 2022

बिहार सरकार कोविद 19 लॉकडाउन के कारण राज्य के बाहर फंसे बिहार के लोगों को 1000 / – रुपये की सहायता प्रदान कर रही है। यह सहायता राज्य सरकार द्वारा आपदा प्रबंधन विभाग, बिहार सरकार के माध्यम से प्रदान किया जा रही है। लाभ उठाने के लिए, लोगों को अपने मोबाइल फोन पर “बिहार कोरोना सहायता ऐप” डाउनलोड करना होगा। बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप


Due to lockdown in the country, a number of citizens are struck at various locations outside the state of Bihar. To help these people in this tough time, Bihar government has decided to provide them a monetary benefit of Rs.1000/-. To get this benefit, prospective beneficiaries have to install a mobile application on their phones.  

All those people who are outside the state of Bihar are required to download the mobile application called as “Bihar Corona Tatkal Support Mobile App”. Corona Sahayata mobile application was released on 5th April 2022 by the State Government. This mobile application can be installed on android phones from the official portal of Disaster Management Department, Government of Bihar. However, the Bihar Corona Sahayata direct link is also shared on this page. Therefore, people can download it from the links provided.

मुख्यमंत्री राहत कोष , बिहार से आपदा प्रबंधन विभाग , बिहार पटना के माध्यम से मुख्यमंत्री विशेष सहायता अन्तर्गत बिहार से बाहर फसे लोगो को सहायता राशि रु.1000/ – दी जाएगी | इसे प्राप्त करने हेतू यहाँ क्लिक कर मोबाइल ऍप कोरोना सहायता बिहार[Bihar Corona Sahayata] डाउनलोड करे तथा अपने बारे में सूचना अंकित करें |
शीर्षक विवरण Start Date End Date फ़ाइल
मुख्यमंत्री राहत कोष , बिहार से आपदा प्रबंधन विभाग , बिहार पटना के माध्यम से मुख्यमंत्री विशेष सहायता अन्तर्गत बिहार से बाहर फसे लोगो को सहायता राशि रु.1000/ – दी जाएगी | इसे प्राप्त करने हेतू यहाँ क्लिक कर मोबाइल ऍप कोरोना सहायता बिहार[Bihar Corona Sahayata] डाउनलोड करे तथा अपने बारे में सूचना अंकित करें |   05/04/2022 31/05/2022 देखें (78 KB) 

Correction in Corona Sahayata Registration Details

Also Read: Vidhwa Pension Yojana List

Here we have shared all the information regarding Bihar Corona Sahayata Application you need to know.   

Bihar Corona Sahayat App- An Overview

Name of the App   Bihar Corona Sahayata
State   Bihar
Application Type Mobile Application
Date of Release 5th April 2022
Concerned Department Disaster Management Department, Government of Bihar
Beneficiary People trapped outside Bihar
Assistance Provided Rs.1000/-
Disaster Management Dept. Website

Who can be the Beneficiary of Bihar Corona Assistance?  

Bihar Corona Sahayata is meant only for the resident of Bihar and are presently outside the state due to the Corona pandemic. Apart from this, benefit will not be provided to any other person.

इस सहायता का लाभ केवल उन लोगों को दिया जाता है जो बिहार के निवासी हैं और कोरोना के कारण राज्य से बाहर हैं। इस पहल के तहत राशि लाभार्थी के बैंक खाते में सीधे हस्तांतरित की जाएगी। इसके लिए लाभार्थी को बिहार कोरोना सहायता ऐप पर अपनी आधार प्रति, मोबाइल नंबर और बैंक विवरण प्रदान करना होगा।

इस विडियो को देखे पूरा जानकारी के लिए

Documents Required बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप

Bihar residents who wishes to avail of the benefit of Corona Assistance needs to install the Tatkal mobile application on their phones. For registration, they are required to provide the following documents-

  • Aadhaar card copy of the beneficiary (photograph should be clearly visible)
  • Beneficiary bank account number that is in the branch of the bank located in Bihar State.
  • Photograph (selfie) of the beneficiary. 

Beneficiaries will get the money directly in their bank accounts therefore they must ensure that the bank details they have furnished in the mobile application register is accurate.   


Salient Features of Bihar Corona Sahayata Application?

  • There will be only one registration on one Adhaar Number and one mobile No. An Aadhaar and mobile number used once cannot be used for registration again. Correction in Corona Sahayata Registration Details
  • The photograph or selfie uploaded for registration should be clear and should match with the photograph on Aadhaar card.
  • The OTP for verification during Bihar Corona Sahayata app registration will be sent on the user’s mobile number. Therefore, one has to provide the number that is with the beneficiary so that he/she can immediately provide the OTP for verification.
  • The बिहार कोरोना सहायता will be sent only to the bank account of the users.
  • Applicants should fill authentic details at the time of registration.
  • The photograph and Aadhaar copy should be uploaded properly and documents should be clear enough. Correction in Corona Sahayata Registration Details


In case of any technical guidance related to the mobile application, users can contact at [email protected] or visit the official portal. You can also contact at the contact number concerned person shared below-

Contact No.- 0612-2294204, 0612-2294205

Krishna 8789410978 
Abhinav 7667426822
Raj 9534547098 
Adarsh 8292825106
Indrajit 8986294256
Shubham 8271226204
Shamshad 9310898241
Vineet 8969762669
Amit 96317454 
Shamsher Alam 7903890308
Shwetabh 7903972547 
Anuj 8010970256

How to Register for Bihar Corona Sahayata Assistance?

As it is clear that to avail the benefit people who are outside the state are required to install the application and to access the application, they must be aware of it. Check the step-by-step process to install Bihar Corona Sahayata and access the app shared as under-

  • Visit the official portal

You have to begin by visiting the portal of Bihar Disaster Management Department. The link of the portal is

  • Application Link

On the homepage of the portal, you have to click on “Bihar Corona Tatkal Support Mobile App” tab.

Correction in Corona Sahayata Registration Details

Bihar Corona Sahayata App

  • Install the application

Now, you have to install the application your mobile and launch the app.

बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप

  • Proceed to Registration

Now, on the homepage, click on “Proceed to Registration” i.e. “पंजीकरण के लिए आगे बढ़ें” tab.  बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप 

बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप Bihar Corona Sahayata App

  • Fill Details

You have to fill your name, gender, father name, gram panchayat name and Aadhaar no. Verify the Aadhaar No.  

Bihar Corona Sahayata App

  • Fill other details

Now, provide your number, current state detail, bank details correctly.

  • Upload documents

After filling the details, you have to upload the picture of your Aadhaar copy and your selfie as per the instruction prescribed. Click on Registration tab.

  • Mark the declaration

A declaration box will appear. Mark the declaration and click on “Verify” tab.

बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप

  • Registration Completes

If the all the details entered in the form will be authentic, registration process will complete. After that the amount of benefit will be sent to your bank account. Once the amount will be transferred you will receive an SMS on your mobile no. and you can withdraw the money for your use.

Also Check- Pm kisan Portal , से हट गया जाने अब कैसे चेक होगा पीएम किसान स्टेटस ?

बिहार कोरोना सहायत ऐप के लिए पंजीकरण करने के लिए दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करें-
  • सर्वप्रथम पर जाएं।
  • बिहार कोरोना तत्काल  सहायता ऐप लिंक पर क्लिक करें
  • एप्लिकेशन इंस्टॉल करें
  • अब “पंजीकरण के लिए आगे बढ़ें” लिंक पर क्लिक करें
  • अब दिए गए स्थान में सभी आवश्यक विवरण भरें
  • अपनी Aadhaar copy और अपनी selfie अपलोड करें और आगे बढ़ें

Download Bihar Corona Sahayata App –Click Here

How to make Correction in Corona Sahayata App Details?

In case, any beneficiary has submitted wrong information in the mobile application at the time of registration they can also make correction in it. Correction in data can be made using the sahayata app. For that users need to follow the simple steps shared below-

बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप Bihar Corona Sahayata App

  • Open Bihar Corona Assistance App on your mobile phone.
  • On the homepage, click on “Correction in registration data” i.e. “पंजीकरण डेटा में सुधार” option.
  • Make necessary correction in the data.
  • Proceed to submit and new data will be saved.

Frequently Asked QuestionsBihar Corona Sahayata

I am from Bihar but currently I am in Maharashtra, can I get the benefit?

Yes, a resident of Bihar trapped in any state outside Bihar is eligible for this benefit?

From where can I download the Bihar Corona Mobile APK application?

You can download it from

How much amount will I get under this relief?

You will receive an assistance of Rs.1000/-.


How can I avail the Bihar Corona Sahayata benefit?

To avail the benefit either you have to call the helpline numbers provided by the Bihar government or you can register through the Sahayata Application.

Is it compulsory to install the application?

Yes, in order to get the benefit, you must download the mobile application.

I am not able to download the application on my mobile?

In this case, you can contact at the numbers provided by the authority (mentioned above in this artcile).

Is it compulsory to upload a copy of Aadhaar?

Yes, without Aadhaar you will not be eligible to get the benefit. I am not a resident of Bihar, but works in Bihar; Can I avail the benefit? No, only the resident of Bihar who are not able to come back and facing issues due to lockdown are eligible. Can I register Bihar Corona Sahayata for two people with a single mobile no? No, only one registration is possible with a mobile no. and Aadhaar no. I have made some mistake in my registration data, can I correct it? Yes, using the mobile application you can make necessary correction in the registration data. How will I get the money from Bihar Corona Sahayata App? The money will be transferred to your bank account directly by the concerned authority.

नोट :- आज के इस आर्टिकल में अपने mee bhoomi online portal , meebhoomi AP Portal , bhumi jankari , mee bhumi land record , Ap land record इत्यादि के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त की है । करोना सहायता

नोट :- ऐसे ही आर्टिकल हम रोजाना अपनी वेबसाइट के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारी वेबसाइट को फॉलो जरूर करें ।

अगर यह आर्टिकल आपको पसंद आया है तो इसे लाइक और शेयर करना ना भूले ।

इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद….

Posted by Sanjit Gupta

बिहार करोना सहायता ऐप Bihar Corona Sahayata App

How will I get the money from Bihar Corona Sahayata App?

The money will be transferred to your bank account directly by the concerned authority.

How can I avail the Bihar Corona Sahayata benefit?

To avail the benefit either you have to call the helpline numbers provided by the Bihar government or you can register through the Sahayata Application.

Frequently Asked QuestionsBihar Corona Sahayata

I am from Bihar but currently I am in Maharashtra, can I get the benefit?

Yes, a resident of Bihar trapped in any state outside Bihar is eligible for this benefit?

From where can I download the Bihar Corona Mobile APK application?
You can download it from
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John Schmidt

John Schmidt is a seasoned professional in the field of online media and news publication. With a career spanning over a decade, he has made significant contributions to the world of digital journalism. John began his journey at, one of the world's leading business and financial news websites. During…

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