(Registration) Chief Minister Parivar Samridhi Yojana,MMPSY,Parivar Samridhi Yojana


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Mukhya Mantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana (MMPSY) is a unique initiative of Haryana Government. The scheme, which is one of the largest social security programs in the country, has been formulated under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana, as a step towards universal social security by ensuring the future and ensuring life of the underprivileged sections of the society. Has been. And accident insurance for all EWS of Haryana and with assured pension and family provident fund for farmers and unorganized workers of Haryana

portal , Apply , Parivar Samriddhi Yojana portal , Chief Minister family prosperity scheme , Parivar samridhi yojana portal , mmpsy 

Parivar Samriddhi Yojana portal

Mukhya Mantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana (MMPSY) is a unique initiative of Haryana Government. This scheme, which is one of the biggest social security programs in the country, has been formulated under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana, as a step towards universal social security by ensuring the future and ensuring life of the underprivileged sections of the society. Has been. and accident insurance for all EWS of Haryana and with assured pension and family provident fund for farmers and unorganized workers of Haryana.

This scheme will cover all EWS (Economically Weaker Section) families with income up to Rs.1,80,000 /- and land holding up to 2 hectares as well as small traders with annual turnover up to 1.5 crores. Each family covered under the scheme will be eligible for a benefit of Rs 6000 per annum, which will be used for payment of beneficiary’s share of centrally sponsored schemes for pension and insurance. The outstanding amount in the family account will be invested in a family provident fund, the account details of which will be available online along with the interest details. The following centrally sponsored schemes will be covered under the initiative

सीरियल नंबर लाभार्थी की एंट्री ऐज सरकार द्वारा भुगतान किए जाने वाला अंशदान सएरियल नंबर लाभार्थी की एंट्री ऐज सरकार द्वारा भुगतान किए जाने वाला अंशदान
1 18 55 13 30 105
2 19 58 14 31 110
3 20 61 15 32 120
4 21 64 16 33 130
5 22 68 17 34 140
6 23 72 18 35 150
7 24 76 19 36 160
8 25 80 20 37 170
9 26 85 21 38 180
10 27 90 22 39 190
11 28 95 23 40 200
12 29 100      

The government has started the Mukhyamantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana from 21 August 2021 to provide social security for the citizens . Annually for each family under the scheme ₹ 6000 amounted Chief Family Prosperity Plan 2023 life insurance and pensions under (Welfare Scheme) will be as. Parivar samridhi yojana portal 2023 Samriddhi Yojana portal ( mmpsy csc login )


 Important Information: Due to Corona epidemic, financial help of Rs 4000-4000 has been sent to the bank accounts of 6.29 lakh families registered under the Chief Minister Parivar Samridhi Yojana (MMPSY-Mukhya Mantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana).

Application for Mukhayamantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana , mmpsy csc login  online registration process

For the prosperity scheme , the government can take the application through online or a new portal can also be created for this. Beneficiaries can also get their application done through the nearest Common Service Center .

Under the Chief Minister Parivar Samridhi Yojana (mmpsy csc login), the beneficiary is to be identified through the family identity card, the annual income of the family should be less than ₹ 180000 to get the benefit under this scheme.

How to apply for Parivar Samridhi Yojana 2023?

From the information received from the state government, it has been learned that the application for Parivar Samridhi Yojana can be done very easily by filling a simple form, this form will be filled by the head of the family, in which the details of the business along with the information of the family will be filled. Will happen . The application form for Parivar Samridhi Yojana will be available at the Common Service Center (Common Service Center ) , in which full assistance will be given to the head of the family through the Common Service Center VLE

Parivar Samriddhi Yojana Apply

Family Identity Card Will Be Made With The Help Of Common Service Center.

To take advantage of Parivar Samridhi Yojana (mmpsy csc login ), the selection of the family will be done only through ” Parivar Pehchan Patra” and the family identity card will be made by the Common Service Center, such order has been given by the government. The process of making a family identity card has been started by the common service center, to take advantage of the family prosperity scheme , people can go to their nearest common service center or gas agency and get a family identity card made by applying for a family identity card.

Parivar Samridhi Yojana Hoghlights
Scheme Name Chief Minister Parivar Samridhi Yojana
Started by Haryana Government
Beneficiary Every single family of Haryana state
Benefits ₹6000 financial assistance annually
Objective To provide an amount of ₹ 6000 annually to the poor poor people of the state on the lines of pension.
Mode of Application Online Offline and through nearest Common Service Centre.
Official website Click Here

Mukhyamantri Parivar Samriddhi Yojana Eligibility and Criteria for Mukhyamantri Parivar Samriddhi Yojana ( mmpsy csc login )

For the Mukhyamantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana, the government has set some criteria and eligibility, which we are going to tell you below.

  1. ◆ residential address requirement : – Since this plan went given by Haryana government because it will benefit only the people of Haryana and taking advantage of that person’s state or not residential address to prove it information has to be given. The applicant can also give the address information through Aadhar card.
  2. ◆ will the workers and farmers in the unorganized sector priority : – The objective of this scheme workers in the unorganized sector and the beginning of marginal farmers to provide economic aid plan only went to provide these people Samajik and Arthyk assistance.
  3. ◆ Plot measurement : – Planning must be present at least 5 acres of farmland near the application subject to the application, it will not be eligible for that plan to be at the ground, the farmer to provide information about the land On submission of land documents.
  4. ◆ earnings of applicant : – earning workers to apply under the scheme ₹ 15000 should not be more than a month , plan the time of registration has taken the necessary income certificate. 
  5. ◆ identification documents : – dependent applicant on the amount of time identifying’ll need based card, voter card and age certificates to be submitted photocopy of ration card application in the Scheme Document to make the appointment in the plan Age does.
  6. योजना का नाम मुख्यमंत्री परिवार समृद्धि योजना
    इनके द्वारा शुरू की गयी मुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर जी 
    लाभार्थी हरियाणा के नागरिक
    आवेदन की अंतिम तारीक 30 जनवरी 2020
    ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट https://cm-psy.haryana.gov.in
  7. ◆ details of the bank account : – has the amount to be transferred to the beneficiary under the scheme is given directly into their bank account, which is why the beneficiary will give details of his bank account.


Application Process For Mukhyamantri Parivar Samriddhi Yojana

From the information received from the Haryana government , it has been learned that the implementation of this scheme will be done very soon in the state and from the information received from the Finance Ministers, it has been learned that the application of this scheme can be done both online and offline, but for now. Till now no portal has been given for application in this scheme, nor has any process of registration come out. Applying it turns out that plan Shutro Common Service Centers ( Common Service Centre ) may be through.


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ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइटcscdigitalsevasolutions.com के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।

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इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…

Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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मुख्यमंत्री परिवार समृद्धि योजना की अधिकारिक वेबसाइट है cm-psy.haryana.gov.in

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cm-psy.haryana.gov.in पोर्टल के माध्यम से आवेदन फॉर्म भरा जा सकता 

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Sanjeet Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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