Download Covid Vaccination Certificate by Mobile Number?

By Jackson Andrews

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Vaccine Certificate we have shared the detailed guide, in this article you will get all information about downloading the Vaccine Certificate by Name. We have also shared many articles related to vaccine certificate download, these are a little different from this article. In this article, you will know how you can download a vaccine certificate by name. So read the article till the end.( covid-19 vaccine download by mobile cowin gov in, cowin, cowin. gov. in, cowin gov in, cowin certificate, cowin portal


Download COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate

The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a threat to India but it is to the whole world. In order to fight with the Pandemic Serum Institute Of India has developed the vaccine for India. India, which has a population of more than 125 crore, is now the biggest producer of vaccines

a profe that help shows who is vaccinated or not, India and all over country sufferimg from SARS-COV-2 pandemic.Every citizen getting vaccinated to fight against the COVID. A aggriment of COVID-19 shows that which citizen vaccinated or which is not vaccinated,which is usually called COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate. Through this post you know how to download COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate,to know all about how to download it you must read at the end.

Covid Certificate Download By Mobile No 2022

जैसे की आप सभी जानते हैं की अब स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा चलए जा रहे Cowin पोर्टल पर आप अपने वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं| हम आपको बताना चाहते हैं की Covid Vaccine सर्टिफिकेट बी मोबाइल नंबर का प्रयोग करके डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं| यदि आप अपनी दोनों डोज़ ले चुके हैं वो अपना सर्टिफिकेट जल्दी से डाउनलोड करले क्युकी अभी ये काफी पब्लिक प्लेस पर अनिवार्य होगया है| मोबाइल नंबर से वैक्सीन सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड करना अब अब बहुत हे आसान है क्युकी आपको सिर्फ Cowin की वेबसाइट पर जाना है व् उसके बाद अपने मोबाइल नंबर से पहली दूसरी व् बूस्टर डोज़ का सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं|

COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate

You can download Corono Virus Diseases 2019 vaccinated certificate very easily from the official CO-WIN portal i.e. vaccinated certificate downloading process is very easy,even that person can download it which can read english.The vaccines are make India like as a magic. The third time wave of SAS-COV-2 was arrived in very short times.Vaccine made immunity for fight with corona and our body defeat corona. Vaccine Certificate is a degatal certificate which easy download with the help of mobile or pc and you can also print on A4 paper. By reading at last anyone can download very easy, but he/she must have which mobile number regustered at the vaccination time.

Download Vaccine Certificate

COVID-19 vaccine certificate shows details about  an individual,you wil find date and time on vaccine certificate. The certificate you can download in pdf format,You can download vaccine certificate from you can direct print vaccine certificate with help of printer machine. There are lot of ways available on internet how to download vaccination certificate,but we are going to very simple ways to dowload vaccination certificate.


                                                               Some people search about how to download vaccination certicate by  the Name,Aadhaar Number or Mobile. We tell kind your information the downloading proccess of vaccination certificate is very simple when we use mobile number for downloading,like maggi in just 2 Minute! Vaccination Certificate can be very easy download by visting on and fill the required informations.Lets learn about any person can download her/his vaccination certificate by own mobile number.

How To Download COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate?

Follow the step to download the vaccine certificate,Lets learn the downloading proccess step-by-step.

Step 1. For download vaccine certificate visit on and click on the (Register & Sign) In which will shows on top right corner behind three dot.cowin. gov. in    

step 2. After you redirect on next page and you shows a box,you will fill your number in this box and after check your number(correct or incorrect) then click on Get OTP.

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Step 3. After you will redirect another webpage and you can see the message(An OTP has been sent to xxxxxxxx09), then check your mobile number that regestered you will get six letter OTP. After you fill them here and click on verify & Proceed. covid-19 vaccine download by mobile

covid-19 vaccine download by mobile, co win govt in, co win govt in, co win govt in

Step 4. After you redirect on another webpage and their mention your detail like as date of birth. And you show a certificate button you click on Show Certificate button.

corona vaccine certificate download

Step 5.  After you redirect on another webpage and you shows download and  Save To DIGILOCKER.You can click download button and print them. In this ways we gets know about details  information about COVID-Vaccine Certificate.


How To Download Vaccine Certificate by Name?

To download by Name you have to follow the following step-by-step guide

  1.    To download by Name firstly you have to visit the
  2. After visiting the official website of CoWIN, you will find three vertical dots, tap on it.
  3. After tapping on the three vertical dots, a pop-up will be visible before you, where you will find an option of Vaccine Services, tap on it.
  4. After tapping on the option of Vaccine Services more options will be visible, from these options, choose the option of download certificate.
  5. After tapping on the option of Download Certificate you will redirect to a webpage where you will be asked to enter the mobile, enter the mobile which was registered at time of vaccination.
  6. After filling the mobile number, tap on the option of Get OPT.
  7. After tapping on the above mentioned option you will be an OTP of six-digit, fill the otp on the text box tap on the option of Verify & Proceed.
  8. After tapping on the option mentioned option you will redirect to a webpage where you will find your name, now tap on your.
  9. After tapping on your name you will be able to download 
Official Website Click Here
DMER Homepage Click Here

Vaccine Certificate By Mobile Number

So the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare now allows citizens who get Vaccine to Download by Mobile Number for all the doses. Now people who got vaccinated in recent days can download using their MObile Number and after which they can use it for further purpose. All of us know that Covid Cases are again rising, so you must complete your Vaccination before the due date to be secure from infection. Moreover, is the official portal from where you can download Cowin pdf for 1st,2nd and Booster Dose. In this post you can get to know about steps to download Vaccine Certificate by Mobile Number and direct link to download PDF by Mobile Number. covid-19 vaccine download by mobile,,cowin, cowin. gov. in, cowin gov in, cowin certificate, cowin portal, cowin, cowin. gov. in, cowin gov in, cowin certificate, cowin portal, cowin, cowin. gov. in, cowin gov in, cowin certificate, cowin portal, cowin, cowin. gov. in, cowin gov in, cowin certificate, cowin portal

Covid-19 Certificate Download by Mobile Number

Portal Name, Cowin App
Started by Ministry of Health & Family Affairs
Services   Download, Slot Booking
Detail required to Download  Mobile Number or Reference ID
Type of Certificate 1st Dose, 2nd Dose and Booster Dose
Purpose of Download Access to Public Places and entry on Hotels etc
Type of Post All Certificates
Cowin Certificate Download

cowin. gov. in, cowin gov in, certificate, portal | Mr. Narendra Modi has launched a vaccination drive in India from 16th January 2022 |


✔️Is it possible to get infected with COVID-19 twice?

“Initially, yes, you would be protected from a second infection, but if that decline in antibody levels is rapid from the infection, then you may not necessarily have enough of the antibodies to prevent a second infection.” In other words, you might not get a free pass for 90 days

✔️How do I pre-register myself online for a COVID-19 vaccination appointment?

Online registration and appointment can be done through Co-WIN portal.

You will have to give some basic information about yourself and details of your photo identification card to get yourself registered online.

From one mobile phone number, one can register 4 people, however, each person will need their own photo identification document.

If Aadhar card is used as identification document, consent will be obtained and recorded.

✔️Why do some people get fever after taking COVID-19 vaccine?

This immune response is triggered by an antigen present in the vaccine. The blood flow in the body is increased to increase the circulation of the defensive immune cells in the body. This can lead to an increase in body temperature, which can consequently show up as fever.

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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