भारत सरकार का बड़ा फैसला एलपीजी सिलेंडर अब केवल 700 रुपये में मिलेगा ?

By Jackson Andrews

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LPG Rate Update एलपीजी सिलेंडर की कीमतों में 283 रुपए तक की कमी। 19 किलो और 47 किलो वाले कामर्शियल सिलेंडर में बड़ी राहत आइओसीएल भारत पेट्रोलियम और हिंदुस्‍तान पेट्रोलियम ने जारी की नई दरें। पटना सहित बिहार के सभी शहरों में नया रेट लागू

Detection of Composite Mittal from Mam Malini on 25. Considering the convenience of the consumers, gas companies are going to launch composite cylinders

This net is beautiful to look at home as well. Not only this, you will also know how much gas is left in it.

Let us tell you that only 10 kg of gas will come in the cylinder, so you will get it for around Rs 700. One thing to note is that the price of LPG has not come down, but the composite cylinder will get 4 kg less gas than the current cylinder

सांसद हेमा मालिनी ने कंपोजिट्स सिलेंडर को 25 सितंबर को ही मथुरा से लॉन्च कर दिया है. इस सिलेंडर की कीमत 700 रुपये बताई जा रही है, लेकिन गैस सस्ती नहीं हुई है. बल्कि इसमें 4 किलो गैस कम की गई है. यानी इसके अंदर सिर्फ 10 किलो गैस आएगी और इसकी कीमत 700 रुपये होगी.

In the first phase, this composite cylinder will be available in 28 cities including Delhi, Banaras, Prayagraj, Faridabad, Gurugram, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Jamshedpur, Patna, Mysore, Ludhiana, Raipur, Ranchi, Ahmedabad

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Month Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai
August 17, 2022 859.5 886 859.5 875
August 1, 2022 834.5 861 834.5 850
July 1, 2022 834.5 861 834.5 850
June 1, 2022 809 835.5 809 825
May 1, 2022 809 835.5 809 825
April 1, 2022 809 835.5 809 825
March 1, 2022 819 845.5 819 835
February 25, 2022 794 820.5 794 810
February 15, 2022 769 795 5 769 785
February 4, 2022 719 745.5 719 735
January 1, 2022 694 720.5 694 710
December 15, 2022 694 720.5 694 710
December 1, 2022 644 670.5 644 660
November 1, 2022 594 620.5 594 610
October 1, 2022 594 620.5 594 610
September 1, 2022 594 620.5 594 610
August 1, 2022 594 621 594 610.5
July 1, 2022 594 620.5 594 610.5
June 1, 2022 593 616 590.5 606.5
May 1, 2022 581.5 584.5 579 569.5
April 1, 2022 744 774.5 714.5 761.5
March 1, 2022 805.5 839.5 776.5 826
February 12, 2022 858.5 896 829.5 881
January 1, 2022 714 747 685 734
December 1, 2020 695 726 665 714
November 1, 2020 682 706 651 696
October 1, 2020 605 630 575 620
September 1, 2020 590 617 562 606.5
August 1, 2020 575 601 547 591
July 1, 2020 637 663 609 652.5
June 1, 2020 738 764 710 753
May 1, 2020 713 739 685 728
April 1, 2020 707 732.5 679 722
March 1, 2020 702 728 674 717
February 1, 2020 659 683 630 673
January 1, 2020 689 714 660 704.5
December 1, 2018 810 837 780.5 826.5
November 7, 2018 942.5 971.5 913.5 960
November 1, 2018 939 969.5 912 958
October 1, 2018 879 907 851 896
September 1, 2018 820 849 795 838.5
August 1, 2018 790 817.5 764.5 806
July 1, 2018 754 781.5 728.5 770.5
June 1, 2018 698.5 724 671.5 712.5
May 1, 2018 650.5 674 623 663
April 1, 2018 653.5 676 625 663.5
March 1, 2018 689 711.5 661 699.5
February 1, 2018 736 757 708 746
January 1, 2018 741 761 713 750.5
November 15, 2017 No Change No Change 713.5 No Change
November 1, 2017 742 759.5 718.5 750
October 1, 2017 649 665.5 625 656.5
August 1, 2017 524 543 502.5 533
July 11, 2017 No Change No Change 543 No Change
July 1, 2017 564 584 553.5 574
June 1, 2017 552.5 570.5 554 559.5
May 1, 2017 631 650 635 638.5
April 1, 2017 723 742 729.5 731.5
March 1, 2017 737.5 757.5 744.5 746.5
February 1, 2017 651.5 672 656 661
January 1, 2017 585 606 588 594.5
December 1, 2016 584 605.5 587 593.5
November 1, 2016 529.5 551 531 538.5
October 28, 2016 492 513.5 492 501
October 1, 2016 490 512 490 499
September 1, 2016 466.5 491 468 477.5
August 16, 2016 No change No change 489 No change
August 1, 2016 487 514 485 499.5
July 1, 2016 537.5 565.5 537.5 550.5
June 1, 2016 548.5 576.5 547 560
May 17, 2016 No change No change 525 No change
May 1, 2016 527.5 554.5 535 538
April 9, 2016 No Change No Change 516 No Change
April 1, 2016 509.5 536.5 518 521
March 1, 2016 513.5 541 522.5 525.5
February 1, 2016 575 602 585.5 587
January 1, 2016 657.5 686.5 671 671.5
December 9, 2015 608 637.5 620 622.5
December 1, 2015 606.5 636.5 618.5 621
November 1, 2015 545 575 555 559.5
October 1, 2015 517.5 548 526.5 532
September 1, 2015 559.5 593 572.5 577
August 1, 2015 585 619 599 603.5
July 1, 2015 608.5 644 623.5 627.5
June 1, 2015 626.5 661.5 637.5 620
May 1, 2015 616 649 627.5 608.5
April 1, 2015 621 654.5 632 614
March 1, 2015 610 646 624 605.5
February 1, 2015 605 640.5 619 600
January 1, 2015 708.5 746 725.5 705
December 1, 2014 752 791 770.5 749.5
November 1, 2014 865 905 887 863.5
October 23, 2014 883.5 925.5 906 883
October 1, 2014 880 922 902.5 879.5
September 1, 2014 901 945 926.5 902.5
August 1, 2014 920 964.5 947 922
July 1, 2014 922.5 966 949.5 924
June 25, 2014 906 946 933 905
June 1, 2014 905 946 933 905
May 1, 2014 928.5 970 957 928.5
April 1, 2014 980.5 1017.5 1011 981
March 1, 2014 1080.5 1118 1115.5 1081.5
February 1, 2014 1134 1169 1167.5 1132
January 5, 2014 No Change No Change 1273 No Change
January 1, 2014 1241 1270 1264.5 1234

LPG Gas Price Today, LPG Cylinder Price Latest

  • ✔️ After the hike of Rs 25 in LPG gas price per cylinder today, 14.2 kg domestic cylinder will cost Rs 884.50 per cylinder in Delhi.
  • ✔️ LPG gas price in Mumbai is Rs 884.50 per 14.2 kg cylinder, in Chennai is Rs 900.50 per 14.2 cylinder, and Rs 911 per 14.2 kg cylinder.
  • ✔️ Domestic LPG gas price has been hiked by Rs 50 in 15 days.
  • ✔️ Price of 19-kg commercial cylinder has also been increased by Rs 75. After the hike, 19-kg commercial cylinder rate will cost Rs 1,693 in Delhi.
  • ✔️ Earlier in August 18, LPG gas price was hiked by Rs 25 per 14.2 kg domestic cylinder.
  • ✔️ Before that LPG gas price was hiked by Rs 25.50 per cylinder on July 1, PTI reported

Available as 10 kg and 5 kg cylinders

  • ✔️ According to media reports, it will be available in 10 kg and 5 kg cylinders
  • ✔️ In Patna, where customers will have to pay around Rs 700 for a 10 kg cylinder, the price of a 5 kg cylinder has been kept at Rs 363.
  • ✔️ For a 10 kg cylinder, customers will have to pay a security money of Rs 3350, while for a 5 kg cylinder, Rs 2150 will have to be paid.
  • ✔️ 10 kg cylinder is available only under domestic non-subsidized category and 5 kg cylinder is available under domestic non subsidized category

LPG Cylinder rate in today | LPG CYLINDER PRICE?

01-Sep-21 14.2 Kg Domestic Cylinder ₹ 983.0
01-Sep-21 19 Kg Commercial Cylinder ₹ 1909.5
01-Sep-21 47.5 Kg Cylinder ₹ 4768.0
01-Sep-21 5 Kg Domestic Cylinder ₹ 362.5
01-Sep-21 5 Kg Non Domestic ₹ 530.5
01-Sep-21 5 Kg FTL ( Shop – With Cylind) ₹ 1493.5
01-Sep-21 5 Kg FTL Shop – Refil Cost ₹ 549.5

Know the feature of this cylinder

The specialty of this cylinder is that it will be known how much gas is left in it. It is made in three layers

  • ✔️ Officials said that this cylinder is made of a blow-mold high density polyethylene inner liner, which is covered with a layer of polymer fiber glass.
  • ✔️ Comes equipped with an HDPE outer jacket. This new cylinder has many advantages over the old cylinders. They are very light in weight. On the other hand, smart cylinders are rust free and do not deteriorate.
  • ✔️ This reduces the chances of leaving stains and marks on surfaces. It has been made smart in terms of modern kitchen.
  • ✔️ 10 kg cylinder is available only under domestic non-subsidized category and 5 kg cylinder is available under domestic non subsidized category

Now 10 kg of composite cylinder will contain only 10 kg of gas?

  • ✔️ After a journey of nearly 6 decades, gas companies are going to make changes in domestic cylinders.
  • ✔️ The composite cylinder coming in the market will be 7 kg lighter than the iron cylinder.

It will have three layers. Let us tell you that the empty cylinder used now is 17 kg and on filling the gas, it falls a little more than 31 kg. Now 10 kg of composite cylinder will contain only 10 kg of gas.

  • ✔️ We are a non-profit organization. Help us financially to keep our journalism free from any pressure, gas cylinder price delhi, booking

What is the price of gas today?

National average gas prices, gas cylinder booking, gas cylinder price delhi, gas cylinder price delhi, gas cylinder booking, gas cylinder booking

  Regular E85
Current Avg. $3.181 $2.664
Yesterday Avg. $3.186 $2.663
Week Ago Avg. $3.174 $2.638
Month Ago Avg. $3.188 $2.684
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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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gas cylinder booking

What is the cost of 1 gascylinder?

In Bengaluru, the price of non-subsidised LPG for the month of September 2021 is Rs. 887.50 for a 14.2 kg cylinder, seeing a Rs

What is the price of 19 kg gas cylinder?

With the latest hike in the prices, a 19 kg LPG gascylinder is now retailing at Rs 1623.00 in Delhi while the rate of the commercial cylinder has been increased to Rs 1579.50 in Mumbai. The price of the 19 kg LPG gascylinder has been increased to Rs 1629.00 and Rs 1761.00 in Kolkata and Chennai

What state has lowest gas prices?

Alaska, Missouri, and Mississippi have the lowest gas tax by state. While Missouri and Mississippi have low gasoline prices, Alaska has the 6th highest gas prices by state. California, in addition to having the highest average gas price in the country, also has the highest gas tax

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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