[Check] Big News! Subsidy started on LPG cylinder again?

By Jackson Andrews

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The bank made a drastic change in the rules of LPG gas subsidy saying that now LPG gas subsidy will not go to the bank account of those people whose account balance does not have at least ₹ 3000. LPG Gas, gas subsidy status, lpg subsidy status check, lpg subsidy status online, lpg subsidy status, 


Recently people had complained a lot to the gas agency due to non-receipt of LPG gas subsidy. There was also a complaint that due to the minimum amount, penalty is also being deducted from their bank account, earlier LPG gas subsidy used to come regularly in the account but now for few months due to minimum amount, LPG gas subsidy in the account. It does not come and money is also deducted by the banks in the name of penalty

Check Subsidy Status Online

Let us tell you that the reason behind this is a directive issued by the Modi government a few days ago, according to the victory, if you have less than ₹ 3000 in your account, then you will not get LPG gas subsidy

Check Indian Gas Subsidy Click Here
HP Gas Subsidy Click Here
Bharat Gas Subsidy Click Here

You must remember that a few days ago, the central government had distributed many LPG gas connections for free under the Ujjwala scheme, as well as in the category of subsidy, those who already have gas connections but their Economic condition is weak. Due to which the government decided to give LPG gas cylinder subsidy to these poor sections

Bank accounts can be re-activated in this way

However, after opening crores of bank accounts across the country, and now after the government directive, due to no transaction in the account, it has been deactivated due to which you are not able to get the subsidy of your LPG gas cylinder. Also, under Jan Dhan Yojana, many accounts were opened at the same time, on which no transaction took place and they have also been deactivated, so you can go to your bank and activate your accounts by giving Pune Aadhar and some necessary documents. You can get it done and get your LPG gas subsidy in your account

Check Gas Subsidy INDIAN, HP, Bharat
Scheme Subsidy
HP Gas Check Click Here
INDIAN Gas Check Click Here
Bharat Gas Check Click Here

Know how to check Indane Gas Booking Status Online?

Consumers can keep themselves updated on the status of their online refill booking of Indane Gas or for a new connection. One has to follow the below-mentioned list of steps:

  1. Step: First, log on to the official web portal of Indane Gas.
  2. Step: Use your respective login credentials and access your private account on the Indane site (existing customers).
  3. Step: Now click on the option which states ‘View Order History’ and click on the relevant order for which you prefer to know the status.
  4. Step: Now you can find the refill booking status of Indane Gas through online

Eligibility Criteria for PMUY?

One should fulfil the below-mentioned list of criteria to be eligible for securing the benefits of PMUY. 

  • ✔️ The beneficiary should be an Indian citizen. 
  • ✔️ Should have attained the age of 18 years. 
  • ✔️ Should not be availing any benefit under other similar schemes. 
  • ✔️ The beneficiary should be a woman belonging to a below poverty line family. 
  • ✔️ The beneficiary should not have an LPG connection in her name. 
  • ✔️ The name of the beneficiariy should be included under the list of BPL households under SC/ST households, AAY, SECC 2011, Most Backward Classes (MBC), people residing in river islands, forest dwellers, Tea and Ex-Tea Garden Tribes

LPG status check online 2022?

  1. Visit the official page of http://mylpg.in/
  2. Choose your LPG service provider and click on ‘Join DBT’.
  3. If you don’t have an Aadhaar number, click the other icon to join the DBTL option.
  4. Now visit the official website of your preferred LPG provider.
  5. A complaint box will open, enter the subsidy status.
  6. Now proceed to click on the subsidy related (PAHAL).
  7. Now scroll down to the ‘Subsidy Not received ’ icon.
  8. A dialog box will open with two options, i.e. the registered mobile number and LPG ID.
  9. Enter the 17 digit LPG ID in the space provided on the right-hand side.
  10. Give your registered mobile number, punch the captcha code and proceed.
  11. You will receive an OTP on the registered mobile number.
  12. Once directed to the next page, enter your email id and create a password.
  13. An activation link will be sent to the email ID. Click on the link.
  14. Once done with the above procedure, your account will be activated.
  15. Again, login to http://mylpg.in account and mention your bank with an Aadhaar card linked to the LPG account in the popup window.
  16. After verification, submit your request.
  17. Now tap on the View cylinder booking history /subsidy transferred

Large number of inactive accounts

The administration had opened large amount of Jan Dhan accounts, and LPG gas subsidy was also being given in these accounts, but at present many accounts of Jan Dhan have become active, due to which LPG gas subsidy is being given in these accounts. By not reaching the accounts, it gets stuck in the bank itself, now it is your responsibility to make sure that your account is on or off

If your bank account is closed, you can get the LPG gas subsidy activated by taking the necessary documents in your account

LPG Gas Help Line Number?

  1. indane gas helpline number: 1800-2333-555
  2. HP gas helpline number: 1800 233 3555
  3. Bharat gas helpline number: 1800 22 4344

What does pmuy stand for?

In order to provide clean cooking fuel to every poor households especially in rural areas, the Government had launched “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana” on 01.05

What is the subsidy on gas cylinder 2022?

The subsidy amount on domestic cylinders depends on the city and it falls in the range between Rs 420 – Rs 465 for a 14.2 kg cylinder. In case of a non-domestic LPG cylinder, the subsidy rates fall between Rs 593 – Rs 605 per cylinder

Is gas subsidy stopped in 2022?

“Note Dear Customer: The subsidy has not been abolished but at present also the subsidy on domestic LPG gas is in vogue and varies from market to market. As per the PAHAL (DBTL) scheme 2014, the amount of subsidy for a market is 1/4th the amount of ‘subsidized cylinder’ and ‘non-subsidised cylinder’

How much is the LPG subsidy amount in March 2022?

The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has hiked the price of 14.2 kg liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder by Rs25 each in metro cities. Starting March 01, 2022, a 14.2 kg non-subsidised LPG cylinder is available at Rs819 each in Delhi and Mumbai from the previous month’s Rs794 per cylinder each.

Can I get LPG cylinder without connection?

Previously, distributors and companies didn’t let anyone book an LPG connection without address proof. However, with the new rules in place, customers can now easily buy a 5 kg LPG cylinder by visiting their nearby Indane gas distributors or point of sale. … These cylinders are BIS certified

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Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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lpg subsidy status

Q- How much is the LPG subsidy amount in March 2021?

The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has hiked the price of 14.2 kg liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder by Rs25 each in metro cities. Starting March 01, 2021, a 14.2 kg non-subsidised LPG cylinder is available at Rs819 each in Delhi and Mumbai from the previous month’s Rs794 per cylinder each.

Q- Is gas subsidy stopped in 2021?

“Note Dear Customer: The subsidy has not been abolished but at present also the subsidy on domestic LPG gas is in vogue and varies from market to market. As per the PAHAL (DBTL) scheme 2014, the amount of subsidy for a market is 1/4th the amount of ‘subsidized cylinder’ and ‘non-subsidised cylinder’

Q- What is the subsidy on gas cylinder 2021?

The subsidy amount on domestic cylinders depends on the city and it falls in the range between Rs 420 – Rs 465 for a 14.2 kg cylinder. In case of a non-domestic LPG cylinder, the subsidy rates fall between Rs 593 – Rs 605 per cylinder

Jackson Andrews

Biography: Introduction: Jackson Andrews is an accomplished journalist and content creator based in New York City, USA. Specializing in the realms of net worth analysis and the latest news, Jackson has a talent for presenting complex financial data and news trends in an engaging and understandable manner. Education: Undergraduate Degree:…

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