Jharkhand Polytechnic 2023: PECE Counselling (Started), Seat Allotment

By Jackson Andrews

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Jharkhand Polytechnic Directing 2023,The enrollment interaction for Jharkhand Polytechnic Advising 2023 began on 7 September 2023 and the applicants can apply for the primary round of seat portion till 13 September 2023. The enlistment interaction will include finishing up selections of schools and courses by the competitors and installment of the application expense. Jharkhand Polytechnic first round designation interaction will continue as per the decisions filled by the up-and-comers | jharkhand polytechnic directing 2023 | counselling 2023 | jharkhand polytechnic result 2023


The Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECE) has released the application form for Jharkhand Polytechnic 2023 on February 27, 2023. PECE (Polytechnic Entrance Competitive Examination) is a state-level entrance exam held once a year to offer admission into various Diploma courses in both engineering and non-engineering fields. Successful candidates from this exam can gain admission to numerous Government and Private Polytechnic institutions across Jharkhand. This article provides a complete guide to Jharkhand Polytechnic 2023, including details on eligibility criteria, exam date, exam pattern, syllabus, and more.

Jharkhand Polytechnic 2023 Exam Details

Aspect Details
Exam Name Jharkhand Polytechnic 2023 (PECE)
Full Form Polytechnic Entrance Competitive Examination
Organizing Body Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB)
Application Mode Online
Exam Level State-Level
Courses Offered Engineering and Non-Engineering Diploma Courses
Exam Mode Offline

Jharkhand Polytechnic Guiding 2023 

The guiding for the primary round of seat assignment in Polytechnic Courses has started web-based on the site of the Jharkhand Consolidated Entry Cutthroat Assessment Board. The connection for enlistment is given there. The bit-by-bit course of enlisting for advising will be shared by us in this article. For the present, the competitors can view every one of the subtleties that are related to the guiding system in this table of features ready by us beneath.

Conducting Authority Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board
Courses Offered Polytechnic Courses
Session 2023-23
Article Category Jharkhand Polytechnic Counselling
Counselling Process Registration: Start Date 7 September 2023
Counselling Process Registration: Last Date 13 September 2023
Dates for Edition in filled Choices 14 September 2023 and 15 September 2023
Mode of Counselling Online
Official Website https://jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in/

How to enroll for Jharkhand Polytechnic Guiding 2023? 

  • First and foremost, the up-and-comers need to go to the Jharkhand Joined Entry Serious Assessment Board which is jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in.
  • On the landing page of the site, the competitors need to look for a connection that peruses “Web based Directing for Confirmation in Polytechnic 2023”.
  • Presently, the competitors need to tap on that connection.
  • On the new page, the competitors need to produce their login subtleties (login id and secret word) by entering their application number and date of birth.
  • When the up-and-comers have entered these subtleties accurately, the login id and secret key will be shipped off them actually on their enlisted email account.
  • The up-and-comers need to sign in utilizing the login certifications gave to them.
  • Presently, the up-and-comers can continue to fill in every one of the subtleties in the enlistment structure for advising including the selections of courses and schools.
  • In the wake of filling in every one of the subtleties the competitors need to pay the application expense by any web-based installment technique and present the enlistment structure for Jharkhand Polytechnic Guiding 2023

JEECUP Directing Timetable 2023: Examination Polytechnic Decision Locking Interaction

Central issues in regards to Jharkhand Polytechnic Directing 

  • There is no restriction to the number of decisions that competitors can fill in the enrollment structure, so it is prompted that they fill in however many decisions as they need.
  • The up-and-comers will be given a choice to alter their decisions through the login entrance on the site on 14 September 2023 and 15 September 2023. So in the event that regardless, the up-and-comers need to refresh their decisions for affirmation they can do it on the site on the previously mentioned dates.
  • After the release in the decisions, they will be locked for the principal round of designation.
  • The up-and-comers should ensure the installment of the enrollment charge is done effectively.

Registration Fee : 

Category Registration Fee
General/EWS/BC-I/BC-II Rs. 400/-
SC and ST Rs. 250/-
Female Candidates of all categories Rs. 250/-

Jharkhand Polytechnic Confirmation Cycle 2023 

After the culmination of the primary round of the advising system, the seat apportioning result will be delivered on 20 September 2023. The applicants whose names show up on the seat portion rundown will actually want to download the temporary seat assignment letter on the site from 21 September 2023 to 28 September 2023.

For the last round of the affirmation cycle, the competitors should answer to the allocated school with the designation letter and different archives, their reports will be checked and their induction into the universities will be affirmed. Competitors who are not dispensed a seat in that frame of mind round of guiding can enlist for the subsequent round. The insights about the second round of advising will be shared by our entrance from now on. jharkhand polytechnic directing 2023 | counselling 2023 | jharkhand polytechnic result 2023 jharkhand polytechnic directing 2023 | counselling 2023 | jharkhand polytechnic result 2023

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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JEECUP Directing Timetable 2022

✔️ What is the last date to enroll for Jharkhand Polytechnic Directing 2022?

The applicants can enroll for the directing internet based till 13 September 2022.

✔️ Will up-and-comers apply for the advising system disconnected?

No, the up-and-comers can select web based advising on the site jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in

✔️ How might the up-and-comers contact the expert for any questions about the advising system?

The applicants can contact the power through the accompanying contact subtleties.

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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