Apply Paynearby CSP online! How to take Paynearby App CSP online?


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How to Online Apply Paynearby CSP, Paynearby Retailer – Aadhaar ATM, Money Transfer Online How to Bike Aeps CSP Online Apply?

paynearby login: Hello friends If you want to take Paynearby AEPS CSP Banking Services. And want to work in the banking sector. So you have a good chance. You can start home sitting at home Paynearby AEPS CSP Banking Work | In which you can earn from 20 to ₹ 30000 months easily.

In it you can sit at home (AEPs) that can be sitting home (AEPs), you can sit in the base clearance cache balance balance, and this whole work is through your base card. So if you want to start work. And if you want to open your center banking service, apply the form given below and open the CSC center?

AEPS CSP Service List (Services provided in Base Enabled Payment Systems) paynearby login

If you also want to open Paynearby CSP and want to earn good money, then you have to adopt the following procedure.

  • ✔️ First, click on the link given here to open the Paynearby CSP Center and install it in the Play
  • ✔️ Store and install it in the Official App Mobile.
  • ✔️Fill some of your information in this application.
  • ✔️ Your name
  • ✔️Mobile number |
  • ✔️Email ID |
  • ✔️Father’s name |
  • ✔️Pan card number |
  • ✔️Aadhar card number |
  • ✔️Give your full address etc.
  • ✔️Upload your documents after filling all the information.
  • ✔️Here you have to upload your base card and your PAN card.
  • ✔️After uploading all the documents, you submit here.
  • ✔️Now your ID and Paynearby CSP Word ( paynearby app ) will be sent to you through SMS on mobile.
  • ✔️After this, you have to deposit your ATM services here and upgrade your package.
  • ✔️After this Paynearby Distributor will contact you and fulfill your KYC process.
  • ✔️After the KYC process is concluded, your pay will be ready to run perfectly.
  • ✔️Now you can do all kinds of work from here.


Paynearby AEPS CSP Taking Process Offline?

You can also adopt offline process to take Paynearby service, in which you will be given ID directly by a nearby Penier By Distributor.

  • ✔️ First of all you must find your nearest paynearby distributor.
  • ✔️You can know who your distributor is working here, you can also talk about it from customer care or can know about it from those ( paynearby app ) who are already running Paynearby.
  • ✔️After this you will have to deposure Distributor in your understanding by visiting Paynearby CSP
  • ✔️And Paynearby’s ₹ 1000 fees will be submitted
  • ✔️Paynearby Distributor will make you immediately ID and will make your KYC also and you will be able to work in Paynearby right

In which you can remove money, you can deposit money and can do a lot of work and you can earn a lot of money. To take this portal you will have ( paynearby app ) to give 1000 which your money is not back Will you have to deposit the company to ₹ 1000 to take this portal?

What should be the qualification to take AEPS CSP and Qin Docomant is the Return. paynearby login

  • ✔️ Base (including sign)
  • ✔️ PAN (including sign)
  • ✔️ RBL CSP Form can download from here: Download Form (This form is only to learn)
  • ✔️ Download Sample Fome Hare
  • ✔️ Mo. No (Presently not registered)
  • ✔️ Email
  • ✔️ Center name

Required Paynearby CSP Infrastructure

  • ✔️ Room / Building Having Place of 100-150 Sq. Ft.
  • ✔️ One PC’s With PC with Licensed Operating System of Windows 7 ABOVE
  • ✔️ Two Printers (Inkjet + dot matrix)
  • ✔️ Ram having the minimum storage capacity of 1 gb
  • ✔️ Hard Disc Drive of at Least 120 GB
  • ✔️ Digital Camera / Web Cam
  • ✔️ Wired / Wireless / V-Sat Connectivity
  • ✔️ Biometric / Iris Authentication Scanner FRO Banking Services.
  • ✔️ CD / DVD Drive

Send the following documents

  • ✔️ Aadhar card
  • ✔️ Pan card
  • ✔️ email id
  • ✔️ mobile number
  • ✔️ Payment slip
What is paynearby csp

Paynearby CSP Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a DIPP certified Finntech Company, which is registered under the Startup India Program of the Government of India, which has been established by a team of professionals experienced in Digital ( paynearby distributor ) Banking and Pemants Industry in April 2016. The team works on the understanding of deep insights and payment and transaction technology space.

We work on the B2B2C model, where we share with the Neighbor’s retail store, which is AADHAR ATM, SMS payment, eater service, utility payment, prepaid card, mutual fund and insurance, money transfer, hyperlocal services and payment services Assisted digital ( paynearby distributor ) financial services can offer such as Bharat QR and UPI using Paynearby App Our innovative solutions have been prepared to make financial transactions comfortable, quick, easy and effort to empower our retailers partners.

We are aspiring to empower the 20,00,000 stores in Tier I, II and rural cities in Aas-Paynearby CSP, India. Using the power of base and mobility, ( paynearby distributor ) we are motivated to convert the Retail Store of the AAS-Paynearby CSP to Finatech Mart. To be benefited from Store Finntech services, it will work as a catalyst of digitize cash for large market customers, which were only available to customers whose paynearby CSP digital money was.

Download Paynearby Mobile App?

The best thing in Paynearby is! That you can run it on your endomed mobile too! Recently How to Apply For Paynearby Retailer has launched its Android application on the Google Play Store! You can give all the service to your mobile from your mobile

Paynearby IRCTC ID Apply Online?

Recently Paynearby has compromised with the Indian Railway Department! Now you can do IRCTC’s work from Paynearby too! In which you can work both ticket booking, Ticket Cancelation AC and Non AC! IRCTC in Paynearby is a very large service!

How to Apply for Paynearby Retailer Services:

  • ✔️ Paynearby Cash Withdrawal.
  • ✔️ Paynearby Cash Deposit.
  • ✔️ Paynearby Balance Enquiry.
  • ✔️ Paynearby Money Transfer.
  • ✔️ Paynearby Mobile & Dth
  • ✔️ Paynearby Bijali Bill

How to Apply for Paynearby Retailer Paynearby Commision? paynearby retailer login 

As much as you work! Your commission is immediately transferred to the bank! If your transaction is frozen! So it gets protected in 24 hours! If we talk about commission then the commission in Commision is very excellent!

Paynearby AEPS Commision:

Balance Inquiry: 0 Rs.

  • ✔️ 500 to 999: 1 Rs.
  • ✔️ 999 to 1499: 2 Rs.
  • ✔️ 1499 to 1999: 3 Rs.
  • ✔️ 2000 to 2999: 5 Rs.
  • ✔️ 3000 to ABOVE: 6 Rs.

Paynearby V / S Other:

  • ✔️ Any bank balance can be incair!
  • ✔️ You can submit balance of any bank!
  • ✔️ You can remove the balance of any bank!
  • ✔️ Money transfers in any bank!
  • ✔️ You can remove balance from credit card!
  • ✔️ Can recharge the mobile!
  • ✔️ Dth can recharge!
  • ✔️ Data card can recharge!
  • ✔️ Just book tickets!

The commission is immediately transferred to the bank!

Paynearby Irctc Registration: paynearby retailer login 

If your paynearby is trying to use IRCTC service! So follow the given steps below!

  • ✔️ Click on “Enable Rail Bokking” on Dasboard. Fill the Required Detail
  • ✔️ Go to Download Section and Download The Both Form
a Paynearby Irctc Registration Form Fill the Required Detail

paynearby distributor

Paynearby Irctc Registration Form

Download Paynearby Irctc Registration Form Click Here!

  • b Paynearby DSC Form
  • Fill the Required Detail

paynearby login

Download Paynearby DSC Form Click here

  • Submit The Form Your Paynearby Irctc Registration Completd.

If you want to take the retailer ID of Paynearby! So you fill out the Google Form and send me! We will contact you soon! Fill the Form

You can direct our given number on WhatsApp (7398460368) or you can call (9115002342)! In which you will tell all the details to take the ID! If you want to take a ID then you send me the document!

  • Adhar Card.
  • Pan Card.
  • 2 Passport Size Photo.
  • Valide Email ID.
  • Valide Mobile No.

(How to Apply For Paynearby Retailer):

  • For any query feel free to call or what, SAPP
  • @ 7398460368,9115002342
  • Distributor name- Pavan Kumar
  • District- Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
  • WhatsApp- 7398460368
  • [email protected]

Note- Contact Only Interested Candidate

How do you use PayNearby?

Add PayNearby as beneficiary, enter Account number & IFSC code. Enter the required amount and pay. Take a screenshot of the successful transaction. Upload the screenshot of the transaction

How do I open a PayNearby account?

Paynearby IRCTC Registration
  1. Login Paynearby Account.
  2. Click On “Enable Rail Booking Service” from Dashboard.
  3. Fill Required Details.
  4. Go to Download Section and Download PAynearby Form.
  5. Complete and Submit Paynearby Registration Form.

How do I use PayNearby on my computer?

Download and install any android emulator like MEmu App Emulator or Nox App Emulator on PC. Install completely and launch it using your Google login credentials. After that go over Google Play Store app and search for PayNearby app. Tap a mouse on the install icon and start the installation in PC & Laptop

What is the Commission in PayNearby?

Paynearby Money Transfer (DMT) Commission And Charges list
Slab (In Rs.) Customer Fee Agent Commission
5000 1% 0.48%
5001-9999 1% 0.48%
10000-25000 1% 0.48%
25000-Above 250 100

How do I reset my Paynearby password?

To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again.

How do I install PayNearby on my laptop?

Download PayNearby Retailer for PC – Bluestacks
  1. Step 1: Download Bluestacks software on your computer. …
  2. Step 2: Double click on the downloaded bluestacks.exe file to install the application on your Windows PC.
  3. Step 3: Launch the Bluestacks app now.
If you want to ask me something then you can reach me through comment or via instagram

ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।

अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे Like और share जरूर करें ।

इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…

Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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Kisan Online Registration Pm kisan Name update

✔️ What is the Commission in PayNearby?

Paynearby Money Transfer (DMT) Commission And Charges list
Slab (In Rs.)
Customer Fee
Agent Commission

✔️ How do I use PayNearby on my computer?

Download and install any android emulator like MEmu App Emulator or Nox App Emulator on PC. Install completely and launch it using your Google login credentials. After that go over Google Play Store app and search for PayNearby app. Tap a mouse on the install icon and start the installation in PC & Laptop

✔️ How do I open a PayNearby account?

Paynearby IRCTC Registration
Login Paynearby Account.
Click On “Enable Rail Booking Service” from Dashboard.
Fill Required Details.
Go to Download Section and Download PAynearby Form.
Complete and Submit Paynearby Registration Form.

✔️ How do you use PayNearby?

Add PayNearby as beneficiary, enter Account number & IFSC code. Enter the required amount and pay. Take a screenshot of the successful transaction. Upload the screenshot of the transaction

✔️ How do I reset my Paynearby password?

To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again.

✔️ How do I install PayNearby on my laptop?

Download PayNearby Retailer for PC – Bluestacks
Step 1: Download Bluestacks software on your computer. …
Step 2: Double click on the downloaded bluestacks.exe file to install the application on your Windows PC.
Step 3: Launch the Bluestacks app now.


Sanjeet Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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