CSC Bal Vidyalaya online apply, check CSC Bal Vidyalaya List below. Due to COVID-19 our education system affected most especially primary schools and to resolve such issues to some extent, on Monday i.e. 6th July 2020 centre has launched CSC ICT (information and communication Technology) enabled primary schools known as ‘CSC Bal Vidyalayas” for rural India children. Primarily school will function two classes Nursery and KG. CSC Bal Vidyalaya || CSC Bal Vidyalaya List || Bal Vidyalaya is open || started Bal Vidyalaya || Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi
!!Application for CSC Bal Vidyalaya is open!!
Update: If you are also a VLE and wanted to open CSC bal vidyalaya then you can register form the link given below.
What are the eligibility of VLE to run CSC Bal vidyalaya check below on this page.
Initially, it was launched in 10 states and CSC aims that they will open 700 Bal Vidyalayas, one each in every district across the states of country by the end of current fiscal, and later on it will be expanded to every block by the end of 2023. Below in this article, you will get complete details about the CSC Bal Vidyalaya.
Update: The CSCs who have started Bal Vidyalaya are those associated with school activities.
CSC Bal Vidyalaya List
On 6th of July CSC, Bal Vidyalaya was launched via video conferencing in ten states by Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi in 10 states. Such Vidyalaya was designed for children of rural India and at the launch event, 21 CSC Bal Vidyalaya Pre-school has been started in 10 states which are Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu.
While launching the program Dinesh Kumar CEO of CSC SPV said that this program will provide quality education to poor and underprivileged children of rural areas because they know that there are some limitations of technology and a good teacher in rural areas and with the help of this concept, they will try to overcome such issues and bridge the digital divide in such areas.
CSC is a mission mode project which falls under the Digital India program and there are over 3.6 lakhs CSCs registered and they are providing many services to people across the nation.

Common service centre bal vidyalaya
केंद्र द्वारा 6 जुलाई को वीडियो कॉन्फ़्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से सीएससी बाल विद्यालयों को दस राज्यों मै लॉंच किया गया। यह विद्यालय विशेष रूप से ग्रामीण भारत के विद्यार्थियों को ध्यान मैं रख कर डिज़ाइन किया गया है। अभी २१ प्री- स्कूल सीएससी द्वारा देश के १० राज्यों मै शुरू किये गए है जो की इस प्रकार है छत्तीसगढ़, हरियाणा, गुजरात, उत्तर प्रदेश, झारखंड, राजस्थान, हिमाचल प्रदेश, पंजाब, महाराष्ट्र, और तमिलनाडु।
- इस योजना का शुभारंभ करते हुए सीएससी के सीईओ डॉ दिनेश कुमार त्यागी ने बताया की हमने ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों मै डिजिटल विभाजन को कम करने तथा सीएससी को टिकाऊ बनाने के लिए बाल विद्यालय की शुरुआत की है.
- उन्होंने कहा की अभी हमने इन बाल विद्यालयों की शुरुआत उन सीएसी से की है जो की स्कूल की गतिविधयों से जुड़े हुए है और उन्होंने कहा की हमारा लक्ष्य इस वित्तीय वर्ष तक 700 नए बल विद्यालय स्थापित करना है
- फिलहाल राज्य के हर जिले मै एक बाल विद्यालय स्थापित करना है और 2023 के अंत तक इसे देश के हर एक ब्लॉक तक स्थापित करना है .
- आगे उन्होंने बाल विद्यालयों की तुलना आम स्कूलों से करते हुए कहा की सीएससी बाल विद्यालय प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करते है और वह बच्चो को सिखाने पर ध्यान देने के बजाये सिखने मै सक्षम बनाते है.
How Bal Vidyalaya differ from other schools?
At the launch event of the program, Dinesh Tyagi CEO of CSC said that the main difference between CSC Bal Vidyalaya and other schools is “Technology” CSC bal Vidyalaya will be based on technology and they enabled their children to ‘learn things’ rather than focus on ‘Teaching’.
The main key to improve a child’s motivation and ability to be an independent learner is to employ effective cognitive strategies.
With the use of technology, a child can learn quickly and through these Bal Vidyalayas, they will ensure that each child will get a quality education. This CSC Bal Vidyalayas will going to be a new chapter in CSC ecosystem and students who participated in this going to play a significant role in building a nation and promoting digital inclusion, he added.

What is the aim of CSC bal Vidyalaya?
CSC bal Vidyalaya is a pre-school in villages of rural areas for nursery and KG class. Through this CSC aim to provide a rich, caring, and stimulating ambiance in which every child feels happy, secure, safe, and confident.
सीएससी बाल विद्यालय
At the launch event, Mr. Rishikesh patankar the COO-CSC SPV said that CSC Bal Vidyalaya is ICT enabled education for school students, and through this initiative, CSC Academy will start a new journey and at bal Vidyalaya we will focus learning by doing and also encourage activity-based learning.
CSC Academy will provide the following support to bal Vidyalayas are given as:
- Child progress, teaching tools, activity plan, curriculum, pedagogy, delivery, and content (शिक्षाशास्त्र, सामग्री, गतिविधि योजना, वितरण, शिक्षण उपकरण, और बालविकास)
- Technology tools and technology learning content (तकनीकी उपकरण प्रदान कराना एवं प्रौद्योगिकी सीखने की सामग्री दिलाना)
- Illustrative design of print materials (प्रिंट सामग्री)
- Instruction for infrastructure requirements, furniture, layout plan, painting, In-door (अवसंरचना आवश्यकताओं, ले आउट योजना, फर्नीचर, इन-डोर के लिए दिशा निर्देश)
- Support for sourcing laptop, furniture, tablets, etc.( लैपटॉप, फर्नीचर, टेबलेट आदि के लिए सहयोग)
- Teacher/facilitator training(शिक्षक चयन दिशा निर्देश)
- Teacher/facilitator selection instruction (शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण)
- Monitoring tools and learning outcome guidelines
- Branding
— CSCeGov (@CSCegov_) July 6, 2020Launch of CSC Bal Vidyalaya List – an initiative for promoting education through technology.
Starting 22 CSC Bal Vidyalayas in 10 States.
Main Highlights of bal vidyalaya
CSC bal Vidyalayas has been launched by the CEO of CSC Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi through video conferencing.
- Initially, it was launched in 10 states of the nation especially in rural areas.
- In such states, 21 pre-school have been started in CSCs which are associated with school activities.
- CSC aims to open 700 bal Vidyalayas at the end of this financial year, one Vidyalaya in each district and…
- At the end of the year 2023, they aim to expand their bal Vidyalaya to each block.
- In such bal Vidyalayas, children will learn with the help of technology.
- In such bal Vidyalayas children will be enabled to learn new things rather than focusing on teaching.
What are the requirement from VLE to open CSC bal vidyalaya?
If you wanted to opne CSC Bal Vidyalaya then you must fulfill the following requirement which we have given below:
- If you already running a pre-school or part of any bigger school.
- Have all valid required approval from the authority.
- Have a minimum space of 1500 sq. ft.
- Installation of wall mount TV of size 32’’ or 43’’ in both classes
- Internet connection
- Full-time teacher and helper
- It will be run under the banner of the main school
Teacher qualification for CSC bal Vidyalaya List
- He/she must be graduate/NTT diploma course/D.El.Ed./B.Ed.
- Knowledge of computer (basic)
- Good communication in English
- Female teacher will be preferred
What will VLE receive from CSC ACADEMY?
- Brand name of CSC Bal Vidyalaya
- Guidelines for infrastructure and design
- Teaching digital content
- Guidelines related to curriculum and detailed pedagogy
- Equipment like computer/projector, Alexa, Learning wall, ID card for students and teacher
- School board and marketing design
- Foundation training of teacher
- Consultation support via WhatsApp
To register for CSC BalVidyalaya VLE can click on this link
If you want to ask me something then you can reach me through comment or via instagram |
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Posted by Sanjit Gupta
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You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proxomity to Near Nangloi Metro Station, Infornt Of Thana Pillar No-384
The establishment is functional on
Monday:- 1:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Tuesday:- 1:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Wednesday:- 1:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Thursday:- 1:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Friday:- 1:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Saturday:- 1:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Sunday:- Closed
CSC Academy is a publicly invested learning institution that provides access to professional learning for learners of diverse backgrounds and educational needs.
well, depends on how smart you are and how much you want to work on it. it’s not hard, I did both within 5 months period while working fulltime, but i was studying about 8 hours a week
Complete Course & Certification Exams List
Securities Sector
Online, interactive course with PDF textbook
Online, interactive course with hard-copy of textbook
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Online, interactive program; with online textbook (PDF)
started Bal Vidyalaya, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi