e-Shram Card 2025: भारत सरकार द्वारा संपूर्ण भारत के बेरोजगार मजदूर परिवारों के लिए शुरू की गई है। इस योजना के माध्यम से गरीब मजदूर परिवारों को महीने के 1000 रुपये का भत्ता और 2 लाख रुपये की दुर्घटना बीमा देने की घोषणा की गई है। अगर आप भी इस योजना का लाभ उठाना चाहते हैं, तो आपको श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट eshram.gov.in के माध्यम से ईe Shram Card Yojana Online Registration करना होगा। यहां पर ई-श्रम कार्ड पंजीकरण 2025 करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को निम्नलिखित लाभ मिलेंगे e shram card benefits: e shram card 2025
Download E-Shram Card in 2025
After downloading the E-Shram Card in 2025, applicants will be eligible for accident insurance coverage up to Rs 2 lakh. The Indian government has established the E-Shram website as a centralized database for unorganized workers. In the coming years, social security payments for unorganized workers will be facilitated through eshram.gov.in.
This mechanism will be utilised to give the country’s registered unorganised labour force crucial help during emergencies and widespread pandemics like the still-active Covid19. 29 crore unorganised employees have enrolled on the e-Shram platform so far, which is a sizable number. Additionally, with the help of this page, you can obtain an Aadhar Card and Shram Card using your UAN number.
The government admits that many of the workforce works outside official records. Their salary levels and what these people do for a living are unknown from statistics. This information disparity makes it difficult for the government to make sure they are gaining from current social welfare initiatives.
This was addressed by the e-Shram Card. This computerised record produced by the Ministry of Labour and Employment is basically an identity document for untrained workers.
This special identifying number helps the government to monitor and assist the wellbeing of unorganised workers. It helps to offer important social security benefits like access to job training programs, accident and disability insurance, and pensions.
Card Name | E-Shram Card Yojana |
Beneficiaries | Workers and laborers in the unorganized sector |
Category | E-Shram Card Download |
Launched By | Ministry of Labour and Employment |
Application Method | Online |
Website | eshram.gov.in |
E shram card apply online
One of the first significant ministries of the Indian government is the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The primary duty of this Ministry is to safeguard the rights of employees and the socially disadvantaged, underprivileged segments of society as a whole. Additionally, this ministry fosters a positive work atmosphere for increased output and productivity.
The ministry also offers skill training in addition to this. so that the workers would have access to employment. E Shram card download can be done by the link provided of the official website. The Ministry of Labor and Employment also promotes the welfare of the organised and unorganised sectors. The labour force also receives social security in addition to this. In order to give workers jobs, this ministry implements a variety of plans through the adoption of various labour laws.
Topic | Description |
e-Shram Card Registration | Laborers can self-register for the e-Shram Card through an online process. |
Account Status and Payments | Workers can view the status of their accounts and track the installment payments they receive through the e-Shram Card scheme. |
Deposits for Eligible Workers | Qualified beneficiaries receive a deposit of one thousand rupees directly into their bank accounts. |
Restricted Access for Registered Individuals | Only registered individuals can access and view relevant information from the comfort of their homes. |
e-Shram Card Benefits | By obtaining a unique 12-digit number through the e-Shram Card, workers are recognized as uncategorized group members and can avail benefits offered by the government. |
Simple and Convenient Verification | The verification process is straightforward and can be easily completed using a mobile device or computer. All that is required is internet access and a registered e-Shram Card account. |
The registration of workers will require it. A candidate won’t be able to register if they don’t have an Aadhar card. The cards are being distributed in compliance with the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana. Aadhar will be linked to the E-Shram Card download.
Anyone who is eligible to apply for this card is welcome to register without charge. The next sentence provides instructions for the E-Shram card download. Visit the official website to submit an application if you haven’t already. Only citizens of India are eligible to receive the card.
How to download E Shram card By phone number
- Go to eshram.gov.in first, then after Select UPDATE.
- Click on Generate OTP after entering the UAN card number, birthdate, and captcha.
- Enter the obtained OTP to confirm the mobile number now.
- Click Download eSHRAM Card Download By Mobile Number after that.
- Your e-shram card download PDF file will be downloaded when you click Download UAN Card.
- You can now open the eSHRAM Card, print it out, and carry it around in a safe place.
Steps to download Eshram card By aadhaar card
- Visit eshram.gov.in, and the Update option will be displayed on the homepage.
- Click Send OTP after entering your UAN number and captcha code here.
- Enter the OTP, and you will then have the option to enter your Aadhaar number.
- After entering your 12-digit Aadhar card number, you must check the I Agree box.
- When you click the submit button, two alternatives will appear. Refresh Profile UAN Card Download or UAN Card Download
- You can now get your eSHRAM card Download using your Aadhar card by clicking on Download UAN Card.
How to check Eshram card by UAN
- You must first enter the official E Shram Portal website on your laptop or mobile device, eshram.gov.in, in order to download an E Shram Card using your UAN Card Number.
- Following this, you will see options like “Already Registered?” on the e-shram portal’s home page. Click the UPDATE link here.
- Now that a new page has appeared before you, you must click the Generate OTP button after entering your UAN card number, date of birth, and captcha code.
- Your registered mobile number will now receive an OTP; enter it and then click the Validate button.
- Your name will display at the top of the screen when you click the Validate button, and two alternatives will appear. You must select the option to Download UAN Card before your E SHRAM Card can be downloaded.
e-Shram Card 2025
e-Shram Card 2025 भारत सरकार ने संपूर्ण भारत के बेरोजगार मजदूर परिवारों के लिए ई-श्रम कार्ड योजना का शुभारंभ किया है जिसके माध्यम से गरीब मजदूर परिवारों को एक हजार रुपया महीना भत्ता एवं दो लाख रुपया दुर्घटना बीमा देने की घोषणा की है। अगर आप भी इस योजना का लाभ लेना चाहते हैं तो श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय के ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट eshram.gov.in के माध्यम से e-Shram Card Online Registration कर सकते हैं।
जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने ई-श्रम कार्ड रजिस्ट्रेशन 2025 पूरा कर लिया है। वह भारतीय मजदूर नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से e Shram Card Payment Status जांच कर सकते हैं। e-Shram Card से जुड़ी संपूर्ण जानकारी इस लेख में अवलोकन कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा सरकारी योजना के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
E-shram ₹3000 का लाभ लेने के लिए यहां क्लिक करे
अधिक नौकरी का अवसर और 2 लाख का बीमा योजना बीमा कवर दिया जाएगा। इस वेबसाइट पर जाकर बेनिफिट्स समेत आवश्यक दस्तावेज, CSC लॉगइन की पूरी डिटेल देख पाएंगे। अगर आप जानना चाहते हैं कि ई-श्रम के लिए कौन-कौन रजिस्टर कर सकता है तो नीचे हम इसकी जानकारी दे रहे हैं।
ई श्रम कार्ड का पंजीकरण कैसे करें
आप अपना लेबर कार्ड बनवाने के लिए नजदीकी csc सेंटर पर अपना प्रूफ लेकर जाएं और बनवा लें। अगले भविष्य के लिए ई श्रम कार्ड काफी मददगार साबित होने वाला है। क्योंकि इस कार्ड के द्वारा बहुत सारी योजना का लाभ मिलता है लगभग ई श्रम कार्ड सभी राज्यों में चल रही है। आप सभी मजदूर कार्ड श्रम कार्ड पर पंजीयन करवा ले ई श्रम पोर्टल के माध्यम से और सभी योजना का लाभ उठा ले।
क्या छात्र भी बनवा सकते हैं e-Shram Card? जानें- क्या कहता है नियम
ई- श्रम पोर्टल के FAQ सेक्शन के तहत दी गई जानकारी के अनुसार, असंगठित क्षेत्र के लोग जिनकी उम्र 16 साल से लेकर 59 साल के बीच है, ऐसे लोग यह कार्ड बनवा सकते हैं। यानी कि 16 साल से ऊपर के छात्र ई-श्रम कार्ड का लाभ ले सकते हैं। जबकि अगर ऐसे लोग जो ईपीएफओ (EPFO) या ईएसआईसी (ESIC) के सदस्य हैं, उन्हें इसका फायदा नहीं मिल सकता है।
श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय भारत ने श्रमिकों के कल्याण के लिए ई-श्रम की सुविधा दी गई है। इसमें रजिस्टर करने वालों को हर महीने किस्त दी जा रही है। ई-श्रम पोर्टल की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर आप रजिस्टर कर सकते हैं और कई लाभों का फायदा ले सकते हैं। इसके तहत 1 साल के लिए प्रीमियम वेव, सामाजिक सुरक्षा योजना के लाभ, अधिक नौकरी का अवसर और 2 लाख का बीमा योजना बीमा कवर दिया जाएगा। इस वेबसाइट पर जाकर बेनिफिट्स समेत आवश्यक दस्तावेज, CSC लॉगइन की पूरी डिटेल देख पाएंगे। अगर आप जानना चाहते हैं कि ई-श्रम के लिए कौन-कौन रजिस्टर कर सकता है तो नीचे हम इसकी जानकारी दे रहे हैं।
KYC process?
- To do your KYC in E Shram Portal, visit the official website of Shram Portal https://eshram.gov.in
- After that click on the option of Already registered.
- A new page will open, enter the mobile number linked to the Aadhar card, then enter the captcha.
- Then click on Send OTP.
- Enter the OTP and click on submit.
- Now a new page will open, enter your Aadhar card number in it.
- Then 3 options will come in front of you to do KYC, choose your option as per your convenience.
- Although the easiest option is OTP. Enter the OTP selected and click on submit button.
- Enter the capture then click validate.
- Now a new page will open on which your Aadhar card details will already be there.
- Then click I agree.,e-shram card benefits
- Now click on E-KYC Update.
- Your e-kyc will be completed on the e-shram portal
अपना ई श्रम कार्ड बनवा लेते हैं तो हर महीने आपको सरकार की ओर से ₹3000 का पेंशन मिलेगा?
इस योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य श्रमिकों के वृद्धावस्था के रूप में पेंशन योजना की राशि दी जाती है । यह पेंशन की राशि आपको तब दी जाएगी जब आपके 60 वर्ष पूरा हो जाएंगे वृद्धावस्था के रूप में ₹3000 सरकार की ओर से मदद राशि के तौर पर मिलेगी
इसमें सरकारी कर्मचारी के तरह पेंशन दिया जाता है जैसे कर्मचारी की मृत्यु हो जाती है तो उनकी पत्नी को 1500 रुपए की पेंशन दी जाएगी ।
ई श्रम कार्ड से क्या क्या लाभ है आइए जानते हैं
- ✔️ 60 की आयु पूरा हो जाने के बाद ₹3000 का पेंशन मिलेगा।
- ✔️ 60 वर्ष की आयु के दौरान किसी दुर्घटना के लिए आपके पास पूर्ण बीमा होगा।
- ✔️ अगर आपके साथ कोई दुर्घटना हो जाता है तो आपके परिवार को ₹50000 का बीमा मिलेगा
- ✔️ आपको अपने श्रम कार्ड के माध्यम से मासिक अंशदान करना होगा उतना ही राशि भारत सरकार द्वारा जमा की जाएगी।
How to Download E-Shram Card using Mobile Number:
- Visit eshram.gov.in and select the UPDATE option.
- Enter your UAN card number, birthdate, and captcha code, then click on Generate OTP.
- Once you receive the OTP, enter it to verify your mobile number.
- Click on Download E-Shram Card Download by Mobile Number.
- The E-Shram Card download PDF file will be downloaded when you click on Download UAN Card.
- Open the downloaded E-Shram Card and print it out for safekeeping.
Steps to Download E-Shram Card using Aadhaar Card:
- Go to eshram.gov.in and select the UPDATE option on the homepage.
- Enter your UAN number and captcha code, then click on Send OTP.
- Enter the received OTP and your 12-digit Aadhaar number.
- Check the I Agree box and click on submit.
- Two options will appear – Refresh Profile UAN Card Download or UAN Card Download. Click on Download UAN Card.
- Your E-Shram Card Download will be available for download.
How to Check E-Shram Card using UAN:
- Go to eshram.gov.in and click on “Already Registered?” on the homepage.
- Select the UPDATE option and enter your UAN card number, date of birth, and captcha code.
- Click on Generate OTP and enter the received OTP to validate your mobile number.
- Your name will appear at the top of the screen, and two options will appear – select Download UAN Card to download your E-Shram Card.
ई-श्रम पोर्टल 2025?
उच्च अधिकारी | श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय |
पोर्टल का नाम | ई-श्रम पोर्टल |
कार्ड का नाम | विशिष्ट पहचान संख्या (यूएएन) कार्ड |
योजना का शुभारंभ | पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी |
लाभार्थी | असंगठित क्षेत्र के श्रमिक और मजदूर |
लेख श्रेणी | ई श्रम पोर्टल यूएएन कार्ड ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण |
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट | sramsuvidha.gov.in register.eshram.gov.in |
ई श्रम कार्ड पर आवेदन कैसे करें
इ श्रम कार्ड में आवेदन के लिए register.eshram.gov.in पर आवेदन करें। इसके अलावा एक और माध्यम से आवेदन कर सकते हैं वह माध्यम नजदीकी कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर है
What is an NDUW card?
How can I convert my Pmjdy account to a normal account?
What is Jan Dhan bank account?
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a national mission for financial inclusion that aims to provide inexpensive accessibility to financial facilities, including basic savings and deposit accounts, remittances, loans, insurance, and pension.
E Shram Card: All You Need to Know
The E Shram Card is a social security card that aims to provide social security benefits to workers in the unorganized sector. The E Shram Yojana was launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, and it is aimed at providing various benefits to these workers, including access to insurance, pension, and other welfare schemes.
Here’s everything you need to know about the E Shram Card:
Shram Card List and Shram Yojana List
The E Shram Card is meant for workers in the unorganized sector, which includes carpenters, plumbers, construction workers, farm workers, and more. The Shram Yojana List is the list of schemes that workers in the unorganized sector can access through the E Shram Card.
E Shram Card Online Apply and E Shram Gov In
Workers can apply for the E Shram Card online through the E Shram Gov In website. To apply, workers need to visit the website and fill out the registration form. Once the form is submitted, workers will receive an OTP on their registered mobile number. After verifying the OTP, workers can download their E Shram Card.
E Shram Card Download and E Shram Card Self Registration
Workers can download their E Shram Card from the E Shram Gov In website. The website also has an option for self-registration, which allows workers to create an account and register themselves for the E Shram Card.
E Shram Card Check Balance and E Shram Gov In Login
Workers can check the balance on their E Shram Card by logging into their account on the E Shram Gov In website. To log in, workers need to enter their UAN (Universal Account Number) and password.
E Shram Card Download PDF and E Shram Card Registration
Once workers have registered for the E Shram Card, they can download a PDF version of the card from the E Shram Gov In website. Workers can also register for the card on the website by filling out the registration form.
What is the eligibility criteria of PM Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana?
The Ministry of Labour & Employment has developed the eSHRAM portal for creating a National Database of Unorganized Workers (NDUW) for the optimum realization of their employability and extend the benefits of the social security schemes to them.
NDUW Card is the name of the eshram card started by the central government , and after the creation of this card, the central government will already have information about the workers of every unorganized sector of the country, after the information is available, the central government If needed, it
The e-Shram Portal was launched on August 26, 2021 and the government also provides the e-Shram card to the workers. Documents required. The workers should have these essential documents for registration – An aadhaar Number, an Aadhaar-linked mobile number, and a bank account number, for the e-Shram portal.
To convert Jan Dhan’s account to a Savings account, you have to close your Jan Dhan account. If you are opening your Savings Account in the same branch, then CIF transfer will have to be done. So you have to write the application to close the account or to get the CIF transfer done.
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a national mission for financial inclusion that aims to provide inexpensive accessibility to financial facilities, including basic savings and deposit accounts, remittances, loans, insurance, and pension.
Anita chauhan ka amount nahi aya he.
मेरा पैसा नहीं आया
मेरा पैसा नहीं आया
Mera Paisa Nahin aaya iske liye main kya Karun
Sajan kumar paswan
Niha आया pisaha
Koi pesa nahi yaya
mere khate me Nahi Aaye
Mohit kuma nahi Aaya hai
Mera paisa nahi aaya abhi tak.
Myra paisa nahi aaya kea kary
Mera Paisa nahin aaya Modi ji bar kah rahe hain kya samaj walon Ko
Mera Paisa nhi aaya hai
Mera ropy nhi aa rhi
मेरा पैसा नहीं आया
Mera paisha nhi Aaya hai
Mera bhi paisa nhi aaya
Mera Paisa nahin aaya Rekha Chaudhari
Uttar Pradesh jila Gazipur block saidpur gram Sarai Sultan post Nawada
Nahi aya paisa
मेरा पैसा नहीं मिलता है 60वरस हो गया है
मेरा पैसा नहीं आया है
Paise abhi nahi aaye
Mera khata mai nahi aya
श्रम कार्ड बन गया है फिर भी पैसा नहीं आ रहा
Arjun Singh mara pasa nahi hai kya baat hai sar Hukum paas hai
Name Vipin mera paisa nhi aaya hai
Mera pesa nhi aya
Mera Paisa Nahin Aaya Hai
Mera Paisa nahin hai Aadhar number 451167062493
Sir mera Paisa nahin aaya aaya
Mera paise nhi aaya
Mera paise nahi aaya hai
मेरा नाही आया
Mera paisa Nahin Aaya
Mera pesha nahi says
Mera pase nhi aya hai
Mere pese abhi tak aik bar bhi nahi aye
Mera bhi pesa nhi aaya hai hai
Suraj kumar
भाई मेरी भी नहीं आई कोई किस्त पैसे नहीं आए मेरे
मेरे शर्म कार्ड पर पैसे नहीं आया
ભાઈ મેરી પન નથી આઈ કીસ
Mera pesha nahi aya
Pesaa nhi mila muje
Satyendra Tiwari mera paisa nahi aaya eskeliyai kaya kfu
Mera paisa nahi aya
Naie hai pasa
Bhai mere Mera Paisa To Kabhi Jindagi Mein Aaye Nahin kya Fir Bhi to Kisi Ko yah Pradhanmantri Yojana Aawas Yojana ke tahat Labh to Mila Hai Lekin lagta hai mujhe Jindagi Mein yah Paisa nahin mila main Apna Jo ID Chhod raha hun usmein comment Mein account number Agar Mujhe Hamare Kendra Sarkar Dekh Rahe Hain
शिवराज Digge का लाभ अबितक नही मिला
Mere bhee nhai aaye pese
Mera bhi pesa nhi saya h
Mara pisa nhi aya
Mera bhi abhi tk nhi aaya hai
Hamare ko pension kyu nahi mila
Mire pas bhi abhi tak koi pesha nhi aaya hi ,,,,mi bhi ek garib mjdur pariwar se hu
Mera bi nhi aya
Ohhh bhai itne bando ko pesw nhu mila
Mera PESA abhi tak nahi Aya
मेरे को भी नहीं मिला इसमें अभी तक पैसे
Jagarnath Kumar
Mera bhi nhi aya
Mere ko bhi nahin Aaya
Mera bhi nahin hai
Mere ko Paisa nahin mila hai abhi
Mara passa nahi aaya
Ranjeet Kumar Mehta
बाईसा बेवकूफ बना रही है
Mera pesa nhi aaya
भाई मेरे को भी नही मिली पेहेली किस्त
Me bhej du
रवि प्रजापति
Mera & my wife ka pement nahi aaya
8439246948। मेरे भी नहीं मिला है
Mera paisa nahi aaya abhi tak
Mere pas bhi koye pesa nahi aya abhi tak
Mera bhi nhi aaye
Mere pese nhi aye
Naji aaya pesa
Mera paysa Nahi ATA hay
Sandeep kumar mera bhi nhi aaya
मेरा पेसा नहीं आया
Mery bhi nahi ay pesy
Mera pesa nhe Aya
Pradeepkumar Jila Bijnor Gramdharara
Mera E Shram card ban gaya mera bhi paisa nhi aya ek bhi kisat
मेरे पैसे नहीं आया
Mere paise Nahin Aaye Hain khate mein
pese kyu nhi dale gaye
Rishiv amaunt
Mera passiya Nahi Aya hai kya karu
Ji mere bhi nhi aaye
Mera pesa kab aayega
Hamare अकाउंट में kuchh नहीं aaya chutiya scheem है
Mara pasa nahi a
Mera Paisa nahin aaya hai
Ramesh kumar sahni
Haa nhe mela h
Mara pasai bhi nhi aya ha
Mara paissa nhi aaya
Mera pesa nhi aaya
Mera Paisa nahin hai
Mere paise nhi aaye
Brijwala chaturvedi ka amount nhi aaya h
Meta Paisa nahin aaya
Mera paisa nahi aaya
Karan Goswami ka paisa nahi aaya
Sanjay LaL
I bill not come money
Mere paise b nhi aye
BipinKumar paswan
मेरा पैसा भी नहीं आया विभा देवी कोलकाता
Mera bhi Paisa nahi aaya ji
हां सर मेरा पैसा नहीं आया श्रम कार्ड तो बन गया है मगर पैसा नहीं है पैसे के लिए क्या करना पड़ेगा पैसे निकालने के लिए क्या-क्या करना होगा
Mera. Paita. Nahi
Varsha [email protected]
मेरा पैसा नहीं आया
Mera paisa nahi aaya
मेरा पैसा नही आया
Mera paisaa nahi ayaa
Mera Paisa Nahin Aaya Mera sara kam ok
Ajay Rajput
Mera bhi nhi aya paisha
Akshay somanath gangurde
Nahi aao h
Mera vi nhi aya hai pesa
Paisa nhi aya
Sar. Mera. Payse. Nahi. Aay. H. Avhi. Tak. Eshram. card. Me
मेरा पैसा नाही आया
Gurudev paswan
मेरे श्रम कार्ड पर पैसा नहीं आ रहा है please help me
Muje to kabi Mila hi Nahi pysha
Mera pesa nahi aya
Rajendra Ananda Lakare ka paisa Aabhe Tak Nahe Aaya hai
Mera Paisa Nahin Aaya
Nahi mera paisa nahi aya hai
Mera Paisa nahin aaya isram card ka main majdur hun
Krishna Kumar meena
Ravi Kumar
Mobile number
Bihar west champagne
Pin code 845106
Mera Paisa nahi aaya
Mera Paisa nhi aya
सर मेरा भी पैसा नहीं आया है आप पैसा भेजने का कष्ट करें प्लीज मेरा नाम 👉ओमेंद्र नाथ पाठक
Sar Mera bhi Paisa nahin aaya hai aap paisa aane ka kasht Karen please mera naam sankul hi
मेरा भी नही आया जी
Mera pesaa Nahi Aya ha
Santosh kumar
Mera bhi nhi aya hai paisa
Aa jayenge
Mara pisa nhi aa
Mera naam Mamta Kumari hai mere pessa nahe aaya hai
A jayega shanti rakho
मला पण नाही आले
But maray m to aa gay
हमारा भी नहीं आया है सुधीर कुमार
Pasa nhi aaya h abi
Anil Yadav
Deepak sharma ko E sharam ka amount nahi mila hai
Mera pissa aa gaya hai bro
Mera paisa to a Gaya mere 1000 Mujhe Mil Gaye
मेरा पेशा नहीं आया है नाम
Raj Kumar Ram SHRAM Card NB 785662069069 mnb 6205559696 Banik of Baroda Account No 32020100008231 Mera account mein account paisa II nahin hi aaya hai Narendra Modi e aapse a binti karta karta hokey ki aap Garib ko coe1 Dhyan dijiye jitna bhi phone mein aawas Yojana se Diya hai hai Ki ki Garib ko bahut sa nahin mila hai jitna bhi Mila hai sab bade log Ko milta hai Aaj bhi Mitti Ka Ghar ham log ko pada hai Mitti ka aawas Yojana Bina tab kkk dijiye jis Ka Ghar hai Ghar per upar Ghar mil rahe dhanyvad namaste Modi namaste Modi ji dhanyvad
Mujhe bhi paise nahi aye
Kese aaye ky karna h bhai
Mera paisa nahi aaya hai
Mujhe nahi Aaya ab tak
mera paisa nahi aaya
मेरे खाता पैसा नहीं आया है
Wah ji wah
Nhi mila hai
Nhi aya ji
मेरा पैसा नहीं आया
Koi Paisa nahi Mila abhi tk
Aap es number per call ker ligiye 8354948018 apna pura address bta dena ok
Dhananjay kumar
E Shram ka amount nahi aaya hai.
only paper work hai
Mera bhi nahi aya
मेरा पैसा अभी तक नहीं आया है
[email protected]
मेरे भी पैसे नहीं है
Mujhe bhi nahi mila hai
No aumont in bank
Mera Paisa bhi nahin Aaya e card mein
Mera paisa nahi aaya
Mera pesa nhi aya h
Nahin mila sir PM Ji
Mere paise bhi nhi aye
Karan Goswami ka paisa nahi aaya sar
Mera payment e sharam card ka abhi tak mere account may transfer nahi hua hay kyu
Kya yeah sirf baate hay ki Kam bhi
This government will take money from workers, spend and go. The government in power after many years will pay pension or not ?This government will create liability to your future government.
Sars Mera bhi Paisa nahi aaya hai
Mere bhi nahi aaya
Mere bhi Paisa nahi aaya hai aajtak plz jaldi bhej dijiye
Paisa bhi nahin Aaya
Mere bhi ghr me kisi ko paisa nhi mila h avi tk kb aayega ye toh glt h n or logo mile h jinhe jarurat hoti unko hi nhi milte h
E shram card no many tanfar
Jitender Kashyap amount Nahin aya
[email protected]
Mera Paisa Abhi Tak nahin aaya hai
Mere nahi mele
Mere paisa nahi aaya Sir Ji 🙏🙏🙏
Paisa nahi aya
Mere me bhi nahi aaya paesa
Bhai mera bhi.paisa nahi aya ha sab galat ha
Paisa nahi aaya e shram cord
Mera Paisa bhi nahin aaya
Mera pesaa bhi nhi aa rha hai
Mere pas bhi abhi tak koi pesa nahi Aya hai sir please help me
Mera rupye nhi aya hai
Mera bhi nahi aaya hai jo ki sabse first me banaye the
Mera bhi paysa nahi aya hai sir
Sir mera bhi shram card se Paisa nahin aaya aap Paisa bhejne ka kasht Kare please
mera pesa nhi aya hai
Ye sob somoy faltoo bate hai
Niteesh Kumar maurya
Mera bhi nahi aaya
Bhishm yadav
Mera bhi nhi aaya
Mere bhi Paisa nahi aya hai
ShyamLal mara pysa nahi ya hy
Mera bhi nahi aaya
Mera bhi nhi Aaya hai
Mere pass abhi tk rupe nahi aaye h mere papa nahi h or meri mummy ka Mene card banvaya tha pr meri mummy ko abhi tk rupe nahi mile h
RaJiv komar
Yes hamara to cord hi nhi de rhey bahut preshan kiya 1000 rs le liye
card charges govt ne diya abhi th kuch nhi kuch nhi
Home bhi nhi Mila
Where are u from??
Mera rupya nahi aaya
Me matbur hun
Mujhe kb do ge bhai
Mera bhi payesa nhi aaya h
1bhi kist nhi aaya
Mere paise nahi aaye
Mera Ishara khat mein Paisa nahin aaa
I am Aditya Village Nrayanpur Disct Kannauj up:
Payment a gaya
such me paise aye hai apko
Hamare nhi aur hai abhi tak
Mere khate paisa nahi aaya…710437588298
Mera bhi nhi aaya
Mira bhia pisa nihih aia
Aap es number per call ker ligiye 8354948018 apna pura address bta dena ok
Mere bhi rupees nahi aaye me majdur hu
Mere me rupees nhi aaye h sir
Mere me rupees daldo sir mai majdur hu 🙏😔
मेरे भी पैसे नहीं आए
Mere भी pesa नहीं aaya
Mere bhi nhi aaye Mere panjikaran card mein majdur card bhi hai to bhi nahin Aaya sab theek lag raha hai mujhe Modi ji Kuchh Nahin de rahe bus Sab Kuchh Nahin de rahe Iske labh
mere bhi paise Nahin Aaye Main Bhi Ek majdur hun load gadi wala
Minu mahato मेरे पैसे नही आया हैं मेरे श्रम काड नम्बर 789758384452
Rajan Kumar Jaiswal mira bhi paise Nahi Aaya
Mera bhi ni aay h
Mera paisa nahi aaya
Peisa ka ayega rs 1 bhi nahi aya
Sab bkwas hai
Mere me rupees nhi aaya Poonam kol
Mere bhi nhi aaye
Mera Rupia bhi nahi mila hai
Mera paise nahi aaya
Mera bhi nahi aaya hai jo ki sabse first me banaye the plz sir bahut jaruri hai sir Paisa ka🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
aashram card ka Paisa nahin Mela please help me sar
Mara bhi paisa nahi aya hay Bhai
Mera bhi nhi aaya mujhe paise ka bahut kaam h plz help me sir🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😟😟🙏🙏🙏🙏
Kaha rehte ho aap
Mere pass abhi tk rupe nahi aaye h mere papa nahi h or meri mummy ka Mene card banvaya tha pr meri mummy ko abhi tk rupe nahi mile h
Sir amount aayga ya nahi card ko banvaye 3month ho gayi pr abhi tak nahi aaye pese
E.shrm card ka ek bhi rupya nhi aaya.mera bhi
Kbhi nhi aaege sb ullu bana rhe he bas milane wala nhi he
I am chhote lal lodhi aam aadmi
Mera nhi aaya
Deepak kumar
मेरे ई श्रम कार्ड में कोई रूपए नहीं आये है
Please help my problem with family and sir me bhut jarurat h peso ki or
Abhi Tak main ration card per koi Paisa nahin aaya hai
Mera pesa nhe aaya
Mera pesha e sherm cad ka nhi aaya ha kab ayega ga
1000prapt hna
1000prapt hnaFebruary 13, 2022 at 9:59 PM
मेरे भी नहीं आए रुपये
Mere bhi nahi aaye h
ShyamLal mara pysa nahi ya hy
Mera bhi 1000 Ni aaya
E shram card ka ek bhi rupaya nahin mil Raha hai.ese kya rajniti kaha Jay ya madad?
मेरा पेशा नहीं आया है नाम
मेरे ई श्रम कार्ड में कोई रूपए नहीं आये है
मेरे श्रम कार्ड में एक भी रुपया नहीं आए
Mera paisa nhi aaya hai
Mera v koe rupee abhi tak nahi aaya hai sir. Plz. request me
Bhupesh Kumar Roy
Hamare pas bhi nahi aye pese
😭Kab aayega ab wait Nahin Hota😭😭😭
अभी तक ऐसा कोई नहीं आया सर जी मैं बहुत गरीब आदमी हूं बहुत मजबूरी है
Agar government grib parivaaro k liye koi suvidha deti h to pls numandey ache rakhey koi system nhi kisika hamney v Sharm card apy Kiya tha 1000rs charge lgey or continue chakker lga lga k bahut pesey lagey per abhi tk card nhi diya last mein clean chitt kar diya or keh dia card band ho gya suvidha k naam per hum garibo k saath majak Kiya government ne
Yes hamara to cord hi nhi de rhey bahut preshan kiya 1000 rs le liye
card charges govt ne diya abhi th kuch nhi kuch nhi
M.b.d mere pass b koi pasaa nhi aya h mere papa b nhi h mere mummy ke pass b koi pasaa nhi aya h hum kya Kari hami to koi yojna milti nhi h hum moradabad ke rahane Wale h
mera bhi nhai aya
MuZe e shram kard caehea
Mere account me ak Bhi Paisa nahi aaya aur mere ammi ka 5 month se vidhiya pansel Bhi nahi aa raha he
Mere e Sharm card me bhi Paisa nhi aaya aur mere mammy ko bhi Paisa nhi mila
Mera paisa nahi aya
Mera paish nahi aaya hai
Sir Mera bi nhi aya plz help me mujhe bi paise ki bhut jrurt hai
Ratnakar s math
Pass nai aya hai
Mera bhi paise nahi aya
Mera bhi app kaha se ho
Office boy
Mera bhi nhi aaya yaar fake he
Sb fack hai
Mujhe bhi abhi paise nahin mile nahin mile mujhe
Mere bi nhi aye abi
Mere ac me ek bhi rs nhi aaya sir..
Mera peisa nahi aaya hai
Mera ek bhi Paisa Nahin Hai esram card ka ek bhi kist Nahin Aaya Paisa
Mera bhi nahi aaya paise
Thanks esrm
Nice knowledge
Are aa bhi jayenge ya time hi khrab hota rahega sabhi ka.
Ya to ase farji chije mt dala kro.
Koi kitna presan hota h aapko andaja nhi h ok
Please sir mainey 15 January ko card ban gaya tha per abhi tak mere amount mai paisey nahi aaye hai please sir mai bht preshan hu ghat ki halal bl theek nahi hai aap jaldi si paisey bheje I Ranjana Batra mera mo no. Hai 95680 61253
सर मेरा भी पैसा नहीं आया है आप पैसा भेजने का कष्ट करें प्लीज मेरा नाम 👉
Sanjeev hai hamare paisa Nahi Aaya hi
Mera paisa nhi aaya sir
हमारे पैसे नहीं आए
Ye sab fake news bhejte hai
Mere bhi khate Hain paise nahin aaye Hain sar
What’s up with you today Islam cat check with nahi hotel
Mara bhi nhi aya passa 😭😭😭😭😭
50 la lye ne
Sir mere pas bhi paise nhi aaye
ई श्वर म काडॅ का पैसा नही आया सर जी
अभी मेरा पैसा भी नहीं आया
Avdhesh Kumar mera bhi nhi aaya hai paysa
Sir me ranjeetsingh or meri wife Anita kumari ke pese nhi aye hai sir meri wife ki tbiyt bahut khrab h or uske oprasion ke liye pese ki jrurt h bahut plz sir help krdo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sir me anitakumari me handicap hu or mere operation ke liye pese ki jrurt h mere papaji ki bhi death ho gai hai or Mummy house wife h esilie pese ki ki bahut jarurat hai sir plz aap help krdo 😭😭😭😭😭😭
meri bhi ek rupa tak nhi Aaya abhi tak
Sonu 7535040095 Mara Pesaro nihaya he
Sonu Mara pesa nahi Aya he 7535040095
वर्तमान पता डालना जरूरी है क्या e श्रम कार्ड में
Mera bhi ak rupya nahi aaya hai
Mera bhi abhi tak paisa nahi Aaya
Subhash baban Gupta
Anup Subhash Gupta
Prity Subhash Gupta
Baby Devi
mere paise nhi aaye hn
Mara BHI ek Rupa Nahi aaya
Mera pesa nahi aaya h
Sandeep kumar mera bhi nhi aaya
Meri dusri kissht Nahin I Hai Sar ji
पहले 60 वर्ष पूरे कर लीजिए
Mai vi nahi paya kab tak aayega
Hmko kuch somaj nhi aaraha ha pless samja dije na hmko Kiya karna parta haaaa
मुझे इस योजना का अभितक कोई लाभ नहीं मीला NAME Arvind Meena
Father’s name chotu Lal Meena
DOB 01/01/1997
Gender male
Universal account number UAN number 7105 3433 XXXX ok sir my comment
Bhramarbar Rout
Hame koi lav nahi mila
Marako bhi nahi aaya eshama card ruppess
Mujhi bhi nahi aaya esarhma card ruppess
I am Navnath Pawar (Deaf) and I am in Pandharpur. I have WhatsApp number 8767841653.
Mere khaye me bi koi Dhanrashi nahi aai
Mera bhi koi paisha nhi aaya h
Mara pasa nh aya
I also not get money
मेरा पैसा भी नहीं आया विभा देवी कोलकाता710069851961… Shram ashram catka abhi tak sar Mera Paisa nahin aaya please mera Paisa bhejne ka kasht Karen
Sir mere account me paisa kab aayega.
Sir mera shram card ka paisa nhi aaya hai
Mera bhi paisa bhi nahi aya hai
Mera Paisa nahin aaya
Mera Paisa nahin aaya
Mera Paisa nahin aaya. WhatsApp naamr he 7983635439
Hamara bank ma pasha nahi ayaa
Mera Ishara khat mein Paisa nahin aaa
Mera bhi nhi aaya E Shram cord ka rupya
Sar mere bhi paise nahin aaye
Mera bhi paisa ak bhi kist nahi aya hai
Bhai aaj e shrim ke 4th instolment milgaye he
Mera bhi nhi aya e Sharm card se pesa
Mere paise nhi aaya abhi tak
Mere paise nahi aaye kuch nahi milta fack hai ye
Are chor h kissi ka paisa nhi aaya h bekoof banate h bas
Paisa Nahin Aaya Modi ji
Sarkar jhot bol rahi he abhi tak hamare ac.me Paisa nahi aaya
Hamare ac. Me bi nahi aaya
पैसा नही आया
Mera bhi nahi aaya
Mera bhi nahi aaya
Mera bhi nahi aaya
मेरा भी पैसा नहीं आया।
मेरा एक्सीडेंट हुआ है और मैं आपाहिज हू फिर भी पढना चाहता हूँ कृपया सर मेरी मदद करें।
मेरा एक्सीडेंट हुआ है और मैं आपाहिज हू फिर भी पढना चाहता हूँ कृपया सर मेरी मदद करें। रायबरेली का रहने वाला हूँ आकर देख सकते हैं
Mujhe bhi nahi mile even hmre family ya pure town Me kisi ko nahi mile .sbka card bna hua hai
Kaha se ho
Mera paisa Nahin Aaya sir
Hamara pisa bhi abhi nahi aaya h kab tak aayega bataiye ।
Hai sir
Hamara paisa nHi aayaa he Abhi tak plzzz Aap Jaldi se dalwado
Humare bi ni aya hai pese hum bi majdoor ha delhi m
Paisa nahi aaya
Paisa nhi aaya
Nahi meia
Mere bhi khate mein paise nahin aaye sir please mere kaath mein bhi dal do paise
Mera bhi koi pesa ni aaya h mujhe bhi pese ki zarurt h plz help me modi ji
Mera Paisa Abhi Tak Nahin Aaya Hai
Mera Paisa nahin aaya hai iske liye me Kya Karu
Sar hamare paise nahin Dale abhi
Mera Paisa Nahin Aaya
Tasleem tyagi
[email protected]
Mujhe bhi abhi tak koyi labh nahi Mila hai sir
मेरे खाते में भी नहीं आए पैसे
कैसे डालना नहीं है जब पैसे डालना नहीं है तो क्यों बनवाते हो ऐसी चीजें
झूठे सरकार झूठे वादे
मेरे खाते में भी नहीं आए पैसे
जब पैसे डालना नहीं है तो क्यों बनवाते हो ऐसी चीजें
झूटी सरकार झूठे वादे
Mera bhi Paisa Nahin Aaya मेरा भी पैसे नहीं आया सरकार जूट है मैं बहुत गरीब हूं कृपया मेरी मदद करो मेरा नंबर 8077836175
The money has not come, the government is lying
Mera bhi nahi aaya he