US ‘strongly condemns’ North Korea’s missile test: White House

US ‘strongly condemns’ North Korea’s missile test: White House

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The United States said Thursday it “strongly condemns” what it called a “test of a long-range ballistic missile” 

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by North Korea, which Japan said may have had the range to hit the US mainland.

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The president has been briefed on the situation and he and 

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his national security team will continue close consultations with allies and partners,”

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 National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a statement.

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“This launch is a brazen violation of multiple UN Security Council resolution

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and needlessly raises tensions and risks destabilizingthe security situation in the region,” she said. 

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A missile fired on Friday by North Korea had sufficient range to reach 

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the United States mainland and was capable of flying as far as 15,000 km (9,320 miles), 

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the United States mainland and was capable of flying as far as 15,000 km (9,320 miles), 

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