Bihar Free Laptop Yojana 2025: Apply Online – बिहार फ्री लैपटॉप योजना 2025

By Jackson Andrews

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Bihar Free Laptop Yojana 2025: Hello friend, all of you are welcome in this article today, through this article every one of you will tell who has completed Inter and Matriculation evaluation in 2025 by Bihar School Evaluation Advisory Group and They are ready for the next session following meeting. News for Bihar Free Laptop Online Laptop Yojana Bihar Sarkar 


Bihar Free Laptop Yojana 2025 Online Registration: Relief news has come out for all of you by the Bihar Public Authority that a large number of students and students from Bihar Board are getting the benefit of this scheme for free under the free PC scheme by the Bihar Board. PCs are given. As a matter of some importance, read our article carefully and read the total syllabus of the online application for this scheme.


When will the Bihar Free Laptop Scheme start?

Bihar Free Laptop Yojana 2025: As you, all know that the UP government started the free laptop scheme, after which the students of every state accept that when the free laptop scheme will start in Bihar, each one of you will get you Let us tell you that now the free laptop scheme has been started in Bihar too, if you also want to get a laptop from Bihar board for free under the free PC conspiracy, then definitely see this article of ours till the last.

Bihar Free Laptop Yojana, after which all of you will get the most important information that how you will register online for all the free laptop schemes and from where, we are going to tell you all the information through this article so that all of you pay attention. Register online for the free laptop scheme by looking carefully.

Objective of Bihar Laptop Yojana

The main objective of this scheme is to provide laptops to the students of the state. Students will be provided financial assistance of ₹ 25000 through this scheme to buy laptops. This scheme will encourage the students to get education. Apart from this, through this Bihar Laptop Yojana 2025 , students of the state will be able to get digital education. Students will also be able to get various types of online training from the laptops received through Bihar Laptop Yojana. This scheme will also prove effective in improving the standard of living of the students of the state. Apart from this, the students of the state will also become strong and self-reliant through this scheme


Laptop Yojana Bihar Sarkar  Highlights

Scheme Name 


Bihar Free Laptop Scheme
Beneficiary  Students of Bihar
Objective To provide free laptops to the students
State Bihar
Application Medium  Online
Year  2025
Official Website

When was the Bihar Free Laptop Yojana started?

As you all know that the free laptop scheme was first started by the UP government. After this the Bihar government has also started the free laptop scheme for those students. If you are also the original permanent resident of Bihar. And if you are also studying now, then it is very important for you too to take advantage of the free laptop scheme.

And let us tell you that in order to take the benefits of the free laptop scheme, first of all, it is necessary for all of you to fill out the form of the free laptop scheme. The information about how and where you will fill this form is given below or fill out the form of the Free Laptop Scheme by looking carefully at all of you.

Benefits and Features of Bihar Laptop Yojana

  • Bihar Laptop Yojana has been launched by the Government of Bihar.
  • Through this scheme, financial assistance of ₹ 25000 will be provided to the students who get good marks in class 12th to buy laptops.
  • To get the benefit of this scheme, it is mandatory for SC and ST students to obtain minimum 75% marks and general category students must obtain minimum 85% marks.
  • This scheme will also prove effective in encouraging the students of the state to get education.
  • Along with financial assistance to buy laptops, citations will also be provided to the students by the government.
  • Only students studying in government schools can get the benefit of this scheme.
  • Around more than 30 lakh laptops will be distributed through this scheme.
  • Students getting education through both regular and private medium are eligible to get the benefit of this scheme.
  • All those students who successfully pass the Kaushal Yuva program will be provided with laptops under this scheme.

Eligibility for Bihar Laptop Yojana

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of Bihar.
  • The student must have passed 12th class through the Board of Secondary Education Bihar.
  • It is mandatory for SC and ST students to obtain minimum 75% marks and it is mandatory for general category students to obtain minimum 85% marks.
  • The benefit of this scheme will be given to the students getting education through both private and regular means.
  • Not only students will get the benefit of this scheme, whose name has appeared in the matriculation list by the marks of 12th class annual examination.
  • To get the benefit of this scheme, it is mandatory for the students to pass the Kaushal Yuva program.
  • Only students getting education from government schools will get the benefit of this scheme.
  • The family of the student must be living below the poverty line.
  • The annual income of the beneficiary’s family should be Rs.6 lakh or less

Documents Required for Bihar Free Laptop Yojana

Bihar Free Laptop Yojana Application: Let us tell you that you are also a permanent resident of Bihar and want to take advantage of the free laptop scheme by the Bihar Board, then it is mandatory for all of you to have these necessary documents, after which you can apply for all free laptop scheme. For this, all of you have been given complete information through our article, so that all of you can take advantage of the free laptop scheme very easily while reading.

  • Aadhar card
  • Email ID
  • caste certificate
  • Address proof
  • mobile number
  • passport size photo
  • 10th mark sheet
  • 12th mark sheet
  • income certificate
  • Bonafide certificate of college and school

Note – And all the students and girls by completing the process online application through the information given above, after which all of you will also get the benefit of the free laptop scheme.

Benefits and Qualifications of Bihar Free Laptop Yojana

So friends, tell all of you that to take advantage of the free laptop scheme, it is very important for all of you to have the 10th and 12th certificates, only then you can all take advantage of the free laptop scheme, for this you all must have a 10th pass. Is. Information about Bihar Free Laptop Scheme can be seen by visiting the official website. After which all of you will be able to take advantage of this scheme as well if you are the tenth pass. And the most important thing is that you should study now because more people who will get benefit from this scheme should not be married. Only then you will get the benefit of this scheme. Laptop Yojana Bihar Sarkar 

There is some information for this, we have told below that how all of you will apply online for this. A free laptop scheme has been started in Bihar, if you are also a native of Bihar and you also want us to take advantage of the free laptop scheme, then this article is very important for all of you because through today’s article You are going to tell everyone how all of you are permanent residents of Bihar, so all of you can apply online for this.

How to Apply Online for Bihar Free Laptop Yojana

  • Firstly visit the official website to apply Free Laptop Scheme online.
  • After this, all of you have to click on the option of Free Laptop Scheme Online Application 2020.
  • And after that, all of you will get to see a home page.
  • And in that homepage fill your personal details and type on submit button.
  • After submitting, all of you will get to see a receiving.
  • Which you guys download and print and keep it.


So friends, how did you like or information about – Laptop Yojana Bihar Sarkar.  then do not forget to tell us in the comment box and if you have any questions or suggestions related to this article, then definitely tell us. And friends if you like this article.

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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What is Bihar Free Laptop Scheme?

Ans: Bihar Free Laptop The Bihar government is giving free laptops to promising girl students of the state who have passed classes 10th and 12th with good marks and have taken admitted to skilled youth training.

When will the Bihar Free Laptop Scheme start?

Ans: The free laptop scheme in Bihar has been started by the Honorable Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar.

How to register Bihar Free Laptop Yojana Bihar?

Ans: You can register for Bihar Free Laptop Scheme through its official website.

When is the last date of the Bihar Free Laptop Yojana?

Ans: The last date of the Free Laptop Scheme Bihar has not yet been released by the Government of Bihar.

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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