Vaccine Certificate Download by Name, Mobile Number


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CSC as a COWIN warrior, will facilitate in the registration and scheduling of the beneficiaries in every corner of India enabling as a access point for the vaccination drive through CSC VLEs. Co-WIN platform with the help of VLE shall help to assist to the best of its capacity by providing inclusivity, speed and scalability, Covid Vaccine Registration, cowin vaccine registration, covid-19 vaccine, cowin gov in,


Cowin Covid Vaccine Registration Online – Covid Vaccine Registration for 18 years old link & Process are mentioned on this page. Get Co-Win registration details here. All information about Covid Vaccine registration will be available on our website. We request everyone to register for this vaccination. Because of this disease, the government has made plans to get the vaccination done as soon as possible. All the information about which will be available on our website. You can get registered sitting at home, you will not have to go outside

This vaccination has started. You can register for it online. Registrations have been started from April 28, 2021, but vaccination will be started from 4 pm on 1 May. The government has set up several vaccination centers in all the states, which will be started on May 1. You can keep them and your family safe by registering them online. We request everyone to keep two yards away from each other, use the sanitizer after meeting anyone, do not use any food without washing, and do not leave home without reason

Above 18 Vaccination Certificate Download

This vaccination can only be applied to people above 18 years of age. Because some rules have also been set for vaccination, which you must follow. If you want to avoid this disease, then you will have to get vaccinated. Get your registration done soon and get the vaccination done. We hope that you will be at home because it is not safe for anyone to go out at such a time. For more information, you can also check by visiting the official website, the link of which will be available in our article

To avoid the coronavirus, you have to get your registration done online. After online registration, you will have to go to your private covid vaccination center and get the vaccine. If you do this, then it will be easy to avoid this disease. You can register online with Aarogya Setu App and Umang App. Then you must first download this app on your phone, after downloading you can apply for vaccination. You will also get complete information about it from the online portal

COWIN Covid-19 Vaccine Registration 1st, 2nd Dose

You can check how you have to register by going to the online portal. For this registration, you will need your phone number which is in use. Through a phone number, you can register only four people with their own photo ID. For the residents, you must be above 18 years of age and below 45 years, only those whose age will be as per the prescribed age will be vaccinated. Get your vaccination done soon and get rid of this diseas



Documents Needed for Co-Win Registration

To apply online for this vaccination, you will also need some documents to get the conditions. It is very important to get these deserts done because this disease is spreading very much. Day by day millions of people are dying due to this disease. If you do not register on time, the disease will spread even more. If you do not have the necessary documents to get the conditions done, your registration is difficult. Also, it is mandatory to have your phone number for this registration

The following information is given about the documents, out of which you can get your registration done through any document. Read the following points carefully, which are as follows

  • ✔️ Aadhar Card
  • ✔️ Driving License
  • ✔️ Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour
  • ✔️ Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) NREGA Job Card
  • ✔️ Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs
  • ✔️ PAN Card
  • ✔️ Passbooks issued by Bank/Post Office
  • ✔️ Passport
  • ✔️ Pension Document
  • ✔️ Service Identity Card issued to employees by Central/ State Govt./ Public Limited Companies
  • ✔️ Voter ID

State wise Cowin Registration

Arunachal Pradesh (Free)
Assam (Free)
Andhra Pradesh
Bihar (Free)
Chhattisgarh (Free)
Delhi (Free)
Goa (Free)
Gujarat (Free)
Haryana (Free)
Himachal Pradesh (Free)
Jharkhand (Free)
Jammu & Kashmir (Free)
Karnataka (Free)
Kerala (Free)
Ladakh (Free)
Madhya Pradesh (Free)
Maharashtra (Free)
Manipur (Free)
Meghalaya (Free)
Mizoram (Free)
Nagaland (Free)
Odisha (Free)
Punjab (Free)
Rajasthan (Free)
Sikkim (Free)
Telangana (Free)
Tamil Nadu (Free)
Tripura (Free)
Uttarakhand (Free)
Uttar Pradesh (Free)
West Bengal (Free)

How can I do Covid Vaccine Registration Online?

1. To register online, first go to the online portal, the link of which will be available in our article.
2. After that, the home will open.
3. On the home page, you have to fill in your phone number, which is in use.
4. After filling it, you have to open Arogya Setu or Umang App.
5. In the app, you will get the option of vaccination registration, click on it.
6. After clicking, the next page will open.
7. On the next page, you will have to fill in all the details asked.
8. After filing the details, your registration will be completed.
9. Take out the print copy of the registration slip

Under 18 Students vaccination for Foreign Study

Students who are planning to study abroad are concerned that they may not be allowed to travel internationally if they are not vaccinated. But now the Cowin platform is allowing registration for the Covid vaccination to all those who are turning 18 by the end of this year 2021. Step by step process of self-registration is here. Get a shot of any vaccine from your near center or Govt, Private hospitals.

Under this new change of Cowin portal, on booking an appointment after vaccine registration, an OTP of 4 digits will receive on your mobile number. For appointment verification, you must show this OTP at the vaccination center. Also, now you will enter a Pincode or district name to make an appointment, then after, 6 new options will open in front of you. With these options, you will be able to choose the age group (18+ or 45+), type of vaccine (Covishield or Covaxin), free or paid vaccine. However, due to not enough vaccine supply, many vaccination centers temporarily are closed or on hold across India, so you may wait longer to get vaccinated

COWIN Portal Covid 19 Vaccine Register Slot Booking

Now once you are applied for Cowin Portal Vaccine Registration Online and registered over there you will get an option that on which time and date you can visit the near vaccination center and also which day is available. If you choose any particular slot which is already booked then in that case you will be given more options to choose from. According to that choose Covid vaccine Online Registration Slot Booking. Remember that after successful Cowin Portal registration online you will be given this chance for slot booking. Even if you are planning that you visit directly to the covid-19 vaccine center then that is not allowed. The slot booking and other documents along with that are necessary

How to get Cowin Covid Vaccination Certificate Download

Individuals who will apply online for Covid19 Vaccine need to download Covid Vaccination certificate at www cowin gov in. You can download it from the website. It will help you in the future so it’s better to download it online. You just need to visit the website and after visiting that you will be asked for a reference Id which you have been allotted at the time of Cowin Online registration for 18+.

Covid 19 Vaccination Certificate can also be downloaded from the Arogya Setu app or Umang App Sign-in. After you get your first dose of Covishield or Covaxin you will receive a message on your registered mobile number. That message will contain all the information that your first done is successfully done. A link will be given to you from where you can download the certificate of Covid 19 vaccination online kese kare


How to register Covid Vaccine Registration Online State Wise?

The Government Of India is allowed for self Covid 19 Vaccination for above 18 age. It means all the Men, Women, Boys, Girls of 18+ Age can get vaccinated from 28th April after cowin App or website slot booking registration. Check here the steps which are as follows for Covid vaccine registration online Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and all other states of India

  • ✔️ Go to the official website first: selfregistration
  • ✔️ On the main web page you will get a tab stating as Register Now.
  • ✔️ Tap on it and let it open in the new tab.
  • ✔️ Now add your functional mobile number. After that Click on the OTP sent.
  • ✔️ An OTP will pop on your phone. Add the OTP and move further.
  • ✔️ The next page will have information like Photo Id Proof, Photo ID Number, Name, Gender, Birth year etc. Remember that all information is mandatory to be filled.
  • ✔️ After that tap the button register.
  • ✔️ Get the slot booking done. Also, get your reference ID.

There are many of states have regulated free vaccination for their peoples. But every person is first mandatory to Self Registration for Slot Booking of Covid Vaccination online at www. cowin website or App mention below. The candidates who get the first dose of any vaccine, need to register for the Second dose. You have to choose only the vaccine Covaxin or Covishield same which have taken in 1st dose for 2nd dose. There is no vaccination without Cowin Portal online registration whatever it is done online or walk-in on center. Last and most important is that use only a single mobile number while booking the first or second dose of vaccine

After Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the Covaxin jab, the next phase of Covid-19 vaccine registration and walk-ins are now open for senior citizens. The Centre said that over 25 lakh people registered for vaccination on the CoWin portal on the first day. Elderly people above the age of 60 years can register themselves. Co-WIN Covid-19 vaccine registration opened on March 01, 2021, and remains open from 9 AM till 3 PM every day. The Vaccination drive is now open for those above the age of 18 years and above. The same can be done through Arogya Setu App as well.

In the first phase, the country vaccinated the frontline workers and the next phase is now open for senior citizens (above the age of 60 years) and those above the age of 45-years with comorbidities can register to get them vaccinated. To register and book your appointment at the nearest Vaccination Centres you can check-out the user guide on the websites of the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and the National Health Authority (NHA).

Here’s a simple guide that you can follow to get yourself vaccinated. With these steps, you can apply for vaccine registration-

How to register for Covid-19 vaccination using Aarogya Setu app?

The steps to register for COVID-19 vaccination are given below:

  • ✔️ Install and open the Arogya Setu App on your phone, and select Vaccination
  • ✔️ Enter your phone number, click proceed, NOW enter the OTP, and verify to register yourself
  • ✔️ Select the Photo ID option i.e. Aadhar card, PAN Card, Passport, License, etc.
  • ✔️ Enter your district like Delhi, Haryana, etc. Date of birth,
  • ✔️ Enter the Pincode and now select the vaccination Centre near you ( select paid or free slot)
  • ✔️ Once registered you will receive and ‘SMS’ on your phone with the time slot

How to Register Using CoWin App?

You can visit the official website to complete the vaccine registration process. You will not find the CoWIN app on Play Store as it is for administrators only. You can find this on Arogya Setu App. The availability of slots to get vaccinated in the nearby hospitals is subjected to availability. Now checkout the steps to complete the registration process:

  • ✔️ Open website or Aarogya Setu App and got to the Vaccination tab
  • ✔️ Now enter your mobile number and enter the OTP that you receive
  • ✔️ A registration page will appear and you need to enter your full name, photo ID type, age, gender, and phone number on it. For example, for photo ID proof you can use your Aadhaar Card and Driving License• Click on the register button if you are registering for a senior citizen or people above the age of 60-years
  • ✔️ If you are above 45-years and have comorbidities or pre-existing medical conditions, then click on yes when asked “Do you have any co-morbidities”
  • ✔️ After registration is done, you will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number
  • ✔️ Once registered, the system will display all the account details. An individual can add four more people with the same mobile number. Click on the ‘Add button’ and add their details for registration
  • ✔️ Select the vaccination Centre as per your District/City/Pincode. Choose the Time slot and Click on

Booking option

  • ✔️ A page will appear with your booking details and Appointment Confirmation
  • ✔️ Appointment Successful page will appear at the end with all the booking details. Simply download it and save it

Those who want to reschedule their appointment in case of emergency, can log in with their mobile number, enter the OTP and make the necessary. You can do that by clicking on the edit icon below the ‘Action’ column against the registered individuals

What documents will you need for COVID Vaccination?

When you are going for COVID-19 vaccination, you need to carry your Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) or Aadhaar Card for Photo Id proof. You can also carry the specific Photo ID card that you used at the time of online registration.
Are there any Side-effects of the Coronavirus/COVID Vaccine?

Some of the most common side effects that have been reported are mild fever, soreness at the site of the injection, headache, chills, fatigue, and muscle aches. The symptoms do not last too long and are a sign that your immune system is responding well to the vaccine

If you have got a Covishield or Covaxin shot, the companies have mentioned these possible adverse effects on their websites. Here is a list of possible side-effects that you need to be aware of:

Covaxin Side-effects

The mild side-effects of the drug include pain and swelling on the injection site, redness, itching, stiffness. Some other symptoms include weakness in body ache, injection arm, fever, headache, weakness, malaise, vomiting, rashes, and nausea.

Side-effects of Covishield

Covishield’s common side-effects include pain, warmth, and swelling, tenderness, itching, and bruising on the arm where the injection shot was taken. Some people can also experience a general feeling of being unwell, tiredness, chills, headache, joint pain, nausea, or muscle ache, a small lump, fever, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, such as sore throat, high temperature, cough, runny nose, and chills.

Why should you consider health insurance for Coronavirus despite the vaccine?

Coronavirus cases started to slow down but now with the new variant coming in, the cases have started to soar up. The new COVID variant poses severe threats and early pneumonia symptoms, therefore it’s important to secure the best health treatment with an adequate coronavirus insurance policy. You can consider buying Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak health plan and any other specific health plan for COVID-19 listed on our site.

Nowadays most of the health insurance companies in India provide coverage for Coronavirus hospitalization expenses. The best part is that these COVID mediclaim policies cover the cost of ventilators, PPE kits, masks, gloves,, and other consumable items that may not be covered in a normal health insurance policy.

Check out various COVID policies on our site and secure your family from vaccination side effects also. As most of the health plans would cover the same

  • ✔️ The third phase of the COVID-19 vaccination drive starts on May 1.
  • ✔️ Registration will open at 4pm on April 28.
  • ✔️ For 18-44 year-olds, online registration is a must.
  • ✔️ From one mobile phone number, one can register 4 people.
How to register on CoWIN portal for vaccination if you are 18 years and above

With India starting its third phase of the COVID-19 vaccination drive on May 1 for all above age of 18 years, the registration process is available via, Aarogya Setu App & UMANG App.

Everything you need to know about the registration process

Where can you register?

All eligible citizens can register online and book an appointment through the CoWin portal. You may visit –

How to register

  • ✔️ To register online, you will have to give your photo ID.
  • ✔️ Register using your mobile number.
  • ✔️ From one mobile phone number, one can register 4 people, however, each person will need their own

photo ID.

  • ✔️ If the Aadhar card is used as an identification document, consent will be obtained and recorded.
  • ✔️ Schedule your vaccination appointment at a centre of your choice for May 1 onwards.
  • ✔️ To register for the vaccine via Aarogya Setu, you need to first open the app and then click on CoWin

tab available on the home screen.

  • ✔️ Select ‘vaccination registration’ and then enter a phone number, followed by OTP.
  • ✔️ Click on verify and you will be directed to the registration page.
  • ✔️ Follow the same steps as mentioned above to register.
  • ✔️ On the day of the appointment, reach the centre carrying the appointment slip and photo ID used at the time of booking the appointment.

What documents you will need?

  • ✔️ Any of the below-mentioned ID with photo may be produced at the time of registration:
  • ✔️ Aadhaar Card
  • ✔️ Driving License
  • ✔️ Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour
  • ✔️ Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) Job Card
  • ✔️ Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs
  • ✔️ PAN Card
  • ✔️ Passbooks issued by Bank/Post Office
  • ✔️ Passport
  • ✔️ Pension Document
  • ✔️ Service Identity Card issued to employees by Central/ State Govt./ Public Limited Companies
  • ✔️ Voter ID

All the States are now ready for Mass vaccination for 18 to 44 Year Age people in India. Recently the government has received Russia’s Covid19 Vaccine Sputnik V. So we are strongly urged all responsible citizens to participate in Phase 3 Covid Vaccine Registration in Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and all other states. You have to fill in all details carefully and keep the booking number to appear at the allotted time and date. The after CoWin Covid Vaccine Registration for Above 18 Year Plus registration you can take a shot of Vaccine near me Private, Government Hospitals for free, covid-19 vaccine, covid-19 vaccine, covid-19 vaccine, covid-19 vaccine, covid-19 vaccine, covid-19 vaccine, covid-19 vaccine

क्या COVID-19 टीकाकरण के लिए कोई पंजीकरण शुल्क देना होगा?

नहीं। कोई पंजीकरण शुल्क नहीं है

क्या मैं आधार कार्ड के बिना COVID-19 टीकाकरण के लिए पंजीकरण कर सकता हूं?

हां, आप निम्नलिखित में से किसी भी आईडी प्रूफ का उपयोग करके को-विन पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण कर सकते हैं: a. आधार कार्ड बी. ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस सी. पैन कार्ड डी. पासपोर्ट ई. पेंशन पासबुक एफ. एनपीआर स्मार्ट कार्ड जी. मतदाता पहचान पत्र (ईपीआईसी)

क्या सभी टीकाकरण केंद्रों पर COVID-19 का टीकाकरण मुफ्त है?

नहीं। सरकारी अस्पतालों में टीकाकरण मुफ्त है और निजी अस्पतालों में प्रति खुराक 250 रुपये तक वसूला जाता है। अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करते समय नागरिक यह जानकारी को-विन पोर्टल पर प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

क्या मुझे बिना अपॉइंटमेंट के COVID-19 का टीका लग सकता है?

45 वर्ष और उससे अधिक आयु के नागरिक ऑनलाइन अप्वाइंटमेंट शेड्यूल कर सकते हैं या टीकाकरण केंद्रों में वॉक-इन कर सकते हैं। 18-44 वर्ष की आयु के नागरिकों को अनिवार्य रूप से अपना पंजीकरण कराना चाहिए और टीकाकरण से पहले ऑनलाइन अपॉइंटमेंट शेड्यूल करना चाहिए। हालांकि, सभी नागरिकों को एक परेशानी मुक्त टीकाकरण अनुभव के लिए ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण करने और टीकाकरण को अग्रिम रूप से निर्धारित करने की सिफारिश की जाती है

क्या मुझे COVID टीकाकरण के बाद कोविद हो जाएगा?

दुनिया भर में उपयोग में आने वाले COVID-19 टीके गंभीर बीमारी और कोरोनावायरस से होने वाली मौतों को रोकने में प्रभावी हैं, लेकिन कुछ लोग शॉट्स के बाद संक्रमित हो जाते हैं। ऐसे “सफलता” मामलों के साथ, स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि टीकों से लोगों द्वारा अनुभव की जाने वाली किसी भी बीमारी की गंभीरता को कम करने में मदद मिलनी चाहिए, cowin vaccine registration, covid-19 vaccine, cowin gov in

Friends, to update, you will answer any question in your mind, you will be disabled forever, you will ask what is your answer.

ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।

अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे Like और share जरूर करें ।

इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…

Posted by Sanjit Gupta

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cowin gov in

Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine without an appointment?

Citizens aged 45 years and above can schedule appointments online or walk in to vaccination centers. Citizens aged 18-44 years should mandatorily register themselves and schedule appointments online before vaccination. However, all citizens are recommended to register online and schedule vaccination in advance for a hassle-free vaccination experience

Is COVID-19 vaccination free at all vaccination centers?

No. Vaccination is free at Government hospitals and charged up to INR 250 per dose in Private hospitals. Citizens can get this information on the Co-WIN portal while booking an appointment.

Can I register for COVID-19 vaccination without an Aadhaar card?

Yes, you can register on Co-WIN portal using any of the following ID proofs: a. Aadhaar card b. Driving License c. PAN card d. Passport e. Pension Passbook f. NPR Smart Card g. Voter ID (EPIC)

Is there any registration charge to be paid for COVID-19 vaccination?

No. There is no registration charge

Will I get Covid after COVID vaccination?

The COVID-19 vaccines in use around the world are effective at preventing severe illness and death from the coronavirus, but some people do get infected after the shots. With such “breakthrough” cases, health experts say the vaccines should help lessen the severity of any illness people experience


Sanjeet Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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