Up Agriculture | UP Agriculture Portal | UP Agriculture 2023 New Update ?

By Jackson Andrews

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up agriculture status, agriculture up, up agriculture status, up agriculture registration, dbt agriculture


Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy of Uttar Pradesh and about 65 percent of the population is based on agriculture. Agriculture sector plays an important role in the economic development of the state. According to the data of the year 2014-15, about 165.98 lakh hectare (68.7%) area is cultivated in the state. According to the agricultural census year 2010-11, there are 233.25 lakh farmers in Uttar Pradesh. It is the result of the hard work and efforts of the farmers in the direction of increasing production and productivity by using modern techniques of agriculturethat agriculture has made the state self-sufficient in food security and has moved towards “excess of need”.

Agriculture  agriculture statistics dbtagriculture.

In the year 2015-16, against the target of 626.64 lakh metric tonnes, the production of food grains was 439.47 lakh metric tonnes, out of which 159.12 lakh metric tonnes were produced in Kharif and 280.35 lakh metric tonnes in Rabi. Similarly, in oilseed crops, 8.47 lakh metric tonnes (net) against 13.03 lakh metric tonnes. ) produced.

In the financial year 2016-17, maintaining the annual growth rate of 5.1 percent for the Agriculture Department, a target has been set to achieve the production level of 659.49 lakh metric tonnes of total food grains, against which it is estimated that 539.14 lakh metric tonnes of food grains, in which 180.25 lakh metric tonnes under Kharif. Foodgrain production of lakh metric tonnes has been achieved and in Rabi, it is estimated that the production of food grains is 355.90 lakh metric tonnes. Similarly, against the target of 14.13 lakh metric tonnes (net) in oilseed crops, it is estimated at 10.37 lakh metric tonnes.

Kisan Registration Upagriculture

  • ✔️ First of all go to the official website of UPAgriculture .
  • ✔️ As soon as you go to upagriculture.com 81 , its home page will open in front of you in this way. 

  • ✔️ Go to upagriculture.com home page
  • ✔️ The homepage will be seen in such a way that at the top you will see a link to register, which will be something like this. 

  • ✔️ As soon as you click on Register.
  • ✔️ Farmer Registration Form will open in front of you. You have to enter all your information in the form. 

status, up agriculture registration, up agriculture pm kisan, dbt, Yes, you are eligible to study Diploma in Agricultureafter csc portal ?

  • ✔️ Also enter the bank account details of the farmer.
  • ✔️ In Bank Account Information, you have to enter your Bank Account Number and IFSC Code along with Aadhar Card Number.
  • ✔️ Enter all the information in the form
  • ✔️ Enter all the information that is asked from you in the farmer registration form carefully and check it once before submitting it.
  • ✔️ Final submit the application form.
  • ✔️ When your information is completely filled in the application form and the application is also re-verified, then you should submit your application form final.

In the year 2015-16, 45.53 lakh quintal seeds were distributed against the total target of 52.26 lakh quintals. In the year 2016-17, 51.06 lakh quintal seeds have been distributed against 55.63 lakh quintals. In which 10.87 lakh seeds were distributed in Kharif and 40.53 lakh seeds in Rabi.

UP Agriculture Farmer Registration Scheme Highlights 
Scheme Name UP Agriculture
started By Agriculture Department Uttar Pradesh
Beneficiary all farmers of the state
Benefits To provide benefits of all types of government schemes launched by the government to the farmers.
Objective No farmer of the state should be deprived of government schemes.
Status UPFarmer Registration Start
state Applicable only in Uttar Pradesh
Official website Click Here

In the year 2015-16, against the total fertilizer distribution target of 88.67 lakh metric tonnes, 73.64 lakh metric tonnes were distributed making availability of 108.39 lakh metric tonnes. In the year 2016-17, against the total target of 89.50 lakh metric tonnes, 66.85 lakh quintal seeds were distributed, providing 103.64 lakh metric tonnes. In order to achieve desired production and   to maintain soil health , special emphasis was given on the use of phosphorus and potash along with nitrogen, this has encouraged the use of balanced fertilizers., 

Online Farmer Registration

In the year 2015-16, crop loan distribution of Rs 66478.89 crore was done against the target of Rs 84021.09 crore. In the year 2016-17, crop loan distribution of Rs 73271.74 was done against the target of Rs 93212.60 crore crop loan disbursement. In which crop loan of Rs.30051.07 crore and Rs.43220.67 crore has been distributed in Kharif. UP Agriculture status

Against the target of 32 lakh Kisan Credit Card distribution in the year 2015-16,  34.18 lakh Kisan Credit Cards were distributed in the year 2016-17, 34.79 lakh Kisan Credit Cards were distributed against the target of 35 lakh Kisan Credit Card distribution.

How to do PM Kisan Registration?

 Register for the benefits of Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Schemes 

upagriculture.com Krishi Yantra Anudan panjikaran

Kirshi Yojana .upagriculture report.farmer registration online ,kisan grant scheme .farmer portal.agriculture department officer.kisan app.up .uttar pradesh agriculture data.agriculture department gov in.agriculture.rabi crop diesel grant.farmer advisor .agriculture ministry India Govt.Input Subsidy for Drought Blocks.Farmer Benefit.Farmer Grant Scheme 2023 upAgriculture Schemes of Government of India 2023, UP Agriculture’s status, UP Agriculture status

1 शुगर केन प्लांटर / कटर 23 सेमी आटोमेटिक पोटेटो प्लांटर
2 स्प्रिंग लोडेड 9 टाइन कल्टीवेटर 24 8 रो सेल्फ प्रोपेल्ड राइस ट्रांस प्लांटर
3 6 लेवलर 25 5 टाइन कल्टीवेटर
4 7 टाइन रिजिड कल्टीवेटर 26 शाबाश प्लाऊ (6)
5 ट्रैलिंग हैरो (10 डिस्क हैवी टाइप) 27 पैडी थ्रेसर
6 रिजर (3 फरो) 28 ऊसाई पंखा
7 पावर थ्रेसर (4पहिया) 29 ब्रास नैपसेक स्प्रेयर
8 पावर विनोइंग और डिस्क हैरो 12 डिस्क माउंटेड 30 ट्री गार्ड
9 रीपर बाइंडर 31 अष्टाकार हैंड मेज शेलर
10 मैज थ्रेसर 32 ग्राउंड नट डिकोरटीकेटर
11 पैडी रीपर 33 स्ट्रारीपर
12 राइस ट्रांस प्लांटर 34 स्ट्राचोपर
13 हैरो (6 डिस्क) 35 रोटावेटर
14 3 टाइन काल्टीवेटर 36 रोटरी सीडर
15 हैरो 8 डिस्क टी.टी. 37 लैन्डलेजर लेवलर
16 पावर स्प्रैयर 38 हे रैक
17 जीरो टिलेज सीड कम फर्टी ड्रिल 39 हैप्पी सीडर
18 बंड फार्मर (ब्लेड टाइप) 40 रिवर्सेबुल प्लाऊ
19 सूरजमुखी पावर थ्रेसर 41 बेलर
20 पैडी पडलर ट्रैक्टर माउंटेड वर्टीकल कंवेयर रीपर 42 न्यूमेटिक प्लान्टर
21 आटोमेटिक पोटेटो प्लांटर 43 ड्रम सीडर
22 मल्टीक्राप थ्रेसर    

​Agriculture. Upto 20 to 50 percent grant on agricultural machines. Chief Minister Grant Scheme tractor 2023 upAgricultural Equipment Subsidy Uttar Pradesh. Farmer Registration Uttar Pradesh. Agriculture Department Uttar Pradesh 2023. Farmer Registration. DBT Agriculture Uttar Pradesh .dbt agriculture india. pfms payment status by aadhar card- up agriculture status

 DBT Agriculture | Online farmer registration 2023

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If you are a farmer and want to take advantage of the schemes given by the government , then it is mandatory for you to register your farmer . To do this , upagriculture, upagriculture, upagriculture registration page, kisan registration have been started by the government. Come early we will give all the information you UPAgriculture (upagriculture.com).

Many schemes are started for the farmers by the central government and the state government , but the benefits of these schemes are not available to the farmers who are not registered farmers i.e. farmers whose kisan registration has not been done.

For the farmers to take advantage of the government schemes run by the government, it is very important for the farmers to have kisan registration and kisan registration can be done by visiting the upagriculture registration page .

Below we are going to give you all the information related to dbt agricultureUp, Upagriculture, UpAgriculture in full detail.

Are you also a farmer of Uttar Pradesh, do you also have to do your kisan registration on dbt agricultureUp, Upagriculture, UpAgriculture?


Many schemes are run by the Government of India to give benefits to the farmers and these schemes are operated under the supervision of DBT Agriculture Department .

The work of the Agriculture Department is mainly to send money to the account of farmers, but kisan registration is also done on the DBT Agriculture Department website , so that the farmer can be identified. UP Agriculture status, UP Agriculture status

The registration of farmers is done by the upagriculture department and the details of these farmers are collected, in the details , information related to bank account is also taken from the farmers along with their personal information.

Bank information is taken from the farmers so that in the coming time, the amount to be transferred to the farmers account can be sent directly to their account through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)

DBT AGRICULTURE INDIA Although this is a central government scheme, but under Dbt Agriculture , different DBT Agriculture Portals of the state government are created.

For example, DBTagriculture Bihar for Bihar and DBT Agriculture Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh . Similarly, DBT Agriculture Portal is also different for different states and their link and method of working is also slightly different.

Direct Benefit Transfer Agriculture Department/ Dbt Agriculture

  • ✔️ Through DBT Agriculture Portal , farmers can do a lot of work from one place.
  • ✔️ Agriculture DBT Portal is different for every state, you have to keep in mind which state you are from and you have to get the information of your DBT Portal according to that state .
  • ✔️ By the way, if you are from Bihar then you can get complete information about Bihar DBT Agriculture by clicking here.
  • ✔️ And if you are a farmer of Uttar Pradesh, then we are going to give you complete information about Uttar Pradesh Agriculture Department in full detail.

UPAgriculture, upagriculture, transparent farmer service scheme Uttar Pradesh government.

The farmers of Uttar Pradesh are given the benefit of many schemes by the government , the work of giving benefits of these schemes is done through upagriculture.com under the transparent Kisan Seva Yojana .

Transparent Kisan Seva Yojana Uttar Pradesh Government Services., UPAgriculture , Upagriculture

With the help of upagriculture.com , not only kisan registration of farmers of Uttar Pradesh is done, but many services are also provided to those farmers.

We you up upagriculture under upagriculture.com describes the services offered to farmers in Uttar Pradesh by.

If you are from any state other than Uttar Pradesh , then the services provided may be slightly different, you can get information about it by visiting the DBT Agriculture Portal of your state government .

Uttar Pradesh kisan registration /farmer registration /upagriculture registration page

Before doing kisan registration, we would like to give you detailed information about the services provided on the UPAgriculture Department ‘s portal upagriculture.com and we would also like to tell you what benefits you will get after doing kisan registration .

Benefits of being a registered farmer. Benefits Of kisan registration

After doing kisan registration , you get many benefits, this benefit is given to you by both the state government and the central government only when your kisan registration is done and you are a registered farmer .

Following Are The Advantages Of Dbt Agriculture Kisan Registration.

1. The state government gets to know that you are a farmer.

In order to reach the benefits of the Central Government or State Government schemes to the farmers, it is necessary that the government should know who are farmers and who are not farmers?

If you are a farmer then this can be proved only when your kisan registration has been done.

2. Direct Benefit to Farmers

After being a registered farmer , through upagriculture.com , whatever benefit amount is in the account of the farmers according to the scheme, is sent through Direct Benefit Transfer DBT .

3. Priority to farmers in upcoming schemes

If any scheme is started by the Central Government or the State Government , then priority is given to the registered farmer only.

4. Application for grant on crop failure.

If due to any reason the crops of the farmers are ruined, for example unseasonal rain or hailstorm, then even in such a situation only those farmers can apply to get the grant who is a registered farmer .

5. Suggestions and Complaints

Through upagriculture.com , farmers are also given the option to submit suggestions or complaints on any problem .

What are the 4 types of agriculture?

  1. Subsistence farming:-
  • ✔️ Intensive subsistence farming:-
  • ✔️ Early subsistence farming:-
  • ✔️ Shifting cultivation:-
  • ✔️ Commercial grain farming:-
  • ✔️ Commercial mixed farming:-
  • ✔️ Commercial plantation farming:-

What is importance of agriculture?

Agriculture is important not only for the Supply of Food but also for the Provision of Raw Materials for other Industries such as Textiles, Sugar, Jute, Vegetable oil and Tobacco. Agriculture is not only an Occupation for People but also a Way of life. Most Customs and Cultures in the World revolve around Agriculture, up agriculture registration, up agriculture registration

What is the study of agriculture?

Agriculture is the method and science of farming & cultivation of plants, animals, fungi, medicinal plants and other products which are used to enhance human life. The study of agriculture is defined as “Agricultural Science

Is agriculture hard to study?

B.Sc., Agriculture is an easy as well as a lively course to study. The credit hours for the course vary with the universities. In each semester you will study upto the maximum of 12 subjects. For most of the subjects except some of the allied subjects, there will be both practical and theory classes

What can I do in agriculture after 12?

Bachelor Degree Courses in Agriculture After 12th

  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Agriculture.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Horticulture.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Plant Pathology.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Food Science.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Dairy Science.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Plant Science.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Agricultural Biotechnology.
  • ✔️ B.Sc. in Fisheries Science

Can we do agriculture after 10th?

Yes, you are eligible to study Diploma in Agricultureafter completion of 10th standard. A candidate who have passed 10th standard with a minimum of 40% marks from a recognized board, is eligible to pursue Diploma in Agriculture

If you want to ask me something then you can reach me through comment or via instagram

ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइटcscdigitalsevasolutions.com के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।


अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे Like और share जरूर करें ।

इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…

Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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Kisan Online Registration Pm kisan Name update

Is agriculture hard to study?

B.Sc., Agriculture is an easy as well as a lively course to study. The credit hours for the course vary with the universities. In each semester you will study upto the maximum of 12 subjects. For most of the subjects except some of the allied subjects, there will be both practical and theory classes

What is the study of agriculture?

Agriculture is the method and science of farming & cultivation of plants, animals, fungi, medicinal plants and other products which are used to enhance human life. The study ofagriculture is defined as “Agricultural Science” up agriculture registration

What is importance ofagriculture?

Agriculture is important not only for the Supply of Food but also for the Provision of Raw Materials for other Industries such as Textiles, Sugar, Jute, Vegetable oil and Tobacco.Agriculture is not only an Occupation for People but also a Way of life. Most Customs and Cultures in the World revolve aroundAgriculture

What are the 4 types ofagriculture?

1. Subsistence farming:-
Intensive subsistence farming:-
Primitive subsistence farming:-
Shifting cultivation:-
Commercial grain farming:-
Commercial mixed farming:-
Commercial plantation farming:-

What can I do inagriculture after 12?

Bachelor Degree Courses inAgriculture After 12th
B.Sc. inAgriculture.
B.Sc. in Horticulture.
B.Sc. in Plant Pathology.
B.Sc. in Food Science.
B.Sc. in Dairy Science.
B.Sc. in Plant Science.
B.Sc. in Agricultural Biotechnology.
B.Sc. in Fisheries Science

Can we do agricultureafter 10th?

Yes, you are eligible to study Diploma in Agricultureafter completion of 10th standard. A candidate who have passed 10th standard with a minimum of 40% marks from a recognized board, is eligible to pursue Diploma inAgriculture
Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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