7th pay matrix , 7th pay fixation table , pay scale chart pdf , 7th cpc pay calculator , government pay scale calculator पेंशन की रकम में 5 गुना अधिक की बढोतरी करने पर सरकार एक नया फैसला लेने जा रही है । जिसके तहत 2019 के लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले मोदी सरकार वृद्धों, दिव्यांगों विधवा महिलाओं को अधिक पेंशन देने की सोच रही है ।
15 जनवरी को केंद्रीय मंत्री रामकृपाल यादव जी की अध्यक्षता में सामाजिक सहायता कार्यक्रम में इस पर फैसला लिया जाएगा ।
इन लोगो को मिलेगा फायदा
सरकारी आंकड़े के अनुसार पूरे भारत में इस समय लगभग तीन करोड़ लोगों को सरकारी पेंशन दी जा रही है । इसमें इस समय लगभग 2.4 करोड़ बुजुर्ग, 60 लाख विधवा ,10 लाख दिव्यांग व्यक्ति शामिल है ।
भारत के अलग-अलग राज्यों में पेंशन की रकम अलग अलग है कहीं पर ₹200 तो कहीं पर ₹500 प्रतिमाह पेंशन दी जाती है । नई योजना से लगभग इन लोगों को ₹1000 से ₹2500 तक प्रतिमाह पेंशन दी जाएगी ।
योजना को लाने के लिए ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय ने सामाजिक आर्थिक जनगणना के आधार पर 48 हजार करोड़ रुपए की नई योजना बनाई है ।
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केंद्र राज्य की हिस्सेदारी पर होगी चर्चा बैठक के दौरान
Here is the pay matrix table for employees of the Central Government:
1. Grade Pay 1800 to 2800 – Level 1 to Level 5
PB-1 (5200 to 20200)
GP | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 |
2 | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 |
3 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 |
4 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 |
5 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 |
6 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 |
7 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 30500 | 34900 |
8 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 |
9 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 |
10 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
11 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 34300 | 39200 |
12 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 35300 | 40400 |
13 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 36400 | 41600 |
14 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 37500 | 42800 |
15 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 38600 | 44100 |
16 | 28000 | 31100 | 34000 | 39800 | 45400 |
17 | 28800 | 32000 | 35000 | 41000 | 46800 |
18 | 29700 | 33000 | 36100 | 42200 | 48200 |
19 | 30600 | 34000 | 37200 | 43500 | 49600 |
20 | 31500 | 35000 | 38300 | 44800 | 51100 |
21 | 32400 | 36100 | 39400 | 46100 | 52600 |
22 | 33400 | 37200 | 40600 | 47500 | 54200 |
23 | 34400 | 38300 | 41800 | 48900 | 55800 |
24 | 35400 | 39400 | 43100 | 50400 | 57500 |
25 | 36500 | 40600 | 44400 | 51900 | 59200 |
26 | 37600 | 41800 | 45700 | 53500 | 61000 |
27 | 38700 | 43100 | 47100 | 55100 | 62800 |
28 | 39900 | 44400 | 48500 | 56800 | 64700 |
29 | 41100 | 45700 | 50000 | 58500 | 66600 |
30 | 42300 | 47100 | 51500 | 60300 | 68600 |
31 | 43600 | 48500 | 53000 | 62100 | 70700 |
32 | 44900 | 50000 | 54600 | 64000 | 72800 |
33 | 46200 | 51500 | 56200 | 65900 | 75000 |
34 | 47600 | 53000 | 57900 | 67900 | 77300 |
35 | 49000 | 54600 | 59600 | 69900 | 79600 |
36 | 50500 | 56200 | 61400 | 72000 | 82000 |
37 | 52000 | 57900 | 63200 | 74200 | 84500 |
38 | 53600 | 59600 | 65100 | 76400 | 87000 |
39 | 55200 | 61400 | 67100 | 78700 | 89600 |
40 | 56900 | 63200 | 69100 | 81100 | 92300 |
सूत्रों के हिसाब से केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार 50-50% पर अपनी सहमति बना सकती हैं । पेंशन की रकम बनी है यह तो तय है , बढ़ी हुई पेंशन की रकम एक अप्रैल 2019 से दी जाएगी , इस नई स्कीम से केंद्र सरकार पर लगभग हर साल 50 हजार करोड़ का अतिरिक्त भार सहना पड़ेगा ।
अभी की स्थिति यह है ।
अभी भारत के अलग अलग राज्य में अलग-अलग पेंशन दी जाती है , दिल्ली, हरियाणा और आंध्र प्रदेश में वृद्धावस्था पेंशन ₹1000 की राशि दी जाती है । वही राजस्थान, बिहार ,महाराष्ट्र, हिमाचल प्रदेश में ₹300 से लेकर रुपए तक राशि प्रतिमाह पेंशन के तौर पर की जाती है । इन राज्यों में कुल लाभार्थियों की संख्या 3 करोड़ से भी अधिक है ।
The President is pleased to decide that in respect of Central Government employees, who retired on or after January 1, 2020 and up to June 30, 2021, the amount of DA to be taken into calculation of gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave,” as per details provided by the Office Memorandum issued by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. Also Read – 7th Pay Commission: Good News! Ajit Pawar Promises to Implement 7th Pay Commission for PMC Employees
According to these details, central government employees retired during the period from 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2020 get DA of 21 per cent of basic pay for the calculation.
Central government staff retired during the period from 01.07.2020 to 31.12.2020 get DA of 24 per cent of basic pay for the calculation.
The central government staff retired between 01.01.2021 and 30.06.2021 get the maximum 28 per cent of basic salary as DA for the calculation.
What is Level 7 pay scale?
What is Level 7 pay scale?
According to the 7th pay commission pay matrix, a Level-7 employee will get a salary from Rs 44,900 to Rs 1,42,400 per month. Means, after successful completion of the recruitment process, the candidate will get an initial monthly salary of Rs 44,900 plus other allowances like Dearness Allowance (DA), TA, HRA, etc.
When 7th pay commission implemented?
On 25 September 2013 then Finance Minister P Chidambaram announced that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has approved the constitution of the 7th Pay Commission. Its recommendations are likely to be implemented with effect from 1 January 2016.
What is order 7cpc?
Every plaint shall state specifically the relief which the plaintiff claims either simply or in the alternative, and it shall not be necessary to ask for general or other relief which may always be given as the Court may think just to the same extent as if it had been asked for.
What is 7th CPC level?
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The new 7th Pay Commission Pay matrix has been designed in such a way to represent all 6th CPC running pay bands subsumed with the grade pay and multiplied with the fitment factor ranging from 2.56 to 2.72 in one table. … The Seventh CPC is recommending a Pay matrix with distinct Pay Levels.
What happens when Da crosses 25%?
The HRA amount for all employees living in either of the X, Y and Z categories will also be subject to revision if the Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 25 per cent as per the rules laid down in a government notification. If DA exceeds 25 per cent, the new HRA will become 27 per cent, 18 per cent and 9 per cent. 7th pay fixation table , 7th pay fixation table , 7th pay fixation table , pay scale chart pdf , pay scale chart pdf , pay scale chart pdf , 7th cpc pay calculator , 7th cpc pay calculator , 7th cpc pay calculator , government pay scale calculator , government pay scale calculator , government pay scale calculator, 7th pay fixation table, pay scale chart pdf , 7th cpc pay calculator, government pay scale calculator
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ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइटcscdigitalsevasolutions.com के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।
अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे Like और share जरूर करें ।
इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…
Posted by Sanjit Gupta
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The new 7th Pay Commission Pay matrix has been designed in such a way to represent all 6th CPC running pay bands subsumed with the grade pay and multiplied with the fitment factor ranging from 2.56 to 2.72 in one table. … The Seventh CPC is recommending a Pay matrix with distinct Pay Levels.
On 25 September 2013 then Finance Minister P Chidambaram announced that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has approved the constitution of the 7th Pay Commission. Its recommendations are likely to be implemented with effect from 1 January 2016.
According to the 7th pay commission pay matrix, a Level-7 employee will get a salary from Rs 44,900 to Rs 1,42,400 per month. Means, after successful completion of the recruitment process, the candidate will get an initial monthly salary of Rs 44,900 plus other allowances like Dearness Allowance (DA), TA, HRA, etc.
Every plaint shall state specifically the relief which the plaintiff claims either simply or in the alternative, and it shall not be necessary to ask for general or other relief which may always be given as the Court may think just to the same extent as if it had been asked for.
The HRA amount for all employees living in either of the X, Y and Z categories will also be subject to revision if the Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 25 per cent as per the rules laid down in a government notification. If DA exceeds 25 per cent, the new HRA will become 27 per cent, 18 per cent and 9 per cent.