MP Bhulekh 2023: Madhya Pradesh Khasra Khatauni Nakal, Land Map?

By John Schmidt

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mp bhulekh, mponline, mpbhulekh, mp land record,bhulekh mp The complete information of MP Bhulekh has been made online by the Revenue Department. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has started providing online land records (Khasra / Khatauni / Map land records / Bhulekh) in computerized mode. People of the state who have their own land and want to get all the information related to their land (People of the state who have their own land and want to get all the information related to their land) then they can visit the official website of MP Bhulekh. You can go and watch online. MP Bhulekh means information in writing related to the land. Today we will tell you through this article how you can get all the information related to your land online


MP Bhulekh 2023: Madhya Pradesh Khasra Khatauni Nakal, Land Map ?

MP Land Record-Khasra Khatauni Nakal mp bhulekh

After seeing the complete details of your land on the online portal, you can submit full ownership rights because in this all the information related to your land is given absolutely correct. MP Bhulekh is known by different names in different places of the state like land records, farm papers, farm map, land details, account (Such as land records, farm papers, farm map, land details, account etc. .) Etcetera . Interested beneficiaries of the state who want to get the Madhya Pradesh Khasra Khatauni Nakal , land map related to their land , then they can easily see MP Bhulekh online by visiting the online portal through internet sitting at home

Purpose of MP Bhulekh

As you know that before the start of the online facility, the citizens of the state have to make many rounds of the government revenue department or other department offices to get information from their land. And many difficulties have to be faced. In view of all these problems, the state government has made the complete information of MP Bhulekh online. Now people can easily access Madhya Pradesh Khasra Khatauni, Bhu Naksha, Jamabandi etc. through internet sitting at home or their nearest Public Service Center (Common). By going to Service Center – CSC), you can easily get the complete details of your land and farm. Now people will not have to make rounds of government offices. This will save time.

Benefits of MP Bhulekh

  • ✔️ MP Bhulekh measles Khatauni (MP Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni) You can also download via MP Bhulekh ‘.
  • ✔️ Through this online facility, the people of the state will not have to pay any fee to see all the information related to their land.
  • ✔️ Through this scheme, corruption in government offices / Patwar Khans through touts will end.
  • ✔️ Citizens of Madhya Pradesh can get their land information through online medium.
  • ✔️ With the launch of this online Bhulekh portal, the time of the people of UP will also be saved.

How to Check MP Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni Online?

Interested beneficiaries of Madhya Pradesh who want to check Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni online, then follow the method given below

  • ✔️ Firstly the applicant has to go to the official website of MP bhulekh . After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On this home page you will see the option of Free Services . You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next window will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ You will see the option of Khasra, B1, Map copy, you have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On this page, you have to select some information like your district, tehsil, patwari halka, village etc. After this select the land owner or Khasra number.
  • ✔️ After that fill the Captcha Code shown on the screen and click on View Details. So after this you can take Print Out by clicking on Khasra/B-1/Map.

MP Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni land records, information

  • ✔️ First of all, the beneficiary has to visit the official website of Land Records . After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On this home page you will see a map. You will have to select your district from the districts visible in this map. After selecting your district, the district for which you want information and then click on the name of your “ tehsil ” to get the Khasra / Khatauni of your land. Will have to do
  • ✔️ After selecting the tehsil, for the information of the RM (Revenue Inspector Board) and Patwari Halka of the village, click on the list of the village in front of the concerned tehsil.
    mp land record
  • ✔️ Clicking on the village list will open the information page.
    mp land record
  • ✔️ After this, to get the information of all measles, click on the total measles.
    mp land record
  • ✔️ If you want, you can take out the print out copy of Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni by filling all the necessary information.

How to see Madhya Pradesh Kishtbandi Map ?

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of MP land map. After visiting the official website , the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On this page, you have to select some information like District, Tehsil, Halka Village etc. After this you have to fill your plot number or land number in the given space and click on “Submit” button.
  • ✔️ After entering your plot number you can see all the information like “Khasra number, account or land holder name, type of land, area of land” etc. on your computer screen.
  • ✔️ You have also been provided the facility to download and take a printout of “Khasra, Kishtbandi, and Bhoo-Naksha” on this page.

Public User Registration Process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link Public User .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of Register Public User .
  • ✔️ Now the form will open in front of you. You have to fill all the information asked in this form like your name, your address, your email id, mobile number etc and click on the register button.

Procedure to login to the portal

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the login option.
  • ✔️ After this a new page will open in front of you in which you will have to select your department.
  • ✔️ Now you have to enter your username, password and captcha code.
  • ✔️ After that you have to click on submit button.
  • ✔️ In this way you will be able to login to the portal.
Process to view land record copy
  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link Public User .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of land record copy.
  • ✔️ Now the login page will open in front of you, in which you will have to fill the username, department, password and captcha code.
  • ✔️ After that you have to click on submit button.
  • ✔️ You can see the copy of the land record as soon as you click on the submit button.

Process to download land record copy ?

  1. First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  2. Now the home page will open in front of you.
  3. On the home page, you have to click on the link Public User .
  4. After this you have to click on the option of download the land record copy .
  5. Now the login page will open in front of you, in which you will have to fill the username, department, password and captcha code.
  6. After that you have to click on submit button.
  7. You can see the copy of the land record as soon as you click on the submit button.

archive copy viewing

  • ✔️ First of all you have to visit the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the option of free service .
  • ✔️ After this a new page will open in front of you, in which you will have to click on the option of archive copy .
  • ✔️ Now you have to select your district, tehsil and village.
  • ✔️ After that you have to click on the Search button.
  • ✔️ The relevant information will be on your computer screen.

Process to see Diversion Intimation

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link Public User .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of Diversion Intimation.
  • ✔️ Now a login page will open in front of you in which you will have to fill username, department, password, captcha code etc. After that you have to click on submit button.
  • ✔️ As soon as you click on the submit button, Diversion Intimation will open in front of you.

revenue payment process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link Public User .
  • ✔️ After this, you have to click on the link for payment of revenue.
  • ✔️ Now a login page will open in front of you in which you will have to fill username, department, password, captcha code etc. After that you have to click on submit button.
  • ✔️ As soon as you click on the submit button, Rajasthan payment will open in front of you mponline

Wallet recharge process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link Public User .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of Wallet recharge.
  • ✔️ Now a login page will open in front of you in which you will have to fill username, department, password, captcha code etc. After that you have to click on submit button.
  • ✔️ As soon as you click on the submit button, wallet recharge will open in front of you.

Land Map Viewing Process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of free service .
  • ✔️ After clicking on the link of free service, you have to click on the link of land map .
  • ✔️ After this you have to select your district, tehsil and village.
  • ✔️ Now a new page will open in front of you which will have the land map.

Village Map Viewing Process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the option of Public User .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the option of Village Map .
  • ✔️ After this a new page will open in front of you in which you will have to enter your email id and password.
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the login button.
  • ✔️ Now you have to select your village.
  • ✔️ The Village Map will be on your computer screen.

Village Khasra Map Viewing Process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to visit the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the option of Office Use .
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the option of Village Khasra Map .
  • ✔️ After that you have to enter your email id and password.
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the login button.
  • ✔️ After this you have to select your village.
  • ✔️ The Village Khasra Map will be on your computer screen.

Village list view

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of free service .
  • ✔️ After clicking on its link for free service, you have to click on the link of the village list .
  • ✔️ After that you have to select the report type.
  • ✔️ Now you have to select the district and tehsil.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of View Report.
  • ✔️ The list of villages will open in front of you.

Procedure to download copy application form

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of free service .
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on copy application form .
  • ✔️ Now a new page will open in front of you on which you will see two options Application form and Khasra Map copy new application form.
  • ✔️ You can download whichever of these two you want to download by clicking on it.

Process to download application form for government work

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the option of Office Use .
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the link of application form .
    mp bhulekh
  • ✔️ After this a new page will open in front of you in which you will have to select the department.
  • ✔️ After that you have to click on the link to download the form.
  • ✔️ In this way you will be able to download the application form.
Departmental Order Viewing Process
  • ✔️ First of all you have to visit the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the option of Office Use .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the option of departmental order 
    mp bhulekh
  • ✔️ As soon as you click on this option related information will be displayed on your computer screen.

New user registration process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Land Records 
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the option of Office Use 
  • ✔️ After this, you have to click on the option of New User Registratio
    bhulekh mp
  • ✔️ Now the application form will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ You have to enter all the important information asked in the application form like your name, aadhaar number, user type, post name, mobile number, state etc.
  • ✔️ After that you have to click on submit button.
  • ✔️ In this way you will be able to do new user registration.

khasra /b1 / map copy viewing process

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of free service .
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the option of Khasra / B-1 / Map copy .
    bhulekh mp
  • ✔️ A new phone will open in front of you in which you will have to select your district, tehsil etc. and click on the button of view details.
  • ✔️ Your Khasra details will automatically be displayed on the computer screen.

The process of viewing data modification reports

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the link of free service .
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the option of data scraping report.
    mp land record
  • ✔️ After clicking on the option, the data scavenging report will be on your screen, you can see the report of your district.

Process to view reports

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the report option.
    mp land record
  • ✔️ After this a new page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ You have to click on the option of report as per your requirement on this page.
  • ✔️ After that you have to enter the date.
  • ✔️ Now you have to click on the option to see the report.
  • ✔️ The relevant information will be on your computer screen.

Process to view your district’s dashboard

  • ✔️ First of all you have to visit the official website of Land Records .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the Dashboard option.
  • ✔️ Today a new page will open in front of you in which you will have to select your district, tehsil and village.
  • ✔️ The dashboard information related to your district will be on your computer screen.

Procedure to file Grievance


  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link of Grievance 
  • ✔️ Now you have to select the option of Public.
  • ✔️ After this, the song will come in front of you, you will have to register your complaint by filling all the information asked in this form.
  • ✔️ mponline, mpbhulekh, mp land record, mponline, mpbhulekh, mp land record
  • ✔️ mponline, mpbhulekh, mp land record, mponline, mpbhulekh, mp land record

Registered User

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link of Grievance .
  • ✔️ After that you have to click on Registered User link.
  • ✔️ Now the form will open in front of you, you will have to register your complaint by filling all the information asked in this form.

Process to track complaint or suggestion

  • ✔️ First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh .
  • ✔️ Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • ✔️ On the home page, you have to click on the link of Grievance .
  • ✔️ After this you have to click on the complaint/suggestion truck movie.
  • ✔️ mponline, mpbhulekh,mponline, mpbhulekh mponline, mpbhulekh, mponline, mpbhulekh, mponline, mpbhulekh, mponline, mpbhulekh, mponline, mpbhulekh
  • ✔️ Now you have to enter the complaint number or mobile number and click on the search button.
  • ✔️ Your complaint/suggestion status will be displayed on your computer screen.

contact us

  • ✔️ Commissioner Land Records and Settlement Moti Mahal Gwalior Madhya Pradesh – 474007
  • ✔️ Phone Number – 0751 -2441200
  • ✔️ Fax – 0751 – 2441202
  • ✔️ Email ID – [email protected]

Helpline Number

We have provided all the information related to MP Bhulekh in this article. If you are still facing any problem or you have any kind of complaint then you can contact on helpline number of MP Bhulekh. Or you can also send email. The helpline number and email id are as follows.

MP Bhulekh FAQs?

How to view your account copy MP?

First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh. Now the home page will open in front of you. After this you have to click on the link of free service. Now you have to click on the option of Khasra / B-1 / Map copy.


How to see old land records in MP?

How to check and download MP Land Record Khasra Khatauni 2023 Name Wise?

Open the MP Land Record web portal

  1. Select your district
  2. Select your Tehsil
  3. Select your village
  4. Select the Khasra/Naksha option
  5. Select the Khasra number of your land
  6. Check Khasra Khatauni details
  7. Download land records

What is settlement land?

Under this arrangement land was given to the zamindars at a fixed amount. After the death of the zamindar, his heir would get the ownership of the land. The landlords had to pay this fixed amount at a certain time before sunset, otherwise their land was auctioned, this law was called Sunset Law.

What is Gairmajrua land in Jharkhand?

According to the information received from the Gairmajrua land, the land which could not be settled by the then Zamindar in the last survey is called Gairmajrua land. There are two types of Gair Majrua land. Gairmajrua mango and special. Gairmajrua mango is completely official road, mountain or sairat.

When was the land survey done in Jharkhand?

In some districts of Jharkhand, the last survey settlement started in 1933 and was completed in 1935. Some in 1938, some in 1995 it was completed. In most of the districts, survey settlement was completed for the last time only in 1879, 1894, 1910, 1915 and 1928. Survey started in 1975 in Ranchi, Khunti, Simdega, Gumla was not completed in 43 years.

What is survey number?

Khasra number is the number of a plot or survey, which is given to a piece of land in villages. In urban areas, plot numbers or survey numbers are assigned to the plots of land, which is equivalent to the khasra number in rural areas. There can be multiple owners of a piece of land

How to see Diversion Intimation on MP Bhulekh Portal?

  1. To see the diversion intimation, open the official website.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. On the home page, click on the Public User option.
  4. After clicking, the option of Diversion Intimation will open.
  5. For that you have to fill your username, password etc. details and captcha.
  6. After that click on submit.
  7. Then Diversion Intimation will open.

What is the process of online revenue payment?

  1. For online revenue payment,  open the official website .
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. On the home page, there will be an option of public user, click on it.
  4. In public user you will get option for payment of revenue, login to it.
  5. Enter your username, password and captcha to login.
  6. After that you will open Revenue Payment.

How to see MP land map online?

  1. To see the land map, open the official website.
  2. After that the home page page will open.
  3. In the home page, click on the option of free service and login.
  4. After that you have to fill the information about your district and tehsil.
  5. After filling, you will have to fill your username, password and captcha.
  6. After that click on submit.
  7. After clicking, the land map will open.
  8. You can also take a print out if you want.

How to see measles /b1 / map copy?

  1. Visit the official website for the copy of Khasra Naksha.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. On the home page, there will be a free service option, click on it.
  4. After clicking the Khasra / B-1 / Map copy will open. 
  5. To get the information of the copy, you have to fill the details of your district, light, tehsil, village, patwari, etc.
  6. After that fill the captcha.
  7. And all your information will be revealed.

How to register complaint or suggestion on MP Bhulekh ?

  1. To register complaint or suggestion on MP Bhulekh visit the official website.
  2. After that the home page will open. us
  3. Search for Grievance option in the home page and click on it.
  4. After clicking, you will get the option for public user on the next page, click on it.
  5. To open this page, you have to give all the information asked in the form.
  6. After filling the details, you will have to submit your complaint and suggestion as well.
  7. After entering click on submit button.

How to track complaint or suggestion on MP Bhulekh?

  1. Click on to track complaint or suggestion 
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. Click on Grievance option in the home page.
  4. Then search for the option to track complaint or suggestion and click on it.
  5. After that the next page will open.
  6. In the next page, enter your mobile number or complaint number and click on search.
  7. After that you can check your suggestion and complaint track.

How to view data modification report?

  1. Visit the official website for Data Scrutiny Report on MP Bhulekh.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. In the home page there will be an option for reports, click on it.
  4. After that the next page will open.
  5. In that click on the option for data scrape reports.
  6. After clicking select the date.
  7. After making the selection the Data Scrutiny Report will open.

How to view archives copy?

  1. To view the archives copy, visit the official website.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. In the home page, you have to click on the free service option.
  4. After clicking, go to the option of archive copy.
  5. After that you have to enter your district, tehsil and village information.
  6. After filling the details, click on the search option.
  7. After clicking you can see all the information about your archives copy.

What is the process of wallet recharge on MP Bhulekh?

  1. For wallet recharge, visit the official website of MP Bhulekh.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. In the home page there will be login option, click on it.
  4. After that you will get the option of Public User, click on it.
  5. After clicking, you will have the option of Wallet Recharge.
  6. Click on the option of Wallet Recharge, and read the information given in it carefully.

How to see online Madhya Pradesh Village Map ?

  1. Click on the official website to view online village map from MP Bhulekh.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. In the home page you will find Public User, click on it.
  4. In the public user, you have to click on the login option.
  5. After clicking, you have to click on the option of village map.
  6. After that you have to enter your username, password etc.
  7. After filling, you have to select your village.
  8. After that click on submit option.
  9. After clicking, Madhya Pradesh Village Map will open.

How to see online Madhya Pradesh Village Khasra Map?

  1. To see the Village Khasra Map, visit the official website of MP Bhulekh.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. In the home page, there will be an option of Office Use, click on it.
  4. After clicking the Village Khasra Map will open.
  5. After that login option will be available.
  6. To login you need to enter your username, password and captcha.
  7. After filling you can get all the information about Madhya Pradesh Village Khasra Map.

How to see village list on Mpbhulekh?

  1. To see the list of villages on MP Bhulekh, click on  pr.
  2. After that the home page will open.
  3. In the home page, you will get the option of free service, click on it.
  4. After clicking the Village List will appear.
  5. Click on Village List option.
  6. After clicking you have to select the report type.
  7. After selecting you will have to give your district and tehsil etc.
  8. After filling the details, click on the search option.
  9. After that you can see the village list. mpbhulekh
  10. If you want, you can also take a print out of it
  11. mponline, mponline, mponline, mponline, mponline

MP Land Record or MP Bhulekh is an online portal that provides access to land records in Madhya Pradesh. The MP online portal facilitates citizens in the state to access various online services provided by the government. MP Bhulekh is a land record management system that has been implemented in the state to help citizens check their land records online.

MP Bhulekh or MP Land Record is a digital land record management system that stores and manages land records in Madhya Pradesh. The online platform provides access to the records of landowners, including the details of their land, such as the location, size, and ownership status. With the help of this portal, citizens can also access information on land-related issues and disputes.

To access the MP Land Record or MP Bhulekh, citizens can visit the official MP Online portal. The portal offers a range of services, including property registration, e-filing of documents, and online payments for various services related to land records. Citizens can also access their property records and other land-related information using their registered credentials on the portal.

The MP Online portal provides a hassle-free way for citizens to access their land records and other related information. The platform is easy to navigate and user-friendly, making it convenient for citizens to check their land records online. The portal also offers support for queries and concerns related to land records.

In addition to MP Land Record or MPBhulekh, citizens can also access various other services on the MP Online portal. These services include online applications for various government schemes, e-payment of utility bills, and online fee payments for various government services.

In conclusion, the MP Online portal is a one-stop platform that offers citizens in Madhya Pradesh access to various online services provided by the government. MP Land Record or MP Bhulekh is a valuable service provided by the portal that enables citizens to check their land records online. With the help of MP Online, citizens can conveniently access a range of services and information related to land records, making it a highly useful platform for the citizens of Madhya Pradesh. mp land record mp land record

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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What is Gairmajrua land in Jharkhand?

According to the information received from the Gairmajrua land, the land which could not be settled by the then Zamindar in the last survey is called Gairmajrua land. There are two types of Gair Majrua land. Gairmajrua mango and special. Gairmajrua mango is completely official road, mountain or sairat.

What is settlement land?

Under this arrangement land was given to the zamindars at a fixed amount. After the death of the zamindar, his heir would get the ownership of the land. The landlords had to pay this fixed amount at a certain time before sunset, otherwise their land was auctioned, this law was called Sunset Law.

How to view your account copy MP?

First of all you have to go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhulekh. Now the home page will open in front of you. After this you have to click on the link of free service. Now you have to click on the option of Khasra / B-1 / Map copy.

What is survey number?

Khasra number is the number of a plot or survey, which is given to a piece of land in villages. In urban areas, plot numbers or survey numbers are assigned to the plots of land, which is equivalent to the khasra number in rural areas. There can be multiple owners of a piece of land

When was the land survey done in Jharkhand?

In some districts of Jharkhand, the last survey settlement started in 1933 and was completed in 1935. Some in 1938, some in 1995 it was completed. In most of the districts, survey settlement was completed for the last time only in 1879, 1894, 1910, 1915 and 1928. Survey started in 1975 in Ranchi, Khunti, Simdega, Gumla was not completed in 43 years.

John Schmidt

John Schmidt is a seasoned professional in the field of online media and news publication. With a career spanning over a decade, he has made significant contributions to the world of digital journalism. John began his journey at, one of the world's leading business and financial news websites. During…

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