PMAY First Installment Released The first installment of PMAY was released, which benefitted 1.47 lakh people: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin Transferred the first installment of Gramin (Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana). According to the Prime Minister’s Office, during this period about Rs 700 crore was sent directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. pradhanmantri aawas yojana,pmayg
1.47 lakh people have got the first installment
Anita Kuki Deborma, a middle-aged tribal farmer from the remote village of Kamalchara in Dalai Lama district, was very happy after receiving the first installment of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-PM. Anita, who lives in an earthen kutsa house with her two children, is currently getting the first installment to build a pucca house under the PMAY-G scheme
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PMAY First Installment Released: Prime Minister congratulated
Modi, who handed over the first installment of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin to 1.47 lakh beneficiaries in Tripura, said, “Today the first installment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana gave new impetus to the dreams of Tripura. Is ! Get the benefit of the first installment. Hearty congratulations to about 1.5 lakh families and people of Tripura. ,
Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin
PM Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2021
Bihar mukhymantri gramin aawas Yojana list 2021
Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme List 2021
PM Kisan New Scheme Next Month 12,000
- List, PM Kisan 8th installment
Earlier, the Prime Minister said that our rivers were coming east from the northern and western parts of the country, but the Ganga of development had stopped before coming here. From the political point of view the overall development of the country was also seen as fragmented. That’s why our Northeast was considered neglected, but today the development of the country is seen with the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’. Development is now being seen as a synonym for the unity-integrity of the country
Official Website | |
Launch Date | 25th June 2015 |
Expected Completion | By 2022 |
Toll Free Number | 1800-11-6163 – HUDCO 1800 11 3377, 1800 11 3388 – NHB |
Complaints or Suggestion | [email protected] |
Office Address | Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 011Contact: 011 2306 3285, 011 2306 0484 Email: [email protected] |
PMAY Guidelines | Click to Download Manual |
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana
Anita told Prime Minister Modi through video conferencing that I am a daily wage laborer working in the fields of farmers. I dreamed that one day I would have a pagoda so that my children could live comfortably. Today my dream has come true.
Earlier, following the intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister’s Office said that in view of the unique geo-climate of Tripura, the definition of ‘Katasa House’ has been changed specifically for the state. Many beneficiaries living in Prime Minister’s Katsa houses got help in constructing pucca houses.
What is PM Awas Yojana?
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is an initiative of the Government of India which aims to provide affordable housing to the urban poor by the year 2022. This scheme was first launched on 1st June 2015.
The interest rate for PMAY scheme starts at 6.50% per annum and can be availed for tenures up to 20 years. The last date to avail PMAY CLSS scheme for LIG and EWS categories has been extended up to 31 March 2022.
FM announces extension of affordable housing eligibility
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the Union Budget for 2021 in which she has proposed expanding eligibility for affordable housing. It has also announced tax exemption for affordable rental housing projects.
The FM has also announced affordable rental housing for migrant workers as a part of its budget speech. He has also announced an additional deduction of Rs 1.5 lakh for all housing loans taken before March 31, 2022. FM has announced to avail tax holiday for affordable housing projects for one more year ending 31st March 2022.
Features and Benefits of PMAY Scheme
Under the PMAY scheme, a subsidy interest rate of 6.50% per annum is provided. On housing loan for a period of 20 years to all the beneficiaries. Disabled persons and senior citizens will be given preference in allotment of ground floor. Sustainable and eco-friendly technologies will be used for the construction.
Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin
PM Dhan Laxmi Yojana 2021
Bihar mukhymantri gramin aawas Yojana list 2021
Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme List 2021
PM Kisan New Scheme Next Month 12,000
- List, PM Kisan 8th installment
In this scheme (PMAY First Installment Released), the entire urban areas of the country have been covered in which 4041 statutory towns have been included, in which first priority has been given to 500 cities of the first category. This will be done in 3 phases. The Credit Linked Subsidy aspect of PM Awas Yojana is implemented from the initial stage in all statutory cities in India
When PMAY subsidy will be credited after approval?
When will an eligible customer receive a PMAY subsidy? The complete process from application to the amount being credited into the Home Loan Account takes anywhere between 3-6 months (within 1 year). The government will release the funds only after the verification of all the documents provided by the borrower
Is PMAY subsidy credited in installment?
Interest subsidy will be credited upfront to the loan account of beneficiaries through Primary lending institutions resulting in reduced effective housing loan and Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI).
How does PMAY amount get credited?
Interest subsidy will be credited upfront to the loan account of beneficiaries through Primary Lending Institutions resulting in reduced effective housing loan and Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI). The Net Present Value (NPV) of the interest subsidy will be calculated at a discount rate of 9 %
How do I know how much PMAY subsidy is credited?
PMAY Toll Free Number
- NHB – 1800-11-3377 , 1800-11-3388.
- HUDCO – 1800-11-6163
Is PMAY subsidy Cancelled?
The CLSS under the PMAY had been extended only up to March 31, 2021. As of now, there is no news of further extension. An alternative to the PMAY subsidy is also not currently available. In case the buyer is also taking a loan, then the papers are released to the institution which is giving a loan to the buyer
How do I know if my PMAY is approved 2021?
Visit, the official website of PMAY scheme.
- Go the option titled ‘Citizen Assessment’ on the task bar.
- Select the option ‘Track your Assessment status’ form the drop down menu under Citizen Assessment
PMAY scheme extended till 2022?
The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is an initiative of the Government of India which aims at providing affordable housing to the urban poor by the year 2022. … The last date for availing the PMAY CLSS scheme for the LIG and EWS categories has been extended to 31 March 2022
What is PMAY subsidy amount?
PMAY Eligibility & Subsidy 2021
The maximum eligible amount for PMAY subsidy ranges from ₹ 2.30 Lakh to ₹ 2.67 Lakh
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Posted by Sanjit Gupta
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PMAY Toll Free Number
1. NHB – 1800-11-3377 , 1800-11-3388.
2. HUDCO – 1800-11-6163
Interest subsidy will be credited upfront to the loan account of beneficiaries through Primary Lending Institutions resulting in reduced effective housing loan and Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI). The Net Present Value (NPV) of the interest subsidy will be calculated at a discount rate of 9 %
Interest subsidy will be credited upfront to the loan account of beneficiaries through Primary lending institutions resulting in reduced effective housing loan and Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI).
When will an eligible customer receive a PMAY subsidy? The complete process from application to the amount being credited into the Home Loan Account takes anywhere between 3-6 months (within 1 year). The government will release the funds only after the verification of all the documents provided by the borrower
Visit, the official website of PMAY scheme.
1. Go the option titled ‘Citizen Assessment’ on the task bar.
2. Select the option ‘Track your Assessment status’ form the drop down menu under Citizen Assessment
The CLSS under the PMAY had been extended only up to March 31, 2021. As of now, there is no news of further extension. An alternative to the PMAY subsidy is also not currently available. In case the buyer is also taking a loan, then the papers are released to the institution which is giving a loan to the buyer