CSC Iffco Login || iffco bazar login || csc iffco tokio || iffco, iffco bazar, iffco kisan || csc iffco khad, csc iffco registration || CSC IFFCO portal CSC Iffco Login: Guys if you have a CSC Vle! And you want to order Iffco’s product by logging CSC Iffco! So check this post till the end! In today’s post, we will tell you! How do you do CSC Iffco Login!
How to login CSC Iffco
- ✔️ First of all, you have to click on this link! After clicking on the link, the home page of your Vle Login will open and come! Which will be like this!
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आप हमें फॉलो पर सभी समस्या का हल कर सकते हैं। हमारे साथ जुड़े रहने के लिए इतना जरूर करें धन्यवाद। | |
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- ✔️ After login, you can order any product of Iffco from here!
CSC Kisan Point To Sell Iffco Fertiliser Urea, DAP Khad
CSC Iffco Kisan Point To Sell Iffco Fertiliser CSC Urea, DAP Khad Center Apply Process Through CSC: Guys if you are a CSC Vle! Want to sell Urea, Dap, Npk, Bio Fertilisers, Micro Nutrient Fertilisers, Sulfur through your CSC center by opening Iffco Fertilizer Center (CSC Iffco Khad Center)! So there is great news for all of you! Now you can start selling Iffco Fertiliser through CSC!
Dear vle brothers, all of you are informed that for any work related to CSC Registration, Bank Bc, Aadhaar, Iffco Khad Center or CSC! If a vle or any other person demands money from any cause! So please do not give it to him! Also make a recording or video of it and provide it to CSC State Team! Strict action will be taken against the person concerned!
Products Available In CSC Iffco Kisan Point
Vle will get a retail margin on sale of Iffco Products from His Center.
- ✔️ Subsidies fertilizer
- ✔️ Water-soluble fertilizer
- ✔️ Bio fertilizer and plant growth promoters.
- ✔️ Urea, DAP, NPK, NP
- ✔️ Micro Nutrients
- ✔️ Sulfur etc
Eligibility Criteria and Requirement for CSC Iffco Kisan Point
- ✔️ Minimum Investment Required Rs 2.5 – 5 Lack
- ✔️ Fertiliser License
- ✔️ Pan card
- ✔️ GST
- ✔️ Bank Current Account Details
Which state’s Vles will get work
Please pay attention! Except the Vles of Uttar Pradesh, Uttra Khand, Haryana and Punjab states, the entire country can open CSC Vles CSC Iffco Kisan Point and sell Iffco Khad !
What not to do if I have Fertiliser License for Iffco Khad Center?
According to Reply from CSC Delhi Team– Those VLEs, who are have fertilizer license, they can apply for it at District Agricultural Department. Eligibility Criteria– Applicant should have taken in agriculture or chemistry. Gin vles do not have a license to sell fertilizer (Iffco Khad)! They contact the District Agriculture Department! Get your Fertiliser License made?
Eligibility Criteria For Fertiliser License
- ✔️ Applicant must have graduated from Agtricuture or Chemesetry
- ✔️ Bsc – AG, Bsc- Chemestry
- ✔️ No criminal case should be filed
Application Process For CSC Iffco Fertiliser Retail Kisan Point
- ✔️ According to an Official Tweet From CSC Dinesh Tyagi Sir,
- ✔️ Joe vles, CSC Iffco Fertiliser is keen to open Kisan Point!
- ✔️ They logged CSC Digital Seva Portal!
- ✔️ Submit your information on the Brand Cart Portal!
Now CSC VLE can also supply fertiliser to farmers
— dinesh tyagi (@dintya15) February 26, 2021
Which state’s vles will not get the benefit of this scheme right now
According to the official notification released by CSC, the vles of the state written below will not be able to apply for CSC Kisan Point Iffco Khad Center! However, the Society and the block level CSC constitute the FPO! These state vles can also sell IFFCO Products!
- ✔️ Uttar Pradesh
- ✔️ UK- Uttra Khand
- ✔️ HR-Haryana
- ✔️ PB-Punjab
Official reply from CSC Agriculture CSC Iffco Fertiliser License for FPO, Iffco Khad center FPO up, pb, hr
- ✔️ Visit the official website of IFFCO – Apply Online.
- ✔️ Fill the details in the required fields.
- ✔️ Upload documents in the required format.
- ✔️ Fill the MHRD NATS details.
- ✔️ Preview and submit the IFFCO recruitment application form.
Is iffco a govt company?
How many iffco plants are there in India?
When was fertilizer first used in India?
Which nitrogenous fertilizer came first?
Which state is the largest consumer of fertilizers in India?
- ✔️ West Bengal (122 kg)
- ✔️ Haryana (167 kg)
- ✔️ Punjab (184 kg)
- ✔️ Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal (127 kg)
- ✔️ Andhra Pradesh (138 kg)
- ✔️ Tamil Nadu (112 kg)
What is NPK ratio in India?
What is iffco exam?
What is IFFCO job?
Name of the Board | Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) |
Apply Mode | Online Mode |
Starting Date to Apply | 18th June 2021 |
Last Date to Apply | 31st July 2021 |
Job Category | Central Government Jobs |
If you want to ask me something then you can reach me through comment or via instagram |
ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।
अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे Like और share जरूर करें ।
इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…
Posted by Sanjit Gupta
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Chapter 2. The fertilizer sector. The history of the Indian fertilizer industry dates back to 1906, when the first fertilizer factory opened at Ranipet (Tamil Nadu).
five plants
IFFCO stands for Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative. IFFCO has a total of five plants in the country
Synopsis. Fertiliser major Iffco (Indian Farmers’ Fertiliser Cooperative) has been liberated from the straitjacket of being a government company, with the government’s shareholding reduced to 41%
As per the parliamentary standing committee report titled ‘Study Of System Of Fertilizer Subsidy’ submitted in the Lok Sabha in March 2020, the consumption of urea was in a high distorted ratio as compared to the desired NPK ratio of 4:2:1. The national usage ratio stood at (6.7):(2.4):1
Industrial-scale production was achieved in 1913, and large-scale production was pioneered by Germany during the First World War – ammonia being an important part of the manufacture of explosives