UIDAI Aadhaar Card Status ,Update ,Download & Correction

By John Schmidt

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The Unique Identification Authority of India, the institution that introduced the Aadhar card, has given a huge advantage to the general public, now the general public can take advantage of all the services related to the Aadhar card by visiting their nearest Common Service Center. UIDAI has given permission to CSC to open Aadhar card centre . Aadhar card related services have been started once again at 3.9 lakh common service centers and soon you will get to see aadhar card related work at these centers. download aadhar card pdf , aadhar card status , aadhar update history , aadhar card download , aadhar card update, uidai


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The people of rural areas will get the biggest benefit due to the work of Aadhar card in the Common Service Center, there are more than 2.4 lakh Common Service Centers in the rural area itself. So now common people will be able to get all the work related to Aadhar card done with the help of their nearest Common Service Center, whether to update something in Aadhar card or to get a new Aadhar card made. You people do not need to run to the district office or bank premises.

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What is CSC / Common Service Center?

What is Common Service Center is  an institution from where the benefits of government and private services are made available to the common people, 3.9 lakh such common service centers have been opened all over the country in which government and private services are available. Common Service Center is operated by VLE.

VLE provides many services to the general public at its center, such as registration name under Ayushman Bharat, Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Literacy Campaign, providing banking facilities , railway ticket booking work, birth certificate, death certificate, From income proof, caste proof, residence proof etc. to applying for passport also works.

And now Aadhar card related work will also be done through Common Service Center.


What work related to Aadhar card will you be able to get done from Common Service Center?

If you have any problem related to the Aadhar card, then you can take it to your nearest Common Service Center, through the Common Service Center, every work related to Aadhar card will be done, such as biometric updation or demographic updation in Aadhar card. In simple words, from changing the name in the Aadhar card, you can also update your biometric with photo and address.

Along with this, the work of new Aadhar card registration will also be done through the Common Service Center.

Where is the facility of Aadhar card available now?

If we talk about it now, then you can do the work related to the Aadhar card by visiting your bank branch, or the service of Aadhar card has also been done in the post office, as well as the facility of Aadhar card has also been given in the UIDAI approved Sentence. Is .

Why was the work of Aadhar card stopped earlier in CSC?

As we have told you earlier, what was the reason for the closure of Aadhar card center in CSC. Let us tell you once again for your information, UIDAI took away the work of Aadhar card from CSC by saying that VLEs charge more from customers for making Aadhar card and do not do their work properly. Yes, after the work of Aadhar card was stopped in CSC, it was fiercely opposed and the results are in front of you, once again the work of Aadhar card has been started in CSC.

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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How can I download my Xerox Aadhar card?

Enter your AADHAAR card number or Enrollment Id, full name, Pin Code, security text and mobile number. Click on “Get OTP” One Time Password (OTP) will be delivered to your mobile and/or email address. Enter the OTP you just received on your mobile in the “Enter OTP” box and click on “Validate and Download”

How can I open e-Aadhaar download?

Through E-Aadhaar you can download your Aadhaar card and then print it and then use a combination of the first four letters of your name written in CAPITALS (Name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card) and your Year of Birth (in YYYY format) to open the Aadhaar PDF file as that is your Aadhaar card PDF password or simply

How can I get e Aadhar card?

Download Aadhaar Card by Aadhaar Number
Keep Your Aadhaar Card or Enrolment Number Ready. If you don’t have your Aadhaar: Keep your enrolment number along with the time and date provided in the acknowledgment slip ready. …
Visit UIDAI Website. …
Request for TOTP/OTP. …
Enter OTP. …
Download e-Aadhaar PDF.

How can I reprint my Aadhar card?

Here’s how to reprint your Aadhaar card
Visit the UIDAI’s official website– uidai.gov.in.
Click on the ‘Order Aadhaar Reprint’ option.
Select any one of these to proceed: Aadhaar Number (UID), Enrollment ID (EID) or Virtual ID (VID).
Check the ‘Terms & Conditions’ checkbox at the next page and click on ‘submit.

How can I download my Aadhar card through Internet?

You are required to visit website www.uidai.gov.in to download the duplicate copy of Aadhaar. The UIDAI website provides this option under the ‘Aadhaar Online Services’ Head. One can click on the option ‘Retrieve Lost UID/EID’. The website will direct you to another page.

John Schmidt

John Schmidt is a seasoned professional in the field of online media and news publication. With a career spanning over a decade, he has made significant contributions to the world of digital journalism. John began his journey at Forbes.com, one of the world's leading business and financial news websites. During…

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