Nipun Yojana Bharat 2023: Apply & Get 2 Lakh Benefit Instant?

By Jackson Andrews

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E Shram Card Nipun Yojana has been started by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Office (MoHUA), Government of India to hone the skills of 1 lakh young workers working in the construction sector of the country and to shape their future. Through this scheme, initiative has been taken for skill-based training and certification through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and fresh skilling. NIPPON Bharat has been linked with the eShram Card by the governmentE Shram Card Nipun YojanaAccident insurance of ₹ 200000 will be given for 3 years to the youth connected under the scheme. Under this scheme, youth will be given skill training in plumbing and infrastructure. After this, the completion of their training, they will also be given a certificate. Through this certificate, he can also work abroad. So come and know with us what is eShram Card NIPUN Yojana 2023 is and all the information related to it ni pun yojana online apply for | registration


Under the NIPUN – (National Initiative for Promotion of Skilled Construction Workers) of the Government of India, the focus will be on the skill development of the people of the country, through this scheme the government will provide skill training to the construction workers so that they can do the construction work of our country. Skills can be developed rapidly, as well as the government will provide financial assistance under this eShram Card NIPUN program, so any interested candidates who want to take advantage of this scheme can apply by visiting the official website can

E Shram Card Nipun Yojana 

The construction industry in India is poised to become the largest job creator by 2023. It employs more than 7.5 crore people. The sector is plagued by shortage of skilled manpower. The real estate and construction sector alone will require an additional 45 million skilled workers in the next 10 years. This industry needs to develop a culture of formal education and skills. In view of the rapid growth in the building and construction sector, there is an urgent need for skill development in this sector, keeping in mind the need to increase the productivity and skill-oriented income of the workers

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) through a network of Industry Partners in Construction, Infrastructure Equipment, and Plumbing such as the Construction Sector and Sector Skill Council (SSC) has engaged over one lakh workers as Skill Development Corporation (National Project NIPUN has been started for imparting skills through NSDC

Training and certification, new skills, and international placement opportunities through RPL will bring better livelihood opportunities for workers, among other benefits, safer working styles and increased productivity

E Shram Card Nipun Yojana 2023 – highlight

scheme name E Shram Card Nipun Yojana
initiated by the government of India
concerned ministry Ministry of Housing and Urban Office (MoHUA)
Beneficiary 1 lakh young workers associated with India’s construction sector
purpose Providing training in plumbing and infrastructure
year 2023
Insurance facility Up to ₹ 200000
Application Process Online
official website Skill India Portal

The main objective of the scheme?

  • The main objective of the scheme is to train people in various skills so that they can become employable and financially strong.
  • The NIPUN program will provide competency-based training and certification for a bright future, including opportunities to work outside India.
  • The Nipun scheme aims to enhance the productivity of the existing workforce and train and certify them as per the needs of the industry.
  • Providing skill certificates to youth for skill training to increase employability and productivity.
  • Providing insurance up to Rs.2 lakh per candidate to the beneficiary undergoing skill training

Eligibility for NIPUN Yojana

These qualifications are for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/ Skill Enhancement (Upskilling) candidates

  • Applicant’s age should be between 18-45 years
  • Applicants having prior experience in the job role RPL certification is desired and as prescribed by the Sector Skill Council for those job roles
  • The applicant should have a bank account linked with Aadhar card.
  • Meets other criteria for work experience, as defined by the Sector Skill Council for the respective job roles

Eligibility for Fresh Skilling?

  • Age Limit Between 15-45 Years
  • The applicant should have a bank account linked with Aadhaar.
  • Candidate must have Aadhar card.
  • Meets other criteria for the respective job role as defined by the department.
  • The applicant should be willing to make a career in the construction sector

Benefits of Skilled Planning

This program is being implemented for the development of construction workers, this will give a chance to the youth and former working construction workers of the country to make their career in this sector. The benefits of this NIPUN scheme are as follows: Check here e Shram Card Registration 2023 Download Or Status

  • On-site skill training will be provided to the applicants
  • Assessment of skill/aptitude as per National Skill Qualification Framework
  • Skill India certification co-branded with MoHUA
  • Skill Insurance to Certified Workers (3 Years Accident Insurance with Coverage of Rs.2 Lakh)
  • Trainees will be given knowledge of digital skills (cashless transactions, BHIM app, Bharat QR code etc.)
  • Orientation about Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment
  • EPF/BOCW facilities will be available.
  • Increase in Trainee’s Productivity
  • This program is likely to increase the salary
  • Personal development of the construction worker
  • Reduction in accidents on site
  • Industry information will be provided to the trainee.

benefits to the employer

  • better efficiency of workers
  • Reduction in wastage of time and money
  • better productivity
  • Reduced engagement of supervision
  • great performance
  • increase the morale of workers
  • reduction in absenteeism
Required Documents
  1. Aadhar card
  2. bank passbook
  3. Accommodation quantity
  4. age proof
  5. mobile number
  6. aadhar number
  7. bank account number
  8. Ration card
  9. I Certificate

eShram Card Nipun Yojana Online Application 2023

Those who want to take advantage of the scheme, they have to register themselves in the scheme by following the following procedure:

  • First of all go to official website Nipun direct link : Click here
  • Now the home page of the website will open in front of you
  • Then scroll down the website or check the menu
  • Click on Scheme link present in the main menu
  • Now the list of the scheme will appear in front of you, click on NIPUN here
  • Now the information about the scheme will come in front of you
  • After that click on “Apply Now” link to fill the application form and follow further process
Part of NIPUN Bharat Mission
  • introduction
  • Understanding Basic Language and Literacy
  • Basic Numeracy and Math Skills
  • Shifting to Competency Based Education
  • Education and learning: a focus on the potential and development of children
  • learning assessment
  • Teaching-Learning Process: Role of Teacher
  • school preparation
It will focus on providing and sustaining access to education to children in the foundational years of schooling such as teacher capacity building, development of high quality and student and teacher resources/learning materials and progress of each child on learning outcomes. Keep an eye on
Which classes are covered under Nipun Bharat scheme ? Under the Nipun Bharat scheme, the classes of Pre School 1, Pre School 2 and Pre School 3 (Bal Vatika) followed by Grade 1, Grade – 2 and Grade 3 are included

Implementation of Nipun Bharat Yojana-2

Nipun Bharat Mission, which has been made the first such mission of our country, which will support the students of all government and non-government schools in the country in improving the education foundation of pre-school students. This scheme has been started to implement and implement the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 . A five-tier (National-State-District-Block-School level) system will be prepared in the Union Territories , which will be run under the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan . The implementation of NIPUN Bharat Yojana 2023 will be monitored by the nodal department officers in these five tier mechanisms .

For this, by conducting annual surveillance survey and concurrent monitoring, NIPUN Bharat  will be supported in imparting knowledge not only to the children till class III, but also to those students of classes IV and V, with individual teacher guidance and age-appropriate graded material. And cooperation will be given, who do not have the appropriate basic skills, so those students will also not face any problem in work like reading, writing and counting of marks

Types of Foundation Literacy and Numeracy

Friends, as we told that the main goal of Nipun Bharat Yojana-2023 is to provide basic literacy and numerical knowledge among students. Basic literacy which is considered as the basis for future education and numerical which enhances the ability to solve daily life, reasoning ability and mental development. There are many types of these two like

Basic literacy numeric
1. Reading Comprehension 1. Number and Operation on Number
2. Developing Oral Language 2. Pre-number concepts
3. Decoding 3. Measurement
4. Phonological Awareness 4. Mathematical Techniques
5. Writing 5. Shape and spatial society/pattern
6. Reading Fluency 6. Data Handling

National Mission Roles and Functions

Educating students by the year 2026-27 by providing primary education to the students by emphasizing on basic education by the National Mission , for this the strategy and documents of the mission will be prepared, as well as the Department of School Education and Literacy will function as the Ministry of Education. Along with this, implementation will be done at the national level under the chairmanship of the mission director and the agency.

Administrative transmission of the National Mission: – This administrative transmission is done through five levels, namely, National / National Level, State Level, District, Block / Cluster Level, School Management Committee and Community Participation etc.

1.National Level Mission This scheme will be organized at the state level, which will be conducted by the Department of School Education and
Literacy, through which the work of making learning gaps, assessment, learning strategy documents, preparation of learning matrix etc. will be done for the children.
2. State Level Mission This scheme is operated by the Department of School Education, for this, the State Repairing Committee will be constituted and the implementation at the state level will be headed by the Secretary of the State.
3. District Mission The scheme will be operated by the Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Commissioner at the district level . At the district level, a scheme will be started for the preparation of this scheme, under which District Education Officer, Committee member CEO, District Officer of Health etc. are made members.
4. Block Cluster Mission Block/cluster level mission is implemented at the block level, in which the plan is operated and monitored by the Education Officer and Block Resource Person.
5. Shool Managment Committie & Community Participation This scheme will be operated at the school and community level, through this mission awareness will be spread about the education campaign across the country, which will be contributed by the school management teachers and parents, and citizens will be encouraged to improve the education of children. Can be made aware

These are the main components of basic language and literacy

  • reading comprehension
  • concept of print
  • writing
  • oral language development
  • Glossary
  • Awareness through Dhavani
  • decoding
  • reading effect
  • reading culture

Some important steps to enhance language and literacy development

  • Listening, Telling and Writing Stories and Poems
  • Songs and Rhymes
  • sharing experience
  • Creating a Print Prosperity Environment
  • read aloud
  • Drama and Role Play
  • picture reading
  • share trading
  • using classroom walls
  • experience writing
  • mid day meal

basic numeracy and math skills

It means the ability to reason and apply numerical concepts to solve problems in daily life. When students acquire the following skills, they have an understanding of basic numerical and math skills.

  • develop an understanding of more or less and smaller or larger
  • Ability to establish relationships between a single object and a group of objects
  • understanding of quantities
  • Using copies representing quantities
  • comparing numbers etc.

Requirement of elementary math skills

  • Numbers and spatial understanding can be used by students in daily life.
  • Can develop logical thinking and reasoning in daily life
  • Mathematical skills are important during the formative years.
  • Contribution of basic numeracy in employment and at household level

Major Components of Elementary Mathematics

  • Number and Operation on Number
  • free number concepts
  • data storage
  • size and spatial understanding
  • measurement
  • pattern
  • mathematical communication

Application Process Under E Shram Card Nipun Yojana 2023

  • Firstly the applicant has to visit the official portal of this scheme, Skill India Portal .
  • After this the homepage of the website will open

E Shram Nipun Yojana

  • On the homepage of the website, you will see the option of I want to skill myself . On which you have to click.
  • Now the registration form will open in front of you

E Shram Nipun Yojana

  • In this form, you have to read and enter all the important information asked carefully.
  • After that you have to click on the submit option.
  • In this way you can apply under E Shram Card Nipun Yojana 2023
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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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E Shram Nipun Yojana

When did Nipun Bharat started?

NIPUN Bharat Yojana 2022 has been started 
by the Central Government of India for the development in the education sector 

Nipun Bharat has been launched on 5th July 2021. 
The full name of 
NIPUN Bharat Mission is (National Initiative For Proficiency in Reading with Understanding & Numeracy)

What is the meaning of Nipun Bharat?

For the successful implementation of the New Education Policy-2020, on 5th July, 2021, the “ 
Ninpun Bharat Program” was launched by the Education Minister of 
India , Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank. 
NIPUN stands for National Initiative for 
Proficiency in 
Reading with Understanding and Numeracy

When was the Nipun Bharat scheme launched by the Ministry of Education?

Nipun Bharat Yojana whose full name (National Initiative For Proficiency in Reading with Understanding & Numeracy) is a scheme run 
by the Central Government 
, which has been released on 05 July 2021 by 
Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank 
, the former 
Education Minister of the Ministry of Education , this 
scheme The main target of the

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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