₹252 खर्च में मिलेंगे 20 लाख रुपए आइए जानते हैं इस स्कीम को 2022?


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Lic jivan Labh policy ll lic jeevan labh review ll lic jeevan labh  ll lic india surrender value ll lic jeevan labh 836 , LIC Jeevan Labh Policy: भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम मैं सुरक्षा के साथ प्रभावशाली रिटर्न प्रदान करने वाली कई सारा प्रकार है जिससे इन्वेस्ट करने वाले व्यक्ति को यह पता चल सके कि करियर के शुरुआती चरणों में वह अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार वृद्धावस्था के समय मैं जीने के लिए पर्याप्त नकदी के साथ उपाय कर सके। एलआईसी पॉलिसी सम एश्योर्ड की तरह होती है। जो की पॉलिसी धारक के मरने के बाद परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होता है।

Lic jivan Labh policy

इसी प्रकार की एक योजना एलआईसी जीवन लाभ पॉलिसी ने लाया है। जिस पॉलिसी में थोड़ा रहा पैसा इन्वेस्ट करने पर मैच्योरिटी के समय लाखो का रिटर्न मिलता है। अगर पॉलिसी धारक 251.7 रुपए प्रतिदिन इन्वेस्ट करती है तो मैच्योरिटी के समय लगभग 20 लाख रुपया रिटर्न मिल सकता है । यह योजना आयकर अधिनियम की धारा 80C के अनुसार आयकर बचत द्वारा दिया जाता है

Lic jivan Labh policy

इस पॉलिसी में कम से कम बीमा राशि 2 लाख रुपए का है इस पॉलिसी बैंक अधिक से अधिक अनलिमिटेड बीमा करवा सकते हैं। सम एश्योर्ड को बढ़ाकर मंथली प्रीमियम में ज्यादा भुगतान करना पड़ेगा ।

Lic Jivan Labh Policy Time condation

एलआईसी जीवन लाभ पॉलिसी में इन्वेस्ट करने का न्यूनतम उम्र 8 साल और अधिकतम उम्र 16 वर्ष पॉलिसी के लिए 59 वर्ष, 21 वर्ष की पॉलिसी टाइम के लिए 54 वर्ष और 25 वर्ष की पॉलिसी अवधि के लिए 50 वर्ष है।

यदि कोई पॉलिसी धारक16 वर्षों के लिए प्रतिदिन251.7 रुपए का इन्वेस्ट करता है तो उस पॉलिसी धारक को 25 वर्ष के बाद 20 लाख रुपया मिलेगा। https://youtu.be/i4xJAkkKDL0

Lic jivan Labh policy

Is Jeevan Labh 836 a good policy?

Death benefit payable to surviving dependants / nominees on the policyholder’s death, and maturity benefits payable if the policyholder survives the term of the policy. Premiums are very affordable, and the policy offers comprehensive coverage. Multiple Sum Assured options. Flexibility to choose premium paying term. 

How is maturity amount of Jeevan Labh calculated?

In Jeevan Labh, a policyholder needs to pay premium during Premium Paying Term (PPT) and then the policyholder has to wait for completion of Policy Term and on the completion Policy Term, Jeevan Labh provides maturity amount which is equal to Basic Sum Assured + Simple Revisionary Bonus + Final Addition Bonus (FAB), if .

What is plan 836 in LIC?

LIC Jeevan Labh Plan – Table No. 836
LIC Jeevan Labh is a simple endowment plan. You pay premiums for a limited period of time and at the end of the policy term, you will get the Maturity Benefits. In case of death of the policyholder anytime during the policy term, the nominee will get the Death Benefit.

What is the difference between Jeevan Labh 836 and 936?

The initial version of the Jeevan Labh plan having plan number 836 was revised with effect from 1st February and was renamed as Jeevan Labh 936. LIC’s Jeevan Labh (T 936) is an endowment type of plan with a shorter or limited premium payment period.

Is Jeevan Labh 936 a good policy?

LIC Jeevan Labh (Plan No: 936) is one of the effective life insurance plans offered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. … It also provides financial support to the family the needful in case of insured’s miserable demise. People from the age group of 8-59 years can take advantage of this plan.

What is 936 LIC plan?

This plan provides financial support for the family in case of unfortunate death of the policyholder any time before maturity and a lump sum amount at the time of maturity for the surviving policyholder. This plan also takes care of liquidity needs through its loan facility.
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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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Lic jivan Labh policy
✔️ Is Jeevan Labh 936 a good policy?

LIC Jeevan Labh (Plan No: 936) is one of the effective life insurance plans offered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. … It also provides financial support to the family the needful in case of insured’s miserable demise. People from the age group of 8-59 years can take advantage of this plan.

✔️ What is the difference between Jeevan Labh 836 and 936?

The initial version of the Jeevan Labh plan having plan number 836 was revised with effect from 1st February and was renamed as Jeevan Labh 936. LIC’s Jeevan Labh (T 936) is an endowment type of plan with a shorter or limited premium payment period.

✔️ What is plan 836 in LIC?

LIC Jeevan Labh Plan – Table No. 836

LIC Jeevan Labh is a simple endowment plan. You pay premiums for a limited period of time and at the end of the policy term, you will get the Maturity Benefits. In case of death of the policyholder anytime during the policy term, the nominee will get the Death Benefit.

✔️ How is maturity amount of Jeevan Labh calculated?

In Jeevan Labh, a policyholder needs to pay premium during Premium Paying Term (PPT) and then the policyholder has to wait for completion of Policy Term and on the completion Policy Term, Jeevan Labh provides maturity amount which is equal to Basic Sum Assured + Simple Revisionary Bonus + Final Addition Bonus (FAB), if .

✔️ Is Jeevan Labh 836 a good policy?

Death benefit payable to surviving dependants / nominees on the policyholder’s death, and maturity benefits payable if the policyholder survives the term of the policy. Premiums are very affordable, and the policy offers comprehensive coverage. Multiple Sum Assured options. Flexibility to choose premium paying term. 

Sanjeet Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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